I don’t know about you, but one of the pandemic rabbit holes I fell down was finding — and watching — cooking videos on YouTube.
Published 07/28/21
Published 07/28/21
This story originally aired Jan. 30, 2019. I recently made Daniel Gritzer's Swanson's Hungry Man style Salisbury steak recipe from his Serious Eats blog for the second time, and it came out every bit as satisfyingly savory as the first. When I told Nancy Leson, she told husband Mac, who exclaimed "My all-time favorite TV dinner!" So, Goodwife Leson made it, too, and we compared notes.
Published 12/02/20
This story originally aired June 27, 2018. Food memories are no more reliable than any others. I learned that this week after an email exchange with my sister, Debbie. Deb's been binge listening to Food for Thought and wrote to chat about a recent one in which I mentioned my childhood experience shopping for live chickens with my mother. She thinks I'm imagining it.
Published 11/25/20
This story originally aired Dec. 11, 2019. When someone asks me "Do you like a challenge, Dick?" I start looking around for the exits. So what was I thinking when I tried to make Stella Parks' "Impossible" pecan pie pie – a baking project even its creator warns against attempting. The recipe was originally in the draft for her BraveTart pastry cookbook, but the editors thought it too difficult for inclusion. Parks famously refuses to publish the recipe. She doesn't want to deal with the
Published 11/18/20
This story originally aired Oct 24, 2018. Even if I'm going to cook boneless chicken thighs, I always buy the bone-ins and bone 'em out myself. They're less expensive that way, and I get to save the bones in the freezer until I have enough to cook up some chicken stock. But up until, now I've never attempted to debone an entire bird. Surprise: It was way easier to do than I expected and a lot of fun, too.
Published 11/11/20
The New York Times claimed it was the “Perfect” chocolate chip cookie. “We'll just see about that," I thought. So Nancy Leson and I deployed our sheet pans to compare results. I got a XXL cowpie. Nance did better.
Published 11/04/20
This story originally aired Nov. 29, 2017. I like lentils and I love the spicy red lentil soup recipe Nancy Leson recently sent me. Adapted from Lynne Rossetto Kasper's The Splendid Table's How to Eat Weekends , this recipe is fast and easy to make, and perfect for rainy weeknight dinners, too. For a more time-consuming, weekend lentil dish, do try the lamb shanks and lentils recipe from another Kaspar – Kaspar Donier. You'll find both recipes below. As of publication we still have not received
Published 10/28/20
Seattle Times columnist Nicole Brodeur recently published a story about a growing number of bread bakers contributing homemade loaves to area food banks. It was news to me, but Nancy Leson was already a participant.
Published 10/21/20
After 18 years in Nancy's basement, her backup fridge, a move-in gift from a neighbor, finally found its final defrost. That left Leson with only ( gasp ) one fridge. I enjoyed twitting her about her two-fridge household, but she really does need them both.
Published 10/14/20
“Stein,” Nancy Leson said. “You need a toaster oven.” I continue to maintain that I don't need no stinkin' toaster oven, but I must admit she makes a pretty good case.
Published 10/07/20
Even I had to laugh. After all my years in the kitchen I'd never had much interest in a cuisine on the very short list of world's greatest. Then a YouTube video from the French Cooking Academy made me a believer.
Published 09/30/20
“I don't know if it's because we've all been feeling extra emotional lately or what,” Nancy Leson told me. “But I've been thinking about the emotional attachments I have to certain kitchen tools.” She went on to describe the giant cleaver taking up real estate on their knife rack even though they never use it. Get rid of it? Never. It was Mac's grandmother's and they love to see it there. My wife, the lovely and talented Cheryl DeGroot has always loved the kitchen treasure she hauled from the
Published 09/23/20
Nancy Leson and I didn't bother with any introductory chitchat to begin this week's show. I hit the music and we were off to the food races. While our favorite foods may not be yours (yet), I hope this list will prove a resource for those times when you just can't decide between cold Velveeta on toasted English muffin and fried noodles dipped in fermented tofu. We kick this week's off with our seventh-grade lunch favs and continue (downhill, in my case) from there. Please feel free to channel
Published 09/16/20
I demurred when my wife, the Lovely & Talented Cheryl DeGroot, dared me to use an entire batch of dough to make one gigantic bagel. But then she double-dog dared me, so I really had no choice.
Published 09/09/20
This just in! Nancy Leson's report on responses to a recent Twitter thread asking “Are you really !#&! tired of cooking?” I was shocked — simply shocked — to learn that after all these months of home isolation many people really are !#&! tired of cooking. Not me, though.
Published 09/02/20
It's always sounded like fun to have an ice cream machine. But years back I also thought it would be fun to have a fondue pot. See where that's going? After all, how often would I really make my own ice cream? So I asked Nancy Leson if she had a machine and how often she used it.
Published 08/26/20
Nancy Leson thinks there's more sharing going on these days, especially of food, and I agree. Just down the block from us in East Tacoma a neighbor is cultivating two raised beds of produce, free for the taking. Nancy's friends have been dropping off everything from home made masks to strawberries to fresh seafoood. I need to get to know these people.
Published 08/19/20
Note to the reader: This Food for Thought post about woks is certified to be pun-free. An email from listener Nancy B suggesting we do a show on woks got Nancy L and me talking about things you can do with them other than stir-fry. It's certainly the most versatile cooking vessel in my kitchen.
Published 08/12/20
This story originally aired Aug. 21, 2019. Those colorful bean seeds I traded our cow for worked only too well. No vine to the sky, but plenty of green beans here on the ground. So many that we're having trouble keeping up. One day the thought came to me: Green bean spaghetti. Could there be a recipe for such a thing? In .47 seconds I discovered 14,100,000 of them.
Published 08/05/20
This story originally aired July 24, 2019. Nancy Leson 's apricot tree, a Puget Gold she's had for 21 years, only puts out fruit about every five years. This was one of those years, and a bumper crop it was. With all those apricots the only thing to do was make apricot jam. There was just one problem. "Over the years," she says, “the one thing I have failed at is jam-making.” Not anymore.
Published 07/29/20
The other day DeGroot came home with a package of Beyond Meat hamburger, a product I'd been flirting with for some time but never did get around to trying. We shaped it into patties and griddled it up just like a regular burger. I was expecting it to be one of those "OK for what it is" things, but it wasn't okay. It was way better.
Published 07/22/20
Nancy Leson 's been reading Washington Post columnist Megan McArdle's column about why the Betty Crocker cookbooks of the '50s and the shopping practices they encouraged are newly relevant today in the time of the Coronavirus. Among McArdle's favorite Betty recipes was "Bohemian Braided Bread," recipe pictured in the slide show above. All very well as retro recipes go but I found one that out-retros it by almost 2,000 years.
Published 07/15/20
Food for Thought listener David sent me a recipe for something he calls "Splayed Potatoes," which not only looked good to eat but fun to make. Though I have no doubt that he arrived at his method independently, he was beaten to the spud by Hasselback potatoes , basically the same thing, invented at Sweden's Hasselbacken restaurant. I sent David's recipe off to Nancy Leson for kitchen testing, results pictured above. From there we were off to the potato races.
Published 07/08/20
Originally aired July 25, 2018. This is not a weeknight recipe. Both Nancy Leson's and my emails crossed in the cybersphere. "Let's make this!" It was J. Kenji Lopez-Alt's recipe for Balinese Pork Saté and it was pretty complicated. In fact, three recipes in one: the spice blend for the pork marinade, the sweet soy glaze for grilling, and the hand-pounded (more on that down-blog) peanuts for the sauce.
Published 06/24/20