Can love really make a difference in our world? We think it can, but it might just take a new reference point for how we love.
Published 03/15/20
Published 03/15/20
Last week in the series we discovered how to find meaning without money. This week we're speaking about how we can leverage our skills to be a means to an end beyond ourselves.
Published 03/08/20
If you’re reading this, you’re probably in the 1% club. By global standards, you’re rich! Of course, you may not feel rich, but the truth is it’s time to start giving while you’re living because what you’re holding is moulding! This month we’re going to encourage each other to Be Rich by being extravagantly generous. After all, our extravagant generosity toward others is the most appropriate response to God’s extravagant generosity toward us
Published 03/01/20
Studies show that around 53% of us are unhappy at work. Around 75% of people leave their jobs because of people they work with, not the work they're doing. So how do we buck the trend and actually start finding fulfilment in our day-to-day? Could the key to loving our work be found in learning how to love the people we work with... even if their difficult people to love?
Published 02/09/20
We spend most of our life working. It could be behind a desk, behind a steering wheel or behind a smelly baby. So... does our work have to feel like hard work? Or is there a better way to make work-life, work for us?
Published 02/02/20
Many of us have viewed faith as something we do alone. We might have said that it’s private. But there’s a limit to our faith growth when we go it alone. There’s a deepening to our faith that we only experience together. When it comes to consistently growing our faith, “we” is greater than “me.” Who’s spurring on your faith and whose faith are you spurring on?
Published 01/26/20
Moving out of the shallows starts with feeding ourselves spiritually. But if we stop at that first step, we’ll be left spiritually fat rather than spiritually fit. How do we prevent that from happening? The next step involves a spiritual workout that’s unique for each of us.
Published 01/19/20
No one wants their faith to be described as shallow. But how do we go deep?
Published 01/12/20
The first Christmas was coming, ready or not. Gods plan for the world had begun and everyone was invited to participate. So, as we approach the big day again this year, we look back to that first Christmas to see how we can step into this grand plan God has for the whole world. Christmas is coming, ready or not!
Published 12/15/19
Conflict is a part of every deep relationship. If we want to do life better with people who aren't like us we need to get it right. So how do we engage in conflict and still maintain healthy relationships.
Published 12/08/19
As we celebrate two peoples public marking of a commitment to follow Jesus with baptism, we explore how although commitment can often be seen as a burden and a narrowing of options, Jesus invites us into, commitment and relationship. Could it really hold the key to life lived to the full?
Published 12/01/19
Feedback can feel like a dirty word sometimes. But we all want to grow and get better don't we? With our family, finances, relationships maybe even our faith. How to we get better and seek feedback while recognising our need to be loved for who we are right now. Maybe we have less to prove than we think, maybe our identity could be the key to getting this right! Its hard to improve when we've got something to prove.
Published 11/24/19
In all our relationships there will be gaps between what we hope or expect the other person to say or do, and what we actually experience. We have a choice what we place in those gaps. We can choose love, forgiveness, honesty and trust, or we can choose suspicion.
Published 11/17/19
Diversity really is the spice of life. Our worlds are full of people who aren't like us. So how do we live well with people when what we say isn't always what others hear? How can the words we choose help us live better with people who are nothing like us?
Published 11/10/19
The bible is the big story of how God restored the relationship with broken people like us. So... How'd he do it?
Published 10/27/19
The Old Testament chronicles God’s redemptive, sequential activity in history. It’s a fabulous, gritty, epic history of the Hebrew people in which, over and over, Israel is reminded that they are a divine means to an end. So, maybe instead of seeing the Old Testament as a spiritual guidebook or a storyline that needs to be tidied up, we should see it as something even better: the history of God preparing the world for a Saviour.
Published 10/20/19
“In the beginning. . . .” can be a loaded phrase—one that forces us into debate and doubt. But maybe we’re missing the point of Genesis 1:1—a point Moses made to a world where the violence and injustice of the gods justified and legitimised the violence and injustice of human rulers. Moses introduced a radically different, unparalleled, and untested worldview.
Published 10/13/19
Most of us know some Bible stories, but very few of us know the story of the Bible. And it may be surprising to discover it’s a story that doesn’t actually begin in the beginning. It begins with the accounts of a few men who sat down to record the death and resurrection of Jesus. It begins with the words of his followers who were compelled to document the events that had changed everything for them—because they knew it could change everything for us.
Published 10/06/19
Actions have consequences right? But what happens when the price gets too high? When the things we do that hurt the people around us need accounting for, grace could be the answer we're looking for
Published 09/29/19
We all find life complicated from time to time. We all want to get it right. What if the key to living life to the full could be found in connecting relationally?
Published 09/22/19
We all want a bit more satisfaction from life right? This week Karen unpacks how serving as part of something beyond yourself could be the key to finding purpose.
Published 09/15/19
Few things are as repulsive as a leader, parent, boss, or politician who leverages influence for his or her benefit to the neglect of those he or she is responsible for. Few things are as inspiring as a leader who says no to himself or herself in order to say yes to those for whom he or she is responsible. So how can we lead well when authority is placed in our hands?
Published 08/18/19
David went from humble shepherd to national hero to great king. But he wasn't great because of his reputation or military prowess. He was great because of where he'd learned to place his hope.
Published 07/28/19
The best way to predict your future is to pay attention to where you’re headed. But sometimes it’s easy to get distracted by what’s on the path. The appeal of money, acceptance, or security can lower your defenses and lead you away from the path you want to be on. So is there a way back? How do we change course when we realise that we’ve chosen a path that leads us to what’s appealing instead of what’s ultimately satisfying?
Published 07/15/19