#90: 12 Tips for a Happy Life [Video + Podcast]
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Welcome to Episode #90 of the Fight for a Happy Life podcast, “12 Tips for a Happy Life.” We all a love a list, don’t we? Well, here’s a new one for ya! To be honest, I actually compiled this list a few years ago thinking it would make a nice poster someday… and maybe someday it still will! But for now, I just want to get it out of my notebook and say it! Of course, living a happy life based on 12 quick tips is easier said than done! But if even one or two of these reminders can make a difference to you today, great! Come back in a couple of months and give it another listen… maybe a couple of different ones will make a difference then! To LISTEN to “12 Tips for a Happy Life,” you can either: * Play the show below… or download to your device.* Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play Music or Spotify. To WATCH the video version, or READ the transcript, scroll down below. If you’d like to support this show, share the link with a friend or leave a quick review over on iTunes. Thank you! Oh—and don’t forget to sign up for free email updates so you can get new shows sent to your inbox the minute they’re released. Thanks for listening! Keep fighting for a happy life! 12 Tips for a Happy Life Here’s the video! If it won’t play, try this direct link. As always, if you’d like to keep the conversation going, feel free to leave a comment here or through my Contact Page. Transcript Today, 12 quick tips to help you fight for a happy life—on the mats, at home, in the office, on the street…anywhere! 12 – LISTEN UP. If you think you know everything that just proves you know nothing. That’s why you should spend a day—a whole day—saying nothing. Instead, absorb what the world and all the people in it are saying. You don’t have to like it, or agree with it, but challenge yourself to at least listen to it. 11 – SPEAK UP. If you want something, say it out loud. If you don’t want something, say it out loud. Practice getting your ideas and feelings out of your head, out of your heart, and into the world. Speaking up not only brings your ideas to life, but who knows—you might just catch the ear of someone who feels the same way. So, stand up and speak up. 10 – TOUGHEN UP. No matter who you are or what you want to do in this life, you’re going to take hits and hit walls. Frustration, anger, and pain don’t make you special. So, no whining. No blaming. No excuses. I’m not saying you haven’t been through rough times,...
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