Published 06/24/22
We talk about Brandon’s travels, our new hire, and our company retreat in Italy next week. We also discuss our slow velocity and how we plan to increase shipping momentum.
Published 06/24/22
We chat about how RenderATL is such a stellar conference, give an update on hiring and the technical interview process we designed.
Published 06/03/22
We talk about the incredible response to our new job posting and the process that went into. Also we go behind the scenes of our hiring process and how we are evaluating candidates.
Published 05/27/22
We talk about managing schedules and productivity tools. Then we talk about what we're learning about making a really great hiring process.
Published 05/20/22
Brandon officially stops coding, now that Blake has taken over all his coding responsibilities. We talk about our completely broken hiring process and how we are fixing it by starting from first principles. And then we rave about how Superhuman has changed our email lives (we never thought we'd be *that* person).
Published 05/13/22
We discuss our sponsorship of React Miami, the outcomes from that, and how we are evaluating ROI. After some other product and company updates, we talk about switching our Webflow website to Makeswift. And the tradeoffs of code vs nocode marketing sites.
Published 04/29/22
Being a founder is an extreme exercise in focus, prioritization, and discipline. This week we're feeling this more than ever, with so many things to do. We give updates on hiring, Blitz Toolkit, Flightcontrol product updates including preview environments, and comment on the Redwood 1.0 release.
Published 04/08/22
This is the final week of this YC batch, so we reflect on the past three the months, our fast paced fundraising process in the last two weeks, and where we go from here.
Published 04/01/22
Week 10 of YC and life is off the charts! We talk about being human, being fully yourself in important meetings, and how we are cultivating a super healthy cofounder relationship in the midst of chaos.
Published 03/18/22
Brandon and Mina give an update from week 9 of 12 of this Y Combinator batch. The phase were it starts to feel like the wheels are coming off the bus 🤪 And also discuss YC in general. They also talk about their first in-person company gathering and how important shared in-person context is.
Published 03/11/22
This is a secret episode recorded on November 5, 2021 where Brandon and Mina share the exciting and brutal backstory on how they tried and failed to raise VC money, eventually got into Y Combinator, and then quickly raised a total of $1 million.
Published 03/04/22
This week we dig into how we are managing our work-life balance and mental health while building an ambitious startup. We share our mental framework for processing it all, the guidelines we put in place for ourselves, and some tactics we're using.
Published 02/18/22
We discuss Flightcontrol progress update, how personal perceptions can vary widely between video calls and in person, and then dig into pricing. We talk through our entire pricing journey, the things we tried, and how we eventually ended up at our current pricing.
Published 02/11/22
It's week 3 after launch, and we now have paying customers! We talk about our current rention numbers and how we're working toward a public launch soon. (Also sorry for the delayed publishing! Totally forgot to upload and publish in the heat of startup life 😂)
Published 02/07/22
It's been an awesome second week since onboarding our first customer. We manually onboarded 20 more and then opened up self signup. We discuss how we're managing it all, and what's coming next.
Published 01/28/22
We have liftoff!!! This was a wild and awesome week onboarding our first users and getting our first taste of product market fit signals. We recall our week day by day, sharing what it feels like to onboard your first users. We also talk about finding the delicate MVP recipe and about how we are figuring out our initial pricing.
Published 01/21/22
After our weekly Flightcontrol progress update, we dig into our new weekly development cycle process and choosing our KPIs and short term goal.
Published 01/14/22
We finally shipped Flightcontrol to production! And we dissect the last 3 months to figure out why it took so much longer to build than we anticipated. And talk about what we are doing going forward.
Published 01/07/22
We discuss the new RFC to pivot Blitz.js to a framework agnostic toolkit. And we talk about how that plays into Flightcontrol.
Published 12/24/21
We're continuing to make good progress, but that last 10% just gets you every time!
Published 12/17/21
One week later and v1 still isn't shipped. This has been stressing Mina out and Brandon tries to keep Mina from burning out. We also talk about how PlanetScale pulls the rug out from under DB migrations and how to use it with Prisma.
Published 12/10/21
It's crunch week as we are scrambling to finish the last 10% needed to start onboarding some users! We talk through our mental and technical progress.
Published 12/03/21
Brandon and Mina meet in person for the first time! They talk about what that experience was like. Then they go into a lot of technical discussion about the design and implementation of Flightcontrol, including DB selection, schema design, and how Flightcontrol will let you manage projects, environments, and services.
Published 11/26/21
Brandon and Mina discuss the progress toward the MVP launch by end of November, learning how to have one-on-ones, and Brandon getting an executive coach.
Published 11/19/21