Welcome to the audiobook experience of my book High-Value Offers: How to Create Desire and Turn Your Course Idea into The Dream Offer for Your Ideal Student. The course framework is how the transformation you will provide is going to happen. It’s what you teach inside your program. It’s also what makes it different than other similar products. Let’s create yours. Together with this, in this episode, you’ll learn how to price your course thanks to a simple yet powerful 2-step pricing...
Published 09/05/23
Welcome to the audiobook experience of my book High-Value Offers: How to Create Desire and Turn Your Course Idea into The Dream Offer for Your Ideal Student. In this part, we’ll talk about The Dream Offer Method – the simple system I created to go from having just a course idea to an actual offer you’re ready to sell, which people desire, which you’re confident in, and which can become the foundation of your business. You’ll learn more about its stages, Value > Desire > Action....
Published 09/02/23
Welcome to the audiobook experience of my book High-Value Offers: How to Create Desire and Turn Your Course Idea into The Dream Offer for Your Ideal Student. In this part, we’ll dive into the very first element of your high-value offer – the topic of your course. I’ll share with you different questions you can answer that will help you define your course topic. You’re in business to make sales so it’s time to answer the most important question: What will you sell? You...
Published 08/29/23
Lifestyle design means designing your life the way you want it to be. It’s when you create yourself and your environment and turn your vision into reality. Lifestyle design is about freedom, reclaiming your time and doing things you like. It’s about spending each day in the best way possible, feeling the way you want to, and making it all meaningful by helping others with what you do and leaving a dent in the universe. What Lifestyle Design is Not It has nothing to do...
Published 08/22/23
In a recent article, I talked about why I’m back to writing on Medium and why it might be a great opportunity for you too. Today, I wanna discuss how to make money on Medium, because there’s definitely more than one. Medium is a trusted platform, one of the top sites online, the home of millions of readers monthly and some of the biggest and most authoritative publications. Their platform is easy to use, both for creators and for consumers, and it’s well-optimized. There are many...
Published 08/21/23
One thing all humans have in common is that whether we like it or not, life gets tough. That’s when we need to be equipped to handle the situation and keep going. And while our mental toolbox requires more than one source/practice/teaching/habit/belief system/etc. so we can adjust to change, there’s one new thing I’ve added to my arsenal lately and it’s been working especially well – Stoicism. In this episode, I share how turning to Stoicism has helped me navigate hardships in...
Published 08/14/23
Welcome back to the show and let’s talk about retiring existing offers and closing old programs even if they are working well, earning you money and helping people. It could also mean not offering a service anymore, completely changing the direction of your business, re-structuring your product suite and not knowing what’s next. A lot of mixed feelings come with this and there might always be self-doubt even after the action is taken. But if that’s something you’ve been thinking about...
Published 08/07/23
Today is another emotionally draining day in my life and business. Things haven’t been going the way I want them to for a long, long time now. It’s one of those moments when others around you remind you that there must be other ways (get a 9 to 5, move back to your cheap home country, or pick any other conventional path in life that requires less risk and uncertainty). That’s when on top of your negative emotions, you gotta handle theirs and the way their feedback makes you feel. Of...
Published 07/31/23
Learn about one specific section I like to include on a sales page that can inspire the visitor to take action and actually do something to change their life a year from now. Also, see how you can use this same powerful exercise for your business and personal goals so you choose short-term discomfort over long-term regret, and access a next level of growth and turn your vision into reality. Tune into the episode or read the transcript below: Show Notes: * my new...
Published 07/03/23
I’m happy to announce the release of my new book High-Value Offers: How to Create Desire and Turn Your Course Idea into The Dream Offer for Your Ideal Student. In this post (and podcast episode), I wanna share what it’s about, how it can help you and what inspired me to publish it. Listen to the episode or continue reading the article below: Why I Created High-Value Offers I recently got back into publishing books and first republished some I’ve written years ago....
Published 06/26/23
In this episode, I talk about mastering your craft but never with the goal of perfecting it, just making time for it and letting it shape you to be the person you’re meant to become. Learn how practicing your craft can help you tame your ego, make you more humble, let you do your best work and create real impact in the world. Show notes: * Finding meaning thanks to your craft * What I look for in a platform to share my content * How your craft makes you...
Published 06/21/23
If you’re a freedom seeker like me, you’re gonna love today’s topic. Freedom is one of the things most people crave. It’s also one of the most common reasons why people get in business and stay in it long enough despite the challenges. The 5 types of freedom I’ll share in this episode are my way to categorize this, but they are what I’ve experienced the most, what my goals usually consist of, and what other business owners say they love the most about their business. Tune in or...
