In today's episode , lets talk about heart, brain our repetitive thoughts, how to heal from your traumas and make significant changes in your life. We explore the connection between ur mind and our body , our emotions and our feelings and how to save our mind from being trapped in the past. We learn how to change negative repeat thoughts into positive thoughts and create new neural pathways in brain and transform our reality. I appreciate your time/energy thank you for listening. Make sure...
Published 09/10/23
Are you feeling overwhelmed with everything that's happening in your life right now? If so , then this podcast episode is for you. Tune in for some practical strategies on how to better manage your time and energy We will also be exploring the importance of mindfulness and self care to reduce stress and be more productive. I appreciate your time/energy thank you for listening. Make sure to subscribe & rate the show. Ready to make 2023 the best year of your life? then I invite you to...
Published 07/16/23
What if I tell you the Life of your dream is much closer than you think it is. We often think the life we want to build for ourselves is too far away and we have to cross many more bridges to get to where we want to. What if it's not? what if its is just one more try away , one more idea away , one more day and on more decision away . You never know which one NO ,YES,OPPORTUNITY is going to open all the doors for you , so how can you stop ? If today you are finding it hard to keep going ,...
Published 05/21/23
Published 05/21/23
What actually happens when you truly surrender ? Isn't it about accepting the fact that you probably can't see the  bigger picture but you choose to trust the Universe and trusting that it  is always guiding you to your highest good . In this episode we talk about how to surrender to, God , Universe , Flow ,whatever that looks like for you . This episode will help you trust that the Universe has a plan far better than your own . At the end I also share some great tips on how to surrender...
Published 04/30/23
The thought what might have been is one of the the most difficult challenges we ever face , so what would it feel like  to get up tomorrow with no burdening thoughts, no pain, no hurtful emotions, no anger no regret , not getting up tomorrow with Knots in your stomach , and you feel absolutely at peace because you have used your power to let it all go?  what would that feel like? and what would call it? I would call it real freedom to just be me . A state of non forgiveness actually destroys...
Published 02/27/23
''Show me your friends and I will show you your future'' . Someone one very dear said that to me and it is so true , because if you want to change your life you have to change your crowd .Today I want you to reconsider who are you around what are their thoughts their behaviors and how is it impacting your life? are they draining your energy or giving you energy? if they are draining it out then start this new year with a new prospective towards how do you want your life to be in next 5 years...
Published 01/29/23
Confidence isn't just for the lucky ones , its for everyone.Think about the most confident person you know. Can you see them in your mind? They look good, don’t they? All full of confidence, as if they don’t have a care in the world. The kind of person that no matter what the world throws at them, you know they’re just going to pull through. Well, guess what? Even that person has moments of self-doubt. But what do they do to deal with it?? tune in now as I share the some easy ways to boost...
Published 01/15/23
What is courage? It's surely not absence of fear. Because until you are not fearful of something what would you need courage for? So for sure it is not absence of fear , it is infact ,getting up and doing it anyway.  In this episode we talk about how to show courage to do something when you are scared to death . How to decide in moments of fear and insecurity , when you don't know what would happen if you take that step . When you cant decide if you should wait ? or decide,or wait or...
Published 01/01/23
If you’re interested in starting a meditation practice but aren’t sure where to begin, then this video is for you!You can Practice Mindfulness anywhere anytime you want  When you feel distracted , or overwhelmed with so much going around you , making mindfulness a daily practice can really benefit you and it’s a great way to improve your overall health.But as long as we understand that it is OK to take a moment for yourself , to slow down sometimes or take those little breaks during the day...
Published 07/24/22
Do you ever think about what will happen if you loose yourself while pleasing others.What will happen if you loose yourself in trying to be someone else , hating something but trying to love it at the same time . Stop living someone else's life now, and start living yours and worry only about loosing yourself. This episode is dedicated to all those who are currently in a state where they feel lost ? or are in a situation they do not belong , just know that we all go through that phase , its...
Published 06/26/22
Where you place your attention ends up guiding your actions. But if I ask What is your ideal Life ? what is it that matter . Do u know where u want yo be and if you are open enough and true enough in analyzing your actions for that potential change based on those priorities. So, How willing are you to give your life a meaning?making something incredible out of it Greatest opportunities are mostly hidden behind difficulties A single step means you are giving yourself a chance , not just today...
Published 06/13/22
When you walk into someone's home and u see a small library , doesn’t it tell you something ? it sure does. It tells you people who live there are curious ,  serious , and  are eager to learn and are interested in gaining knowledge from anywhere they can. Learning is a start of many good things in life , in this episode I talk about  the importance of reading . How it can help you grow and I am also going to share my top life changing reads so stay with me , because learning is the beginning...
