Carl talks about Chefie and her 5 puppies Ombokolo, Basketmouth, Griff, Deepfriedman and I cant remember the other code names because Nelsy has not approved them. Carl goes through the gig schedule. TICKETS ARE on sale please support! www.carljoshuancube.com
Published 07/23/16
Published 07/23/16
Carl Joshua Ncube gives some more insight about this Guinness World Record Attempt (projects like #WhoWouldYouRunFor #MovieComedy #withSterKinekor #GirlsKillingIt #AfricanComedyCircuit #AfricanCook) and also introduces some of his favourite music by KARIZMA and SYNIK and makes a whole bunch of mistakes coz he sucks at doing these podcasts!
Published 07/23/16
The awesome ALBUM by Mc Tytoh affectionately known as Uncle Tytoh
Published 06/08/16