When you lose someone whom you loved, your first thought is to cry, right? Makes sense. But my guest Nancy Weil believes and teaches that laughter also has a place in healing your pain.
Published 03/30/17
Published 03/30/17
When you lose someone whom you loved, your first thought is to cry, right? Makes sense. But my guest Nancy Weil believes and teaches that laughter also has a place in healing your pain. She has spent years in the funeral business and the laughter business, and you will learn that she is correct-laughter in the face of loss is important, not un-natural, and helpful. Find out what she has to say, you may be surprised... While grief is expressed in different ways for every person, having...
Published 03/30/17
What do you when a child dies? Do you forget about them, consign them to oblivion? No, of course not! You remember them forever. And that is our topic for this evening.
Published 03/23/17
What do you when a child dies? Do you forget about them, consign them to oblivion? No, of course not! You remember them forever. And that is our topic for this evening. Nora Wong, a normal gracious caring member of the human race, lost her son to a terrible disease. She will talk to us about that and help us remember that memories and life-lessons and teachings never die, even when the human body is no longer with us.
Published 03/23/17
So we have talked for over a year about loss and healing, about many topics which have approached this main topic. Here is a new possibility: A Grief Cruise! That's right, next Feb.
Published 03/16/17
So we have talked for over a year about loss and healing, about many topics which have approached this main topic. Here is a new possibility: A Grief Cruise! That's right, next Feb. of 2018 a group of grievers will be together to discuss their losses and to share their successes. Healing is tough, we already know that. Perhaps being together on a cruise will set the tone for healing to take place. My guest, Glen Lord, will talk to us about last year;s cruise, and invite you to join him in...
Published 03/16/17
What do you when a child dies? Do you forget about them, consign them to oblivion? No, of course not! You remember them forever. And that is our topic for this evening.
Published 03/09/17
What do you when a child dies? Do you forget about them, consign them to oblivion? No, of course not! You remember them forever. And that is our topic for this evening. Nora Wong, a normal gracious caring member of the human race, lost her son to a terrible disease. She will talk to us about that and help us remember that memories and life-lessons and teachings never die, even when the human body is no longer with us.
Published 03/09/17
Well, we know that we think differently, but do we grieve differently? I don't know either, but my guest Shawn Doyle, does. He has written about it and spoken about it, and I can't wait to hear what he has to say. This matters a lot.
Published 02/23/17
Well, we know that we think differently, but do we grieve differently? I don't know either, but my guest Shawn Doyle, does. He has written about it and spoken about it, and I can't wait to hear what he has to say. This matters a lot. Because, if I know that if a woman has suffered a life-loss, I can better understand what she needs in the way of healing and consolation. The same with a man. So come and listen and learn with me. I look forward to your being with me this Thursday at 5PM...
Published 02/23/17
I used to be a fatalist. That is, I believed that if you were given the gift of cancer, you were done living. David Arnsteen disproves that theory every single day.
Published 02/16/17
I used to be a fatalist. That is, I believed that if you were given the gift of cancer, you were done living. David Arnsteen disproves that theory every single day. He is "in remission," and joyful and has learned important life-lessons from his cancer. Come and listen. You too will be impressed with his ability to fully accept life and come out the other end. And he will share with you the life-lessons he has learned about himself and the world while dealing with cancer. He's my...
Published 02/16/17
I used to be a fatalist. That is, I believed that if you were given the gift of cancer, you were done living. David Arnsteen disproves that theory every single day.
Published 02/09/17
I used to be a fatalist. That is, I believed that if you were given the gift of cancer, you were done living. David Arnsteen disproves that theory every single day. He is "in remission," and joyful and has learned important life-lessons from his cancer. Come and listen. You too will be impressed with his ability to fully accept life and come out the other end. And he will share with you the life-lessons he has learned about himself and the world while dealing with cancer. He's my...
Published 02/09/17
I was not even 12 years old when Daddy died. It was scary and mysterious and frightening. And we kids didn't talk about it, because our family didn't talk to us about his being sick. To this day, we're still not sure why he died.
Published 02/02/17
I was not even 12 years old when Daddy died. It was scary and mysterious and frightening. And we kids didn't talk about it, because our family didn't talk to us about his being sick. To this day, we're still not sure why he died. My guest had a similar story, her parent died at when she was young. But Dr. Marilyn Mendoza has written about how and what to teach kids about grief, so that no child will ever have to go through what she and I did. This is important, come and learn! Bring your...
Published 02/02/17
When you meet somebody for the first time after they have suffered a life-loss, what should you say? What should you not say? How can you be most helpful to them, while not making them feel worse? My guest. Dr. Donalyn Gross, is an expert in this area.
Published 01/26/17
When you meet somebody for the first time after they have suffered a life-loss, what should you say? What should you not say? How can you be most helpful to them, while not making them feel worse? My guest. Dr. Donalyn Gross, is an expert in this area. She will teach us and share with us what is appropriate and what isn't. We need to learn this! Tune in, invite your freinds. This is important stuff! Blessings, Rabbi Mel
Published 01/26/17
Have you ever had a near-death experience? I never have, but it's such an interesting and exotic topic, that I always want to know more. My guest Dea Maltby was in a coma for t2 days, and in that time, she died and came back to life. Wow...
Published 01/19/17
Have you ever had a near-death experience? I never have, but it's such an interesting and exotic topic, that I always want to know more. My guest Dea Maltby was in a coma for t2 days, and in that time, she died and came back to life. Wow... That's all I have to say. Come listen and be astonished with me. We'll learn about NDEs, and we'll learn about second chances, and we'll learn about returning to life after you were dead. I'm interested, hope you are too!. Till tomorrow...
Published 01/19/17
Did you ever wish you could make things better for those who are dying? That you could "be there" with them as they leave this earth? But you were afraid of watching them die, of touching them, of talking to them, and you don't know what to say or do.
Published 01/12/17
Did you ever wish you could make things better for those who are dying? That you could "be there" with them as they leave this earth? But you were afraid of watching them die, of touching them, of talking to them, and you don't know what to say or do. So you stay away, thus missing an enormous opportunity to help them, and help yourself as well. My guest Deanna Cochran, can help you do what you thought was impossible, that is, assist the dying along their final journey. Tune in and tell...
Published 01/12/17
Lots of us deal with loved ones who are afflicted with cancer. We are going to give some hints and advice for care-givers, to make your job a bit easier. The big idea: The National Cancer Institute estimates 14 million people in the U.S.
Published 01/05/17
Lots of us deal with loved ones who are afflicted with cancer. We are going to give some hints and advice for care-givers, to make your job a bit easier. The big idea: The National Cancer Institute estimates 14 million people in the U.S. have had a cancer diagnosis, and the number is rapidly rising. More and more people must struggle with how to face a life-threatening disease, while loved ones try to give support. Why this matters: Today, cancer treatment is mostly given in outpatient...
Published 01/05/17