While nothing we do can every grow or diminish the immense love that God has for us, this episode explores what is described as precious in God's sight throughout first Peter. Precious things to God included suffering, Jesus, and a gentle and quiet spirit. We desire to live for God's sight because we are thankful for the forgiveness of sins that He has given to us. The only way to be precious in God's sight is to accept Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit transform you.
Published 04/06/23
Published 04/06/23
This week's episode explores different tools Christians can use as they strive to make God-honoring decisions. It refers to making righteous and sinful decisions, and the tougher decisions between two good opportunities. As we remain close to God, and through Bible reading, looking at Jesus, prayer, Christian counsel, an eternal perspective and obedient leaps of faith, we can work to discern and walk in God's will. 
Published 09/05/22
This week's episode refers to the idea that we are all known for something by those around us. It urges listeners to question and pray about what they are known for, and emphasizes that Christians should be known for following Christ. It examines Saul's conversion as an example of how what one is known for can change as they are transformed into a new creation through Jesus Christ. 
Published 06/13/22
This week's episode goes over Acts 16 and the imprisonment of Paul and Silas. It examines how Paul and Silas respond to being imprisoned, focusing on their praise, selfless witness, and sharing of the Good News. It reminds Christians that we are supposed to demonstrate selflessness as Jesus did, and become less selfish. 
Published 05/31/22
Followers of God are called to share the Good News. Through the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to be bold in this and confident in our faith. Yet, we also must remember to be loving, kind, gentle, and good in all things we do. Boldness works side-by-side with these to help us be powerful witnesses to the saving-grace of Jesus Christ.
Published 05/16/22
This week I sat down to talk with Ken, a man in zealful pursuit of the Lord. Ken continues to faithfully follow God in the midst of great difficulty and offers much wisdom. It is a must-listen for Christians and non-Christians alike to learn about what it looks like to follow Christ, and how that journey will never be in vain. 
Published 05/02/22
This week's episode is all about peace. It talks about how true peace comes from a reconciled relationship with God, which can only be accomplished through Christ (aka the Prince of Peace) and his sacrifice. In this healed relationship, a believer can have peace through all circumstances because it is peace from the Lord. 
Published 04/19/22
This week's episode focuses on sharing the Good News as the early Church in Acts did. It takes a closer look at the story of Philip and the Eunuch, and emphasizes the importance of listening to God, obeying Him, and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit when sharing the truth about Jesus with others.
Published 04/05/22
This week takes a look at the beautiful example of love shown by Christ. It examines how Christians are supposed to follow this example and love those around them with the love they were shown. This requires both humbling yourself and giving up your life in service to Him. 
Published 03/07/22
This week's episode takes a closer look at the idea of works and faith, and how works are evidence of saving faith. By the grace of God, and through believing in Jesus's sacrifice, we can be redeemed and will go to heaven. This process ultimately leads to sanctification and living out the will of the Lord. 
Published 02/21/22
In life, we are always pursuing something. This episode talks about how following God is the only way to true life-- and that following anything else leads to death. It invites repentance, or turning from our sins, to our loving Father who wants to see us saved. 
Published 02/08/22
One of the most powerful ways to witness to others is to have faith and hope that perseveres through difficulties. This episode explores this idea through passages in Mark and 1 Peter, and reminds us to remain faithful. 
Published 01/25/22
This episode takes a look at the importance of nourishing your soul. It explains how spiritual practices and staying focus on God can help us accomplish this. 
Published 01/11/22
Following the Christmas season, this "Faith Like" episode looks at the faith of the virgin Mary, the mother of our Messiah. It explores how Mary responds to God's faithfulness and blessings with humility, obedience, belief, and praise.
Published 12/27/21
This week's episode in the "Faith Like" series explores the unwavering faith of Daniel, even in the face of death. It reminds us to place our confidence in the Lord and to turn to Him in trials. 
Published 12/13/21
As a part of the "Faith Like..." series, this episode looks at the story and faith of Ruth. In this, we see the power that daily faithfulness can have, and how God works through all people and circumstances. 
Published 11/29/21
This episode is the first of the "Faith Like..." series and talks about what Abraham's faith was like, and how we should follow God in a similar way.
Published 11/15/21
This week's episode is an intro to the "Faith like..." series and takes a look at what it means to live by faith. It references that we are saved by faith, and then builds upon that idea as a foundation for living the rest of our lives with confidence in the Lord. 
Published 11/01/21
John 3:30 says "He must become greater I must become less." This concept is one of humility and is the mindset that followers of God should adopt as they strive to grow closer to Him and carry out His work here on Earth. 
Published 10/18/21
We are told in the Bible that pride is sinful, but why? This week's episode talks about pride and how it can show up in our lives. 
Published 10/05/21
This week we have Emily Kiser joining us to talk about prayer! Together we talk about why we pray, when we pray and how prayer can be powerful and change peoples' lives. Take a listen to learn about how to grow your prayer life and become closer to God. 
Published 09/20/21
All of us are searching for something to make us feel whole and satisfied, but often we are looking in the wrong places. Only God can truly satisfy our longing souls, so seek Him! 
Published 09/06/21
Praising God is such a fundimental part of faith, but sometimes it can seem hard to do so. This podcast is a reminder for why and how we praise God.
Published 08/23/21
Today I wanted to share one way that God has been working in my life lately. We are told in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that His power is made perfect in weakness, and I hope that you all will be able to see His power through this story.
Published 08/09/21