I felt helpless and hopeless when the woman I just knew was the one for me told me to get lost. I found love, the woman of my dreams, only after I gave up fighting myself, thinking that another person could make me happy. Once I stopped fighting and really enjoyed learning to love myself, she came into my life...
Published 04/22/24
Published 04/22/24
When it comes to manifesting, Jerry Emeka says the simplest advice is 'let it be true.' I am so thrilled to have my friend as a guest on today's episode. 
Published 04/09/24
When it comes to manifesting, it isn't that you're doing a technique wrong. It's our dogged insistence that we are not already who we want to be. 
Published 04/03/24
Hey there! Go easy on yourself, you beautiful, eternal being, you! 
Published 03/30/24
Mike shares a couple of stories on this episode. One from a friend who was certain he would be fired and a story from a woman who dreamed of the perfect home and now lives in it!  
Published 03/19/24
I'm happy to share my conversation with my friend and special guest, Tony Doyle!
Published 03/12/24
I was so thrilled when Grant Monk and Alessandra Filippi agreed to share a little bit about their love story. I'm sure we can all agree that love with a loving partner is a popular topic in manifesting circles. Grant and Alessandra show how simple it can be. I look forward to having them on again soon to share more of their story. I want to hear your story too. Send it to [email protected]
Published 02/27/24
This is a new thing I'm doing. I have been wanting to bring guests on and this is the first of what will likely become a new, separate podcast.  My first guest is a name that anyone diving into manifesting over the last couple of decades will recognize,  Mr. Twenty Twenty. 
Published 02/12/24
You're immense, eternal, a limitless being imagining limited stories. That’s not just a cute little manifesting saying. It’s truth!  You’re the dreamer, dreaming your story. That’s not metaphor. This is a dream. An imaginal universe. Malleable. Nothing is fixed unless you want it to be. 
Published 02/11/24
What I do know is this: It takes no effort. You decide what effort is.  You have the final say. The only say.  You only need to decide/ assume / imagine a thing and carry on from there.  This day, right here and now, fulfillment is already being established. It can’t not be. You’re always experiencing fulfillment. But we get so caught up in insisting it isn’t.
Published 01/23/24
You are so big and beautiful. Every possible story to experience is already within you. Stop insisting you don’t have what you do already have.
Published 01/18/24
I have found the hit and miss nature of manifesting has nothing to do with a technique or a particular teaching. It comes down to my own indecisiveness. 
Published 01/12/24
Decide a thing and it will be established for you. Look around you. Look at yourself in the mirror. See how powerful  you are? You did all of this with no effort.  You are infinitely greater than any problem and every success story you can imagine. 
Published 01/09/24
"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 Incomprehensible from a certain point of view, but so clear, so breathtaking and obvious from another. Turn to yourself. You’re not calling on a power outside of yourself. One of the most difficult things for me was truly letting go of secondary causes. I said there was no other power but my own imagination, but I held a little idea deep down that the thing I call my imagination...
Published 01/06/23
Isn't it funny how we trust the word of a teacher we've never met and likely never will more than we trust the only one that matters. Ourselves! 
Published 12/06/22
One night I something dawned on me. I have no problem keeping my promises to my friends and family. I imagine them just as they want to be and I refuse to let doubt creep in. The question I asked myself in that moment was, "Then why the hell do I continue to cave and settle, breaking my promises to myself?" My string of broken promises ended that night.
Published 08/31/22
What I really want to impress on you today is that you are beautiful. You are holy. You’re perfect. Your awareness of being is God. You are the operant power. The filter you’re using to view yourself and your world is the only thing making you think you’re less than.  What we see through the filter or our state of consciousness is so convincing we believe what we see and experience in the physical world is the only reality. And as we remain convinced, it feels nearly impossible to detach...
Published 08/21/22
You are so much more than you've let yourself believe.
Published 06/24/22
"I didn’t need to find an empty room to get into the silence. The stillness is always with me. It is me. The immovable rock of my salvation. My I Amness. The I Am never changes. My states do. But as long as I continued to believe I am the state I am presently entertaining, I could get lost in it.  Just breathe. Loosen my focus for a moment..."
Published 06/22/22
I received so many wonderful topic suggestions last week. Thank you for all the great ideas!   This episode is the first of my responses.  "I must not wait for facts to believe that I am the man that I want to be. I produce the facts if I know who I am." Neville 
Published 03/10/22
My state was the cause and a new state is the solution.  "Consciousness is the one and only reality. There is no one to whom we can turn after we discover that our own awareness is God. For God is the cause of all and there is nothing but God." Neville Goddard
Published 03/01/22
“Desiring is thinking of; living it is thinking from. Don’t desire it, live it! I go to bed tonight desiring? No, go to bed living it. Sleep as though you were now the man that you formerly desired to be, just as though it were true.” Neville Goddard
Published 02/15/22
Drop every reasonable explanation of why you can’t be the person you want to be. Not by fighting it or avoiding it, but by embracing the new state. Fasten yourself to it in Imagination.
Published 02/05/22
"Take this tonight and if you multiply what you paid when you came in by any figure in the world, it couldn’t pay for it…if you believe it. If you accept it and decide to live by it, you have bought yourself freedom, real freedom. And so what is the price of freedom? You tell me what it is worth. If you can stop short of the ultimate, well then, you don’t really want freedom. So you can’t put any price on freedom. What have you this night that you would not give in its entirety if you were...
Published 01/31/22