In today’s episode, we give an update about health issues we are going through right now. How it has impacted our marriage, life, and family. Plus what you can learn from our health struggles to apply in your marriage. Our health issues started last summer and played a huge role in our decision-making process. We also talked […]
Published 06/21/16
Welcome back! Alison Chrun from California is our guest for today. Alison has been married for 8 and a half years, is a mom to two boys, and presently pursuing her Masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. She blogs at Appetite for Honesty and writes for large blogs such as Scary Mommy and The Huffington Post. […]
Published 09/29/15
Heath and Alyssa Padgett are our guests for this episode. They have been married for 1 year and 1 month. Heath and Alyssa live in an RV, and spent their first year of marriage traveling for 200 days across the lower 48 states of America. They recently finished visiting all 50 States. The amazing thing about their honeymoon […]
Published 08/18/15
Tanja Pajevic is our guest for this week. She has been married for 10 years, lives in Boulder Colorado with her husband and their two sons. Tanja is a former Fulbright Fellow to Slovenia, writer and consultant. She is also the author of the best-selling marriage book, 9 Steps to Heal Your Resentment and Reboot Your Marriage. […]
Published 08/04/15
In today’s episode, Jason Pockrandt share’s his first year of marriage story. Jason has been married for 2 years, is the father to a beautiful girl, and lives in Bay City, Michigan. He is a Speaker, Life Coach of Live To Give, and author of The Confident Father’s Guidebook: Five Steps to Personal Transformation, Rediscover your […]
Published 07/21/15
It’s been a while since we released a new episode. Our move to a new city coupled with Marcus’s new job has kept us very busy for the past month. If you have moved before with kids under 3 years of age, you know its not as easy as moving to a new house without kids. But […]
Published 07/07/15
How will you describe your family in one word? In this week’s episode, Ashley shares one of the important things that has helped us enormously in our marriage. It’s called a Family Theme.  And due to us choosing one for our family, our decision-making process has become easier. Our family theme has also impacted our family positively. […]
Published 05/19/15
This week, Paul Angone is our guest. He has been married for 7 years, has two daughters, and lives in San Diego, California. Paul is the author of All Groan Up: Searching for Self, Faith, and a Freaking Job, and the best-selling book 101 Secrets for Your Twenties. He is passionate about helping twenty somethings and […]
Published 05/05/15
In this week’s episode, Ashley shares 20 marriage lessons we learned from our First Year. It’s based on one of our popular blog posts. You can read the post by clicking here. How to listen to this episode Click on the Play button below: You can also listen on iTunes or Stitcher Radio. If viewing […]
Published 04/28/15
Living in an RV is not easy, and that’s what our guests for this week, Jon and Jema Anderson do every day. Jon and Jema have been married for over 20 years, live and work full time in an RV, and have 4 kids. Description of  First Year in one or two words Jema: Chaos. […]
Published 04/21/15
Alex Barker from Michigan is our guest for this week. He has been married for 5 years and has two children. Alex is a pharmacist by profession, an online business coach part-time, and former host of the well known Leadership Dojo podcast. Note: Click here to get access to the Bonus Session about sexual challenges with […]
Published 04/14/15
This week’s episode features Mike and Monica Louie’s  First Year Story. Mike and Monica live in Vancouver, Washington, have two energetic kids, and have been married for five and a half years. Mike is a law enforcement officer and Monica blogs at ourdebtfreefamily.com where she helps people take control of their money so they can pay […]
Published 04/07/15
Megan Claire is our guest for this week. Megan is a travel blogger who blogs at Mapping Megan and calls the world home. She has been married for 2 years, enjoys traveling around the world with her husband Mike. Description of  First Year in one or two words  Adventurous. Some of the topics we discussed […]
Published 03/31/15
Amanda Snodgrass is our guest for this week. She has been married for 15 years, is a mom to 3 children, and works in the medical field. Amanda lives in Kentucky and blogs online at Post Traumatic Wife. Her blog is dedicated to helping wives and family members of soldiers with PTSD. Description of  First Year in one […]
Published 03/24/15
Our guests for this week are Josh and Erin Bender from Australia. Josh and Erin have been married for 13 years, have 2 kids and have been travelling around the world since 2012. Together they provide excellent global travel information and resources to couples, parents, families and individuals through their website. Description of  First Year […]
Published 03/17/15
Our guest for this week is Jesse Forster. Jesse lives in Kazakstan, has been married for 4 years and has two children. He is the host of Father Nation podcast, a podcast dedicated to helping fathers become great parents. Description of  First Year in one or two words New roommates. Some of the topics we […]
Published 03/10/15
In today’s episode, Ashley shares the audio version of Chapter 7: 7 Simple Steps for Getting Started, of our new eBook on Communication in Marriage. You can get a copy of the book by clicking the link below. Communication in Marriage: How to Communicate with Your Spouse Without Fighting A summarized version of the 7 Steps […]
Published 02/24/15
Our guests for this week are Warren and Betsy Talbot. Warren and Betsy have been married for more than 10 years, live in Spain and co-host the popular marriage podcast, Married With Luggage. They also enjoy showing couples what they have learned about love by traveling around the world. Description of  First Year in one or […]
Published 02/17/15
Our guests for this week are Ryan and Cassie Celestain from the popular lifestyle blog True Agape. They help couples build endurance for their marriages and families. Ryan and Cassie have been married for 4 years; have an 7-month-old baby girl, and live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ryan works in the oil and gas industry, and Cassie […]
Published 02/10/15
Our guest for this week is Justin Ricklefs. Justin has been married to his beautiful wife Brooke for 12 years, have 5 children, and live in Kansas City, Missouri. Justin works as a Sales Executive with a technology company and loves photography. Description of  First Year in one or two words Fire Hydrant.  Some of the […]
Published 02/03/15
Our guests for this week are Paul and Courtney Burton. Paul and Courtney have been married a year and a half and live in Lynchburg, Virginia. Paul is Applications Developer, and Courtney is stay at home wife. Description of  First Year in one or two words Paul: Rolla coaster Courtney: Learning curve. Some of the topics […]
Published 01/27/15
Our guests for this week are Mark and Marie Oates. Mark and Marie have been married for over 6 years, have a son, and live in Nashville, Tennessee. They love helping couples untangle the messy parts of their relationship at Nashville Marriage Studios! Description of  First Year in one or two words Easy, and smooth. […]
Published 01/20/15
Our guest for this week is Kimberly Esrkine. Kimberly has been married for more than 3 years and lives in Montana. She is a Nukes Air Force Officer, and one of the Divas at Dating Divas. Description of  First Year in one or two words  Amazing and difficult.  Some of the topics we discussed are: 1. Being happy […]
Published 01/13/15
Our guest for this week is Roger Whitney. Roger has been married for over 24 years to his wonderful wife Shauna, have 2 children, and live in Forth Worth, Texas. Roger helps individuals and couples plan well, and invest wisely for retirement. He is also the host of the Retirement Answerman podcast. Description of  First Year […]
Published 01/06/15