It’s FBA cart-open week at JillFit and in this episode, Jill is sharing a sample of the first portion of a typical FBA coaching call. This session, Jill shares the 5 reasons people might not be buying your online offerings, because as marketers, it’s important to know why someone might not buy in order to get ahead of and overcome those objections in an organic way. If you’re on the fence about FBA, you can expect to learn exactly like this (with additional Q&A time directly with Jill!)...
Published 02/27/24
Door are open for Fitness Business Accelerator! If you’ve ever wanted an overview of what FBA is, what’s taught in the course, and who it’s for, this episode shares everything you need to know. FBA provides a one-of-a-kind education for beginners in the online coaching industry, but it’s not just for beginners. FBA is also perfect for business owners who have been struggling to gain traction in their coaching businesses and need an injection of strategy. Jill shares the origin story of FBA...
Published 02/26/24
After parts 1 and 2 of the #PostsToProfits replay, you now know that you have authority and can really help people, you’ve learned how to speak to your ideal client to make their pains feel seen, now you need to learn how to sell your products and services with integrity. Selling can feel difficult, vulnerable, and even scary at times, but it should never feel icky or sleazy. Society may have conditioned us to think people who want to make or who have money are bad, but money is the resource...
Published 02/23/24
The internet business space isn’t just more saturated, it’s more sophisticated than ever before. That means if you want to attract clients who are excited to invest with you, you have to niche down and be known for the one thing you do really well. When you show up as authentically as possible, the perfect client will always find their way into your ecosystem. In the second #PostsToProfits replay, Jill shares how to attract your ideal client by telling your story so well, you won’t even need...
Published 02/21/24
In the #PostsToProfits bootcamp, Jill is sharing everything you need to know to turn your following into an actually profitable business. So many online business beginners get caught up in the mindset that they would be more successful if they “just” had more followers, but your followers are only useful if you actually know how to build a business. Truthfully, you don’t need many followers at all in order to make good money. In this #PostsToProfits replay, Jill shares the first step in...
Published 02/19/24
The online space is changing—it always does. And while sometimes change can be frustrating, if you can recognize and get in front of these changes, you can find a lot of opportunity to stand out from your peers. In this episode, Jill discusses three changes that coaches need to be ready for in the online coaching space in 2024. The first change is a decrease in visibility on social media, which requires coaches to get more creative and niche down to find their target audience. The second...
Published 02/14/24
Not everyone understands and knows about digital business and online coaching. In fact, if your family and friends come from a regular and traditional job they may not comprehend your choice to follow entrepreneurship. This lack of support, although transient, can be really hard and that’s when it is important to really own your decisions and go all in. In this episode, Jill talks about what to do when people don’t “get” what you’re doing.   Join Jill in #PostsToProfits Social Media...
Published 02/12/24
One of the main obstacles that new online coaches face with social media is not being able to be consistent. This can happen due to several reasons: the person has other competitive priorities; the person is being too perfectionist with his/her content; or the person thinks no one truly cares. In this episode, Jill talks about how you can apply the “as if” principle into your work in order to be more consistent, creative, and proactive.   Join Jill in #PostsToProfits Social Media Bootcamp...
Published 02/07/24
The antidote to comparison is being in love with your own journey. Even though every professional working as an internet business owner wants the same outcome, everyone’s path is unique to them. In reality, your goal is more than likely completely different from your peers' goals. Tune into this episode as Jill talks about how to avoid falling into the “comparison trap.”   Join Jill in #PostsToProfits Social Media Bootcamp for FREE! https://jillfitfree.com/p2p2024/   Jill is a fitness...
Published 02/05/24
The Internet biz is all about focusing on your own journey. You can look at what other coaches are doing online, but eventually you will need to be ok with your own sustainable pace. Mindsets revolving around you “not doing enough,” “not successful enough,” or that you “need to do more” will have negative effects on you. In this episode, Jill explains that, yes, there will be enough time to do more; it just doesn’t have to be right now.   Join Jill in #PostsToProfits Social Media Bootcamp...
Published 01/31/24
It’s no secret—the online space is rapidly evolving, so it’s more important than ever to get out there and get your online business started. In the past, the fitness industry, especially online, gatekeeping has been rampant, but it doesn’t need to be that way anymore. Gatekeeping is out, inclusivity and gratitude in online interactions is in! In this episode, Jill emphasizes the importance of building a personal brand and developing business skills to stand out in a saturated market, and...
Published 01/29/24
There are a million ways to build an online business, and a million bells-and-whistles you can be added at any moment, but instead of getting caught up with too many things to focus on, make sure you’re setting up a good foundation for your business. In this episode, Jill is breaking down the bare-minimum basics that you’ll need to start a profitable online business. She focuses on the three I's: Intrigue Content, Insight Content, and Investment Content, and emphasizes the importance of...