Published 06/01/23
In this episode, I share the 3 virtues that keep me going in business no matter what (whether the income drops, the economy goes down, or I lose direction), why I’ve chosen them, how I live them every day, and how you can do the same with whatever your moral principles and values are. Listen to the episode or continue reading below. Show Notes: * Definition and characteristics of a virtue * Taking gratitude to the next level * How gratitude helps...
Published 05/26/23
If you’re a course creator or thinking of creating your first digital product, one of the many decisions you’ll have to make and things you’ll have to experiment with is whether you’ll keep the doors to your program open all the time or you’ll go for the open/close cart launch, also known as a live launch. It means that you will welcome students every now and then and will promote the offer actively during that time. Once the doors close, new people won’t be able to join...
Published 05/22/23
This month marks the 10-year anniversary of my journey as a content creator. I don’t wanna say just a blogger as a lot more has happened, such as being a podcast host, published author, and course creator. So in this episode, I wanna share some things I’ve learned about the process of content creation over the years, what has changed about the industry as well as what remains the same, and the main principles that will always apply if you wanna make it as a content...
Published 05/01/23
Welcome to another one of a series of episodes on writing and self-publishing your own book. Now we’ll talk about the marketing – how to promote the book once you’ve written it and published it on Amazon. Listen to the episode or read the article below: Show Notes: * the main elements of your book marketing strategy * ways to spread the word about your book on different platforms * how to promote your book on your blog * how to market your...
Published 04/23/23
Welcome to my guide on writing, editing and publishing your own self-help book in less than a month. Listen to the podcast episode or read the article below. Read on for the exact actions you can take to be a self-published author in 30 days or less. So many people want to write and publish a book these days. However, they don’t have the confidence to actually do it, don’t believe in their abilities, don’t know where to start, have doubts and fear failure, think others...
Published 04/17/23
Learn why I’m back to writing and publishing books, what holding my first printed book was like, what self-publishing is all about, and whether it’s still worth it in 2023. Tune into the episode or read the transcript below. Show Notes: * Why I stopped selling my books years ago * What made me come back to writing and publishing books * The first steps I took * The story of my first paperback * What the first 2 books I ever wrote are...
Published 04/12/23
Learn what the content that transform lives looks like, how it does the job, how to know if you’re meant to create it, and my journey so far: Mentioned: * Bold Business School Transcript If it wasn’t for the books, blogs, podcasts and courses that I’ve used as sources of inspiration and for life advice, I don’t know where I would be today. They’ve helped me shape my mindset, let go of so much, see what’s possible, aim higher, acquire skills,...
Published 03/27/23
Hey and welcome to the new episode. This one is for the bloggers in my audience who are looking for something more, for the next stage of their business journey, for more excitement in their work, for a challenge even, for a way to help more people with their content, and – of course – for more profit. Tune into the episode below: Mentioned: * Bold Business School Transcript Today I want to talk to you about my favorite way to scale your...
Published 03/21/23
Thinking of quitting Instagram and social media in general? Wondering if that’s crazy as a business owner, if you’d regret it? Let me help you make the decision by sharing why I quit Instagram a few months ago, how it felt and what happened since then. Listen to the episode or read the transcript below: Show Notes: * What happened after I unfollowed everyone last year * The moment I decided to just stop using Instagram * The first changes I...
Published 03/13/23
I have a very simple blog traffic formula and it consists of 2 components. Learn what these are and how to leverage both to bring visitors to your site and grow your income. Tune into the episode or read the transcript below: Show Notes: * My simple blog traffic formula * Optimizing a blog post for search engines * SEO tasks for bloggers * What Pinterest can do for your blogging business * How to get traffic from Pinterest to your...
Published 02/22/23
Welcome to the new episode. Learn what internalizers and externalizers are, how to deal with emotional loneliness and break childhood patterns: Show Notes: * The latest book I read and how it quickly changed my life * Why we repeat patterns * What’s a healing fantasy * Traits of internalizers * What they crave the most * The internalizer’s biggest downfall in relationships * When they finally break the pattern * Traits...
Published 02/17/23
Some of you might find it confusing to see the difference between a strategic piece of content that serves, and one that only sells. And I’m here to help you with that today. Tune into the episode to learn about the difference between the content that helps and the content that sells, as well as what to do and what to avoid in terms of content creation. Show Notes: * What every piece of content must do first * The price we pay for content that’s not...
Published 01/16/23
Happy New Year and welcome to the new episode, the first one for 2023. One annual tradition I can’t leave behind is sharing my income report. It’s about reviewing my year in business, the ups and downs and all the numbers – for every single month. I also dive into blog traffic, podcast downloads, email list growth, the offers I released, and so on. Basically, all the things that matter get quantified and summarized. Tune into the episode below: Show...
Published 01/07/23