When you feel like you’re no good and are about to quit… That’s Resistance sabotaging you. Realize it’s just part of the process and you’re about to break through. You do extraordinary things. Don’t let Resistance lie to you when you feel like you suck and don’t let your ego set you up for another ride on the Resistance Roller Coaster… If you want to learn how to practice a flow state of mind and get off the Resistance Roller coaster, download the free full audio training and workbook...
Published 03/13/20
Published 03/13/20
You're having a bad day today or a bad day is on its way to you… Here are 2 analogies that will change your opinion of bad days.+ 2 questions to ask yourself to get through them stronger than before. + The #1 story about winning in Vegas you will never forget. I see you and I feel you. And yesterday was that day for me. I wanted to cry and yell and quit like 20 times throughout the day. This is exactly what I want to say every time I hear a client, friend, family or stranger say they are...
Published 01/10/20
Everyone who says they need to get better with money say they need to start budgeting… STOP BUDGETING AND START SPENDING. Here are several hacks to be better with money, and feel better about money. +5 year tested special technique I use to master my spending every month. Listen now! Download your full audio training and workbook called The 3 Formulas For Happiness & Success to create the life that you think money will give you right now. DOWNLOAD THE FREE FULL TRAINING...
Published 12/26/19
Pretend that you're on your death bed. There was no tomorrow, there was no next week, there was no next year. What would you feel? As we start a new decade I see all the new resolutions posts. This is the ultimate new year x 10 right!? I've got something you need to check in on before you spend any time on a new goal, habit or dream. The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying and how to change your life trajectory. Listen now! If these Regrets and Practices helped you, you will love...
Published 12/23/19
Doesn't it suck when it takes hours to get into the party mode or maybe even days to get into vacation mode? Well, I have a practice for you. Listen to the end and we're going to do it together! Do your vacations and special events lack that excitement, peace and joy that you thought they would bring? That’s because you are bringing along some extra baggage with you… Learn my special Reset & Prime exercise right now and you can create more Extraordinary Experiences in 4...
Published 12/20/19
She said “I have no reason to be depressed in my life or to be anxious”… Having anxiety doesn't necessarily mean that something bad has to be going on in our life. Anxiety, Depression and Stress shut off your prefrontal cortex making you reactive in stead of rational and responsive. Creating a terrifying loop of fear and pain, bad decisions and personality expression that only makes it worse. I have some practices from my years of overcoming anxiety and depression multiple times....
Published 12/03/19
One of the most ironic parts of our society is that our great availability of leisure time fails to be translated into enjoyment. We all can feel like there's a gap between where we are now and where we want to be. That this “one thing” or “once we accomplished this” is going to make us happier, that it's going to change things. If you don't change your mind and your state inside of yourself, it doesn't matter what you have, it doesn't matter what it is that you're doing. If you...
Published 11/29/19
You have thousands of Mantras and most you aren’t even aware of. Scientists say that we have an average of 60,000 - 70,000 thoughts per day and that 90% of them are recycled from the day before. If you want to make any changes in how you experience life, if you want to achieve your goals and dreams… A morning mantra practice is for you. A mantra creates our inner voice. This is for you and this is for your children. Press play! Ready to create lasting change and live a life true...
Published 11/26/19
Use your Instagram Envy for good. How the comparison game follows anyone even if your traveling the world full time and living your dreams. It’s going to take longer than you think and what it’s like to travel through Thailand on a Chase for Adventure tour! There’s also an animal in the wall and Annette & Daniel tells the funniest Karoke story I have ever heard… Before I give everything away…. Press play! Ready to create lasting change and live a life true to yourself? I made...
Published 11/23/19
We hear how Annette and Daniels rock bottom was happening right around the happiest day of their life. How much pain Annette was in before she made a complete life change and how she nudged Daniel to join on in and up root their entire lives How Annette discovered that you don’t need courage to make a change in your life you need something else instead. It’s probably not what your thinking either.. But I am going to let her tell you. There is so much I could hint to but let’s just get...
Published 11/18/19
I tell you exactly what my future self would have told me was possible 5 years ago and I wouldn’t have believed a word of it! What would your future self tell you is possible? Press play! You know what you know. You know what you don’t know.What is waiting to change your life in what your don’t know you don’t know!? Do you know what’s possible? Listen to the full audio for the story of how I proved a professional therapy nurse wrong in less than an hour. And for the story of how I...
Published 11/12/19
My last survey says: Being indecisive was one of the top reasons you feel stressed and held back from your daily success. I've got two steps for you that helped me overcome my decision fatigue and being decision impaired. +Plus the trick I have been using since I was a kid to figure out what I really want. Let’s talk about: • Decision Overwhelm • Being Decision Impaired • How to be more decisive • How you set yourself up to fail • How to instantly get back on track •...
Published 11/07/19
Do you get writing blocks? What about creative, problem solving, emotional or physical blocks? 2 things are happening every time you feel a block. Learn 4 hacks to overcome a writing block and use these same hacks to overcome every other block that comes your way. Let’s talk about: • Overthinking • Using Flow State & the Zone • Overcome Resistance • Setting Intentions & Follow Through • Single Tasking • Ending on a Good Note Ready to create lasting change and...
Published 11/01/19
You constantly program your brain for Struggle or Success. The Reticular Activating System in your brain proves that we become what we consume. There are 3 main factors of what you consume that effect your habits and your auto-pilot emotional state. If you ate toxic, acidic and processed foods what would you become? Toxic, acidic, obese and unhealthy right? What if you ate food that was alive, organic, and full of nutrients? Wouldn’t you feel alive, clean and full of energy? ...
Published 10/22/19
Let’s talk about: • Non linear journeys to happiness and success • Comfort with discomfort • 10 seconds of courage • And what all of that has to do with being in a Flow State of mind.
Published 10/15/19