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Find Your Mojo Coaching
Find Your Mojo
Mindset | Entrepreneurship | Coaching | Strategy | Burn Out Prevention
Hi, I'm Lizzie Vince, founder of Find Your Mojo Coaching, and I'm so excited to welcome you to the "Find Your Mojo" podcast. Where I'll be interviewing successful female entrepreneurs on how they've found their "mojo" (or purpose), started living life on their terms and pursued their dreams! If you're currently in an unfulfilling 9-5 and want to find your purpose so you can live a happy and abundant life, or if you're wanting to level up in your business, this podcast is for YOU!
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Recent Episodes
I was super excited, possibly the most excited I've ever been, to be interviewing sales mindset coach, Ruth Alade, who teaches female coaches how to sell and get more “yeses”.Usually we've had experiences with sales in the past that have stuck with us,...
Published 10/08/20
The 1st step is to have a pre-qualifying question, so whether people book through Calendly or Acuity, you need to have a question that says: “Are you ready to make a serious investment in yourself?”.As you don’t want to waste your time on sales calls...
Published 10/05/20
I’ve had SO many women come to me over the past few weeks feeling extremely frustrated, overwhelmed and deflated that their messaging just isn’t converting, they’re putting out of all this amazing content, but they aren’t seeing any results, they aren’t...
Published 09/30/20
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