My addiction - My personal story of going through addiction, recovery and building a life beyond sobriety.
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This is my first podcast where I talk openly about my addiction, recovery and how I am building a life that I never believed I could attain in addiction. I hope the podcasts provide hope and inspiration for people that listen as I know the biggest thing that made me realise I needed help was listening to addicts and relating to their former lives. I talk about my addiction to alcohol, drugs and gambling in a particularly dark time for me when I was 28 and how rehab saved my life. I talk about my experience of going to Alcoholics anonymous and doing the 12 step programme. I also talk about how I feel out of favour with the programme and found sobriety connection in other ways.  Sobriety is an amazing power to have and it has given me the strength and courage to start my own business, Fitology. Through Life, Fitness and Nutrition coaching I want to help others make the same transformational changes they want to with their own lives as I have with mine. I am so grateful for my recovery, my parents for supporting me and if you need help, reach out. The worst thing I did in my addiction was not ask for help sooner. You can follow me on Instagram, where I hold guest interviews as well as provide motivational posts to help people make the most out of their lives. Please follow @sean_fitologycoach and my business handle is My website is under construction currently but you can register for the newsletter via This podcast is dedicated to the loving support that my parents have shown me throughout my life and without them, I wouldn't be here today. Much Love Sean.