It was a Christmas memory, of all things, rich with history and spiritual stirring, that first breathed life into "O Little Town of Bethlehem." A memory that has since become a treasured part of countless Christmas celebrations, including ours in that little mountain church on the side of the road so many years ago.
Published 12/25/23
Published 12/25/23
But around 1797, a dark cloud overshadowed the ministry of Christmas Evans.
Published 12/12/23
Although Samuel and Joanna Evans could not have possibly known it, the child in their arms that would bear the name of the day of his birth, through heartache, pain, poverty and suffering, would also leave in the wake of his life a myriad of changed lives and a lasting mark on the country of his birth.
Published 12/09/23
Down through the annals of recorded history, tucked away within its dusty pages, are hidden gems; breathtaking accounts that put on display happenings so astonishing that their only explanation is the intervention of the Divine. In his book, “Church History in Plain Language”, author and historian Bruce Shelly states that “Christianity is a historical religion, and its history is the story of God's interactions with humanity.” These interactions are the driving passion behind the Forgotten...
Published 03/10/23
Escaping the horrendous North Atlantic storm that nearly took his life, John emerged with a newfound faith in Christ. But the days ahead were far from smooth sailing. As with many new believers, those early first steps of following Christ are filled with faltering stumbles of spiritual immaturity and well laid snares by an unseen enemy. But them all, God is able to recover John again and again and by astounding providences bring him to a place of obtaining the love of his life. 
Published 11/02/21
Emerging from captivity, John soon ventured upon a life in Africa of growing wealth and boundless exploration of his depraved desires. That is until he was lured by prospects of inheritance onto a ship bound for England. A ship whose near floundering changed John's life forever.
Published 09/21/21
Pressganged in to the Royal Navy, John's haughty personality and infatuation turn what might have been a prestigious opportunity for John in to a disgraceful ruin. And the chance encounter with a slave ship which he thought to be his rescue, proved to be a nightmare.
Published 09/10/21
Over 250 years ago, wooden boats powered by canvas sails tried the seas with no assurances that they would ever set foot on solid ground again. On the high seas, sailors at the mercy of rolling waves and raging storms, do what have done since the days of Jonah, they cry out to God. Such was the case with a blasphemous deckhand named John. At first, he hesitated, considering how he had forsaken God so long ago for a life abandoned to wickedness. But cry John did. And the Lord heard that cry,...
Published 09/03/21
If there was ever an individual who fit the description of being a wretch, it was John. From the age of eleven he sailed the high seas, picking up every depraved behavior that an 18th century deckhand was willing to share. He was an insubordinate and disrespected member of the English Navy, twice charged with desertion. His active participation in the African slave trade and his horrific treatment of them was abhorrent. On top of all this, his complete and utter disregard for the God of the...
Published 08/31/21
The Mad Queen of Madagascar's first draught of martyr’s blood, which without doubt brought upon her a continuous thirst for more, was from of a young woman named Rasalama; a peasant girl in the poor village of Manjakaray in Madagascar. The queen’s intent was to either cause the girl to beg for her life, casting aside her Christian faith. Or the empress would use her gruesome execution to send a chill of fear upon all that might be persuaded to heed the words of this Jesus. In the end, it did...
Published 07/27/21
Burrage Lane made sure his hunting rifle was loaded with dry shot, then he slid the weapon into his saddle. Anger boiled within him, as he looked at the gun. The man he was there to find had to be stopped at all costs because what he was spouting from behind that pulpit was poison, as far as he was concerned. But he did promise his wife that he would go and hear what he had to say one time.
Published 06/09/21
The series of personal tragedy and suffering that Elizabeth Payson Prentiss encountered is hard to fathom. Stories of lesser personal loss that caused individuals to completely shut out even the idea of a loving, personal almighty God are are numerous and easy to find. So what would become of Elizabeth, this heart-broken mother, wife of a respected Presbyterian pastor, and daughter of arguably the most beloved and powerful pastor’s of 19th century New England?  More. She would plead to God...
Published 05/17/21
Published 04/23/18
Published 04/23/18
John quickly kissed the forehead of his daughter and handed her to the crewman, who then handed her to Jesse....
Published 04/23/18
Published 01/08/18
With his heart filled by the joy of the Christmas story, and the gift of a Saviour, Jim Elliot (as...
Published 01/08/18
Published 12/21/17
There are some for whom the Christmas season only magnifies more their sorrow than their joy. The stringing of lights, the gifts under the tree, and the arrangement of the Christmas dinner table are only stinging reminders that someone who was once there is gone. The great evangelist D.L. Moody was no stranger to such...
Published 12/21/17
There are some for whom the Christmas season only magnifies more their sorrow than their joy. The stringing of lights,...
Published 12/21/17
Published 11/14/17
The LORD ruleth over all. He is able to control the seas, the storms and the sparrows of life; its...
Published 11/14/17