Contrary to very popular opinion and belief (and the words of countless so-called business coaches) your business can be tiny and still be perfect.
Published 08/31/20
Sorry for the delay. No excuse. Just going to share some personal life as a dog mom.
Published 08/24/20
This weeks topics: Did I make the right decision? Yes.. yes,I did. New clients. Rattlesnake bites.
Published 08/17/20
A lot of hard decisions this week. Actually, just one decision based on a great deal of difficult thinking.
Published 08/10/20
Lots of moving parts when starting a business.
Published 08/03/20
Have you ever asked a question several times in several different ways and still ... the answer is really a non-answer?  Welcome to US Bank.
Published 07/27/20
I've decided I have too many domains to be able to focus on and enjoy any of them as a project. So, I'm selling all but 6.
Published 07/20/20
So, a couple moths ago, the owner/founder and I discussed being able to sell directly to customers. And he connected with a guy who builds sites professionally… for a living and he gave us an initial quote and timeframe. That quote was several thousand dollars… which I expected… but the timeframe was just too far out.
Published 07/13/20
So with that in mind, I sent him a message that said we would be need to be ok with conflict. That we would need to accept that either one of us could go off and that didn’t mean someone was fired or quit.
Published 07/06/20
I’m sharing this with you as maybe some motivation, but really it is a reminder for me that I’m on my right path and to keep going.
Published 06/29/20
Honestly, I think I wasted a month or more trying to help people who refuse to acknowledge they are driving slowly… or sometimes quickly, off a cliff. They are too busy chatting with the others in the car and convincing themselves that that cliff is not really there. That the rest of us are lying to them. A month.
Published 06/22/20
Lots of people were employed by other people and when they had to either shut their doors completely or figure out how to stay in business without al their employees coming in, some of them had to cut a bunch of employees permanently.
Published 06/15/20
The goal is to be happy... and a stay at home dog mom. That's doesn't necessarily mean you have to start your own business.
Published 06/08/20
You've been invited to a webinar. Sounded incredible! Just what you need! And now they are selling you a course for just $2000. Don't do it!
Published 06/01/20
Take a moment to figure out what your goal is. What is your why? And from there you can determine the best path.
Published 05/25/20
After months of trying to convince myself I didn't need a job... I realized I did and took one. Here is some advice for you, if you find yourself in similar circumstances.
Published 05/18/20
There are benefits to deleting Facebook friends, if you have a bunch. But you also need to be careful that Facebook doesn't get mad.
Published 05/11/20
While I don’t want to discredit affiliates… it is an easy system to game. And this particular group of people, shall we say, is now on my radar. I’m naturally, immediately, suspicious of the … veracity… of these individuals.
Published 05/04/20
Ep 4. You VERY likely do not need, nor will you benefit from ANY course when you first get started.
Published 04/27/20
Ep 3. We are all constantly being bombarded with content and advertisements in our social media feeds to prod us to action that may not be in our best interest, although it is certainly purported to be. Let's take an honest look at just a couple.
Published 04/20/20
Ep 2 of the relaunch! During a meeting with my mastermind, all tiny business owners who have very personal online businesses and sites, I had a little breakthrough in my thinking. As you might remember if you were one of the 8 people who has been listening to this podcast regularly, I’ve kind of fought against some of the advice to niche down. 
Published 04/13/20
I think it’s time for a recap of events. We are now in the second year of this podcast and I’m ready to relaunch my podcast. New name and new focus.
Published 04/06/20
So, last week I mentioned that I’m pretty good at brainstorming and I recently had a conversation with someone concerning his ideas and my suggestions. I’m hoping that this back and forth will help you figure out some of your own current or potential obstacles.
Published 03/30/20
Right now, in the US, most of the country has been asked or told to stay home. And most of us can’t. We are living paycheck to paycheck and not having any income for a couple weeks is just not an option. It’s very stressful and many people are wondering how to make their bills and mortgage.
Published 03/23/20