The Cortado Chronicles: A Tale of Friendship and Coffee in Barcelona
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Fluent Fiction - Spanish: The Cortado Chronicles: A Tale of Friendship and Coffee in Barcelona Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Es: Aquí, en las calles adornadas de Barcelona, nadie camina más rápido que Juan. En: Here, on the streets adorned with Barcelona, no one walks faster than Juan. Es: Cada mañana, Juan salta de su cama, se pone su chaqueta azul y se lanza con impulso al bullicio de la ciudad. En: Every morning, Juan jumps out of bed, puts on his blue jacket, and eagerly plunges into the bustle of the city. Es: Ese día, Juan tenía mucha prisa. En: That day, Juan was in a hurry. Es: Algo en el aire le decía que este día especial, estaba destinado a ser diferente. En: Something in the air told him that this special day was destined to be different. Es: Tan apurado andaba que apenas se notaba a él mismo adentrándose en un café cercano. En: He was in such a rush that he barely noticed himself walking into a nearby café. Es: "El Xino", así llamaban al café con amor en las calles de Raval. En: "The Xino," as the café was lovingly called on the streets of Raval. Es: Era conocido no solo por sus cortados intensos sino también por su aroma embriagador y ambiente acogedor. En: It was known not only for its strong cortados but also for its intoxicating aroma and warm atmosphere. Es: Todo, desde su arquitectura antigua hasta su música catalana, era una maravilla para los sentidos. En: Everything, from its old architecture to its Catalan music, was a wonder for the senses. Es: Juan se acodó en el mostrador, saludando a Bruno, el amistoso camarero. En: Juan leaned on the counter, greeting Bruno, the friendly waiter. Es: Él, robusto como un toro y con una sonrisa tan amplia como cálida, era un amigo casi inseparable para todos en Raval. En: He, strong as a bull with a smile as wide as it was warm, was an almost inseparable friend to everyone in Raval. Es: Sin embargo, algo raro sucedió. En: However, something strange happened. Es: Aunque Bruno esperaba con su jarra de leche caliente en mano, Juan no pidió nada. En: Although Bruno was waiting with his jug of hot milk in hand, Juan didn't order anything. Es: No un "cortado por favor", como siempre hacía. En: Not a "cortado, please," as he always did. Es: Solo apoyó su cabeza sobre los brazos y suspiró. En: He just rested his head on his arms and sighed. Es: 'Bruno, realmente necesito un cortado', pensó furiosamente Juan. En: 'Bruno, I really need a cortado,' Juan thought furiously. Es: Pero por alguna razón, sus palabras se quedaron atascadas en su garganta y no pudo pedirlo. En: But for some reason, his words got stuck in his throat, and he couldn't ask for it. Es: En su hogar en Raval, no tener su cortado diario era como negar a Juan el sol. En: At his home in Raval, not having his daily cortado was like denying Juan the sun. Es: Apenas podía funcionar sin la energía que le daba la gloriosa mezcla de café y leche. En: He could barely function without the energy the glorious mix of coffee and milk provided him. Es: Temblaba al pensar en enfrentarse al día sin esa taza de ánimo líquido junto a él. En: He trembled at the thought of facing the day without that cup of liquid encouragement by his side. Es: ¿Cómo podría atender a sus vendedores en 'La Boquería', el ajetreado mercado, sin su cortado matutino? En: How could he attend to his vendors in 'La...
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