Published 12/25/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces Lindy Pfeil, author, editor in chief and storyteller. Lindy opens our talk by speaking about the concept of ‘missingness’ and how pervasive/overwhelming this can be during times of transition.
Published 12/25/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces Lindy Pfeil, author, editor in chief and storyteller. Lindy opens our talk by speaking about the concept of ‘missingness’ and how pervasive/overwhelming this can be during times of transition.
Published 12/25/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces Lindy Pfeil, author, editor in chief and storyteller. Lindy opens our talk by speaking about the concept of ‘missingness’ and how pervasive/overwhelming this can be during times of transition.
Published 12/11/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces Lindy Pfeil, author, editor in chief and storyteller. Lindy opens our talk by speaking about the concept of ‘missingness’ and how pervasive/overwhelming this can be during times of transition. She tells of walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, a 700 km pilgrimage in Northern Spain. And speaks of the process – how she thought she was walking away from her marriage and her ‘small’ life. But instead, as she stomped the sacred soil, she ‘listened with her...
Published 12/11/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces Lindy Pfeil, author, editor in chief and storyteller. Lindy opens our talk by speaking about the concept of ‘missingness’ and how pervasive/overwhelming this can be during times of transition. She tells of walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, a 700 km pilgrimage in Northern Spain. And speaks of the process – how she thought she was walking away from her marriage and her ‘small’ life. But instead, as she stomped the sacred soil, she ‘listened with her...
Published 12/11/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces the canadian performance company James and Jamesy. Engaging in joyful and playful discourse James and Jamesy highlight the profound and sensitive nature of theater craft.
Published 12/04/19
Five Blossom Radio introduces the canadian performance company James and Jamesy. Engaging in joyful and playful discourse James and Jamesy highlight the profound and sensitive nature of theater craft. How the making of a performance is the holding of good relationship. How a spirit of play is cultivated on many levels and delights audience throughout. James & Jamesy create an experience that inspires people to join them in their play and tap into a child-like joy of the imagination.
Published 12/04/19
In this podcast host Denise Richard delivers an assembly of details that integrate the Four Voices Program and spiritual care. Looking to the issue of training and how spiritual care provides the foundation for health.
Published 11/27/19
In this podcast host Denise Richard delivers an assembly of details that integrate the Four Voices Program and spiritual care. Looking to the issue of training and how spiritual care provides the foundation for health. This talk engages you in how the Five Blossom Model for spirituality offers a unique approach, a design that promotes care with heartfelt courage.
Published 11/27/19
In this episode we look to how spirituality impacts health and well being. Fires of Compassion introduces a gentle discourse that speaks to a way of care. Spiritual care is not common for many. This podcast looks to highlight a usual need.
Published 11/20/19
In this episode we look to how spirituality impacts health and well being. Fires of Compassion introduces a gentle discourse that speaks to a way of care. Spiritual care is not common for many. This podcast looks to highlight a usual need.
Published 11/20/19
In this episode we look to how spirituality impacts health and well being. Fires of Compassion introduces a gentle discourse that speaks to a way of care. Spiritual care is not common for many. This podcast looks to highlight a usual need.
Published 11/13/19
In this episode we look to how spirituality impacts health and well being. Fires of Compassion introduces a gentle discourse that speaks to a way of care. Spiritual care is not common for many. This podcast looks to highlight a usual need. How we view his, and how we value the way, may help you survive the stress of health and spiritual growth. www.firesofcompassion.com
Published 11/13/19
In this episode we look to how spirituality impacts health and well being. Fires of Compassion introduces a gentle discourse that speaks to a way of care. Spiritual care is not common for many. This podcast looks to highlight a usual need. How we view his, and how we value the way, may help you survive the stress of health and spiritual growth. www.firesofcompassion.com
Published 11/13/19
In this episode Denise Richard delivers her book: Love and Impasse. She describes seven challenging spiritual passages and how these can promote health. A compilation of insights, stories and teachings that bring clarity and understanding.
Published 11/06/19
In this episode Denise Richard delivers her book: Love and Impasse. She describes seven challenging spiritual passages and how these can promote health. A compilation of insights, stories and teachings that bring clarity and understanding. A view of faith that shares a little bit of your heart.
Published 11/06/19
Bridging philosophy of earth with consciousness of faith. This discourse highlights a way of old and the creation of a climate of care. As we cycle through the challenges that place importance on survival, Five Blossom Radio speaks to the unfolding.
Published 10/30/19
Bridging philosophy of earth with consciousness of faith. This discourse highlights a way of old and the creation of a climate of care. As we cycle through the challenges that place importance on survival, Five Blossom Radio speaks to the unfolding. Introducing the Four Voices Program as a practical way of understanding and relating spiritually.
Published 10/30/19
With respect for this ancient way of health, Five Blossom Radio introduces Gaia Garden herbals. This episode supports the way of old and herbal remedies as a standard approach to health and wellness.
Published 10/23/19