Published 05/22/22
So are you a good starter ?or are you good at maintaining things or are u a rusher to finish things off? Do you end everyday with a felling of unfulfilled , and feel like you are wasting your time and not using it to its max? Many of us feel like there is so much to do but so little time to finish everything and really struggle to adhere to our own schedules Or engage ourselves into so many different activities juts to stay busy but just staying busy does not guarantee productivity . What...
Published 05/01/22
The only way to have more in life is to become more. Work on becoming more valuable . This episode is all about how to be more productive , more valuable , develop new talents and identify your full potential.You understand the concept of Personal development only when you realize that nothing is changing in your life and nothing is moving and they will only MOVE when I MOVE. So if you are someone who is struggling on the path of self development or currently feels stuck then stay tuned...
Published 04/17/22
You can't sell me anything that you are not willing to buy . What that means is if you do not believe in your potential then no one will . What others really think is you are probably too late to start that  business again , to go to university , to enroll in that course you have been thinking about, getting married starting a family. These false expectations of us fitting into that age criteria is what leads us to question ourselves everyday that it is probably too late to do what I want to...
Published 03/27/22
Are you struggling to get back?to start over again? then listen to this episode where Honey talks about how she found the courage to begin again after loosing a loved one The ability to say that I may be feeling week , and lost , disheartened and anxious and afraid but I can fix it and find the courage to get back. There are so many reasons you will find everyday as to why you can not move on , why you can not change something , you feel lost and disheartened and broken inside , and you will...
Published 03/06/22
If you have been doubting yourself lately and are ready to give up on your dream and are ready to quit , then this episode is for you. Failure comes with priceless lessons so do not loose hope , you are so close so dont quit now , have come too far to quit now.. You have everything within you to achieve your dreams your goals do not let the inner and external voices shut you down. It is indeed a difficult journey but at the end it is all going to be worth it . Just remember that every...
Published 01/30/22
Are you someone who feels stuck in the past ?and every time you need to decide something today your mind travels back to the similar moment and and you start hearing these old voices in your head ? Sometimes we feel as if  something is happening right in front of us but it feels like you have been there before u have felt this before ,as if you are going through the same experience all over again .That happens because of the fear and anxiety we feel in our present  because of our  past...
Published 01/16/22
In today’s episode I am going to talk about five simple steps on how to set up goals and plan your New Year’s resolution.  If you are someone who feels like if you are just walking through life with no real idea of what you really want , or don’t really know how to achieve your goals then Join me as I share my five top techniques on how to set up short term and long term goals and I hope this inspires you to set yours. Follow on Instagram for regular updates -...
Published 01/02/22
Are you someone who feels tired, exhausted during the day? and by the time you are home you have no energy to do anything for yourself. If you are struggling to get more out of your day, then this episode is for you. We get so engaged in trying to do everything and sometimes more than we could that we often forget to ask ourselves that how are we feeling today. And that’s where we overburden ourselves to an extent where we start feeling exhausted, unmotivated even before starting our day....
Published 12/19/21
Are you doing your best to be the best you can ?In todays episode we talk about how we waste so much time on crying over things we cant control ratger focusing on things we can.We have so many reasons for not doing good in life and we keep adding those to our list of why we are not doing good in life. Tune in to this episode of Finding Yourself where Honey talks about different techniques to focus on things we can control and use every opportunity that comes our way to prepare ourselves to...
Published 12/05/21
What is self discipline . For me it is pure self love. lot of time we see people take self discipline in a negative way , something that is going to restrict them from doing what they want to do or choosing what they want to choose. But if you are choosing something that is going to work against you then you need to rethink isnt't? Self discipline is one of the key components to self love .Tune in to this epiode of Finding Yourself where Honey talks about how being self disciplined in life...
Published 11/21/21
What would you do if you get to  do it all over again . Everything all over again . To work on that relationship again with you partner ,with your friends ,with your parents with your kids . Would you want to take that option ?Have you ever thought about it? Have you ever thought what would you do if someone gives you that one chance to say everything you want to say , get those friends back you miss talking to , get that relationship back which was actually not so bad but was broken because...
Published 11/07/21
You need to know that you matter ,regardless of what society ,family, or friends think about you . What you have and what you can do can literally change someone else's life ,so know that you matter. When someone treats you like you are just one of many other options Know your value and what you have to offer ,and never settle for anything less than what you deserve. When people treat you just one of many other options, help them by removing yourself from the equation. Its not pride – its...
Published 10/25/21