How do you feel when people ask you to behave in a  certain way ,dress a certain way ,look a certain way ,get a certain job ,get married have babies or I sum it up as do it their way.  My question is why ?why do we have to do everything a certain way and why cant i do it my way ,because doing it my way is the only way I am going to get a different result isn't? Tune in to this episode of finding yourself ,it talks about different techniques to cope up with your surroundings who wants you to...
Published 10/17/21
Life is short ,make the most of it . You never know how much time you've got ,so make sure you use the time you have wisely. Ask yourself if you are happy with your life the way it is or do  you want to change it ? And if you want to change it ,then it requires determination, hard work and discipline ,so be willing to make those changes and stop focusing on reasons that stops you from doing that. Rather focus on what you've got and use it to its max to change your life, your future to what...
Published 10/03/21
Tune in to the fourth episode of Finding Yourself. In this episode we'll talk about how to overcome fear and anxiety.  Fear is one of the most powerful emotions and it can have a massive effect on our mental health. Fear and anxiety can last for a short term and then pass ,but sometimes you can get  stuck with it for very long time that can cause some serious health issues.  This can hold you back from doing things you want to do ,or from living a happy life .For some people this feeling is...
Published 09/26/21
The third episode of finding Yourself talks about passion ,having a direction or purpose in life. In this episode Iam going to talk about the importance of engaging yourself in something apart from your daily work. How that can help you in understanding yourself more and be a real boost to your motivation. In this episode I will tell you how I was able to recognize my passion and how engaging myself in it has really helped me become more creative and how important it is to use your mind in...
Published 09/20/21
The second episode of Finding Yourself talks about the importance of alone time . How making time for yourself gives you a better prospective ,helps you know yourself better, and how being present and caring for yourself can make a massive difference in your life. Being alone can actually help you build mental strength ,it is directly linked to increased happiness  and better life satisfaction. Join Honey while she shares some of her techniques she uses during her alone time that gives her a...
Published 09/12/21
The first episode of Finding Yourself explores "the star person"in our life who motivates you to be the best version of yourself who helps you realize your true potential so that you can find your passion and understand your calling. Sometimes we do not pay enough attention to see how we have changed over time or have become a better person because of someone else's presence in our life. And how sometimes pushing your own boundaries can help you build something amazingly beautiful. Join Honey...
Published 09/06/21