Published 01/24/24
So many people experience a defining moment in their lives that causes them to feel unworthy or that they aren’t enough, and then they spend the rest of their lives trying to solve that feeling through achievement. It turns some towards entrepreneurship, but those subconscious beliefs hold them back from running the kind of business they dream of, and keeps them acting like an employee when they need to be acting like a boss. In this episode, Jill interviews her very own mentor, James...
Published 01/22/24
There are more opportunities for success now than ever before, but that doesn’t stop the idea of starting an online business seem terrifying and overwhelming. The good news is, once you can master the basics, you can handle anything that comes your way, and that’s what the Online Business Basics series has been about. In the final installment, Jill provides insights on  how to create your irresistible offer, and the importance of beta testing it before launching. What you have to offer is...
Published 01/17/24
In the fourth episode of the Online Business Basics series, Jill shares the importance of email marketing as a foundational business principle. It may seem like an old or unimportant concept, but the old saying that the buyers are in your email list is still true to this day. Email marketing is permission-based marketing, which is a perfect system for both you and your audience—those who want your content get exclusive access, and those who don’t can just opt out. Unsubscribes, just like...
Published 01/15/24
In part 3 of the Online Business Basics series, Jill emphasizes the need to build a solid brand with meaningful connections if you want to have a long-lasting, lucrative career. By using social media, especially Facebook and Instagram stories, you create a way to connect with and engage your audience as they get to know you. Even if you’re terrified to post, stories have the lowest stakes—they disappear after 24 hours! As you showcase your daily activities to your audience, you generate DM...
Published 01/10/24
This podcast can get deep in the weeds of business at times, but an overload of information can make you feel like there’s too much that needs to be done. And while online business isn’t exactly easy, it is simple at it’s core. In the second installment of the Online Business Basics series, Jill tackles the role of social media for online business, and the need for growth strategies and trust-building strategies. She highlights the importance of consistency and publishing content regularly,...
Published 01/08/24
There’s no better time than the beginning of the year to get back to the basics. This episode is the first in a brand-new series to help you strengthen the foundation of your business. There are three phases of online business you need to understand: awareness, building relationships, and sales. Jill introduces the three types of offers: coaching, cohort, and course, and highlights the benefits and considerations for each. She also breaks down the process of making six figures online and...
Published 01/03/24
In this episode, the first in a brand new series on business basics, Jill emphasizes the importance of focusing on three key areas for success. She reflects on the milestones of this podcast and shares tips on how to have your biggest year ever in business in 2024. Jill discusses the as if principle and the need to take action to achieve desired outcomes and highlights the significance of increasing revenue through new customers and higher price points. If success is what you dream of, you...
Published 01/01/24
Are you always pushing for things to be better, or are you more than happy to keep things up how they’ve always been? In this episode, Jill discusses the concept of “maximizers” vs. “satisficers” and how it relates to personal and business growth. Right now is the perfect time to reflect on the previous year and identify opportunities for growth in the upcoming year. If growth is what you want in 2024, you have to learn to embrace overwhelm and take action to push past comfort zones—you have...
Published 12/27/23
The end of 2023 is quickly approaching, which means its time to tie up any loose ends you might have left open in your business. In this episode, Jill Coleman shares six things that might not have already been on your radar, but are great to think about for the rest of the year and beyond. She discusses increasing prices, offering an alumni rate, reaching out to potential clients, teasing upcoming offers, planning for tax write-offs, and strategic planning for Q1 launches. Whatever you...
Published 12/20/23
If you want to get serious about business in 2024, there are five skills that every online business owner must master. Just like learning exercise science, nutrition, or any other expertise, business is a skill that needs to be learned and practiced if you want to get better—you won’t automatically be good at it, though it’s a common pitfall to think that way. Conversational copywriting, speaking, selling, leading, and objectivity and decisiveness are necessary components for every business...
Published 12/18/23
If you need a quick way to generate some revenue in your business, you might consider trying out a back-end offer. Back-end offers are not front-facing or brand new offers, but rather additional offers for current or previous customers. In this episode, Jill shares five ways to generate back-end cash infusion, including extending contracts with current clients, pulling low ticket customers into higher ticket offers, using follow-up sequences and upsells, running FOMO promotions, and offering...
Published 12/13/23
Writing an email newsletter is an important part of running an online business, but how do you grow and nurture your list when not launching? Email marketing as a way to deepen relationships with leads and customers—if someone jumps through hoops to join your list, what they really want is more connection. If you want more people on your list, you can always create an evergreen lead magnet to find out the types of content that resonate with subscribers. This episode is also full of tips on...
Published 12/11/23
2024 is just around the corner, so it might be time for you to start thinking about launching a New Year’s program. There’s no need to create something purely out of FOMO—you should have offers throughout the year, not just in January. But if you want to capitalize on those New Year’s Resolutions, launching free experiences or challenges in the first few weeks of January and saving the sales mechanism for later in the month is a great strategy. Jill also recommends offering longer-term...
Published 12/06/23