Hey Friend! What's your planning style? Do you like to plan every minute detail, fly by the seat of your pants, or something in between? Even though planning can be very useful, it can also keep you stuckOn this episode I share 3 ways planning can actually hold you back and offer mindset coaching on how to start making real progress.  Let's do it! -- Kayla   LINKS + MENTIONS You know that thing you need to do in your business? Let's make a plan to actually get it done! Book a Clarity Coaching...
Published 11/01/22
Hey Friend! Are you struggling to figure out your niche? This is something I see female Christian entrepreneurs struggle with A LOT... and it keeps them stuck and not moving forward in their business. Once you decide what your niche is, creating and growing your online business becomes so much simpler.  On this episode, I interview my podcast coach Stefanie Gass, who helps women get clear on their niche, start a podcast, and grow a successful online business, God's way.   She is the host...
Published 10/18/22
Hey Friend! Have you ever wondered just how much your faith you should include into your business? It’s a common question I hear a lot from Female Christian Entrepreneurs wanting to start or grow an online business... and it's super easy to overthink. In this episode I tell my personal story about why I decided to make my faith such as large part of my mindset coaching business. I also share 3 simple questions you ask yourself that will help you get clarity and make a decisions so you can...
Published 10/12/22
Hey Friend!  You know that thing you need to do that’s just not getting done? The one that’s sitting on your mental (and maybe even physical) to do list? What if you could actually get it done this week – how would that feel?  In this episode I’m sharing strategies, mindset tips and scripture to help you stop procrastinating and start taking action in your online business.  And if you could use some personalized help from a Christian Mindset Coach -- I'm your gal! Grab a Clarity...
Published 10/04/22
Hi Friend! It can feel difficult to grow your online business and be a great mom. When you work from home, it's easy for the  the lines between family time, housework, and your business to become blurred -- and for mom-guilt to creep in. In this episode, I share 5 tips for being a great mom and a successful, work-from-home Christian entrepreneur. Including one major mindset shift that not only helps me be more productive, but also helped me show up for my kids the way I want to. Let's do...
Published 09/30/22
Hey Friend! Is the greatest battle of our generation really happening between our ears? Are your thoughts holding you captive instead of the other way around? From overthinking and perfectionism to procrastination and self-doubt, those sentences that enter our minds have the ability to distract us, keep us paralyzed in fear, and hinder our journey as Christian entrepreneurs. On this episode I’m reviewing Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen… a book that’s all about breaking free from...
Published 09/29/22
Hey Friend! Do you tend to overthink? If you are anything like I was, it’s not that you make BAD decisions, it’s that you decisions WEIGH on you. The time and mental energy you spend spinning in your head to make a decision about something is EXHAUSTING and you know that it could be spent in a better way – like actually being present and enjoying your life! And while this episode isn't really about time-management or productivity, when you learn to make decisions quickly and easily, you...
Published 09/13/22
Hey Friend! Whether it's social media posts, emails, or pages for your website... it can be HARD to know what to write to engage your audience and do it in a way that feels good and authentic to you. Then there's that pesky issue of perfectionism that gets in the way and keeps you from showing up.  I've totally been there! And if this also sounds like you, you're in for a treat. In this episode, special guest Sarah Biesel shares 3 questions to help you show up authentically in your...
Published 09/08/22
Hey Friend! Whether it's social media posts, emails, or pages for your website... it can be HARD to know what to write to engage your audience and do it in a way that feels good and authentic to you. Then there's that pesky issue of perfectionism that gets in the way and keeps you from showing up.  I've totally been there! And if this also sounds like you, you're in for a treat. In this episode, special guest Sarah Biesel shares 3 questions to help you show up authentically in your...
Published 09/06/22
Hey Friend! Ever get stuck in analysis paralysis? With ALL the choices and information we have, it's no wonder we sometimes feel like there's a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth in our heads! In this episode we are digging into The Analyzer decision-making type. If you are someone who feels like you always need more information, more time, and can be overwhelmed with too many options... this episode is for you. I'm sharing 5 clarifying questions you can ask yourself to get unstuck and...
Published 09/02/22
Hey Friend,  Whenever we're trying to make decisions, it can be really helpful to have other people's input. We want to have all the information and ensure we are doing the right thing, whether it's what to order at a restaurant or some BIG decision in our lives. But other people's opinions are not always helpful. If you are someone that regularly makes decisions based on other people's input, people pleases or tends to ask other people for their opinions often, you want to make sure that...
Published 08/23/22
Hey Friend! Last episode, we started our series on the different decision-maker types. We talked about the Avoider, and today we are talking about the Avoider's cousin, the Hairpin Trigger. If you tend to make impulsive decisions that either don't align with your long term goals (or maybe you even regret later) and you want to take purposeful and intentional action, then this is the episode for you. Today, I'm sharing 5 powerful questions to help you become a more intentional decision-maker...
Published 08/18/22
Well, Hey friend! Do you ever avoid making decisions? Yeah, me too. I think we ALL have, at some point. I used to be a major decision avoider. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna share a story about one of the times that stands out when I avoided making an important decision for a very long time. But the good news is you don't have to stay a decision avoider, even if that's your tendency. In this episode, I'm going to share three reasons why you are avoiding making decisions and what to do about...
Published 08/17/22
Hey Friend! I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but things are changing all the time. Seriously, ALL the time. Some changes are long term, and some are short term. Some are expected. Some are not. As we step into new seasons of life and experience changes, we have to find out what works for the season that we're in NOW. In this episode I share the new season I'm navigating in my own life, and the 3 step process you can use to help you find a schedule that works in your current...
Published 08/10/22
Hi Friend! If you're anything like me, you probably have some worries, some fears and some concerns up in that head of yours. I'm pretty sure that we ALL do. Whether it's how you are going to balance running your business with your family life (not to mention all the other things you have to do), or bigger things like health issues or tragedies, we all have worries, fears and concerns that affect us. In today's episode, I am going to share with you three reasons why writing down your...
Published 08/03/22
Hey Friend! Do you ever have those times where you want to read your Bible and really get into the word, and yet you feel unsure about where to go or what to read next? Maybe you are in between Bible studies, are looking for something quick, or are just trying to develop the habit of reading the Bible on your own. In this episode I'm sharing the method I've come back to again and again to get myself in the Word for a daily dose of wisdom. Enjoy! Kayla   LINKS + MENTIONS Schedule your...
Published 07/26/22
Hey Friend! If you’ve read a single personal development book (or 20) you’ve probably heard that you need to “find your purpose.” But you may not know what that even means, much less how to find it. We wish someone would just tap us on the shoulder and say, “This is exactly what you are supposed to be doing right now and why.” So we could feel both peaceful and lit up all at once. In this episode, I share 5 things to do when you don’t know your purpose and want to find...
Published 07/22/22
Hey Friend! Ever feel overwhelmed trying to do all the things and do them well? Juggling the roles of entrepreneur, wife, mom, friend (and everything in between) can be a lot to handle.  In this episode I share how making little changes that simplify your life can create a big impact on your ability to show up the way you want to for your business and the people you love. Enjoy! Kayla LINKS + MENTIONS Join the book study for July 2022: https://fruitionmindset.com/bookstudy Schedule...
Published 07/20/22
Hey Friend! You often hear about fear of failure and fear of success as being reasons that people play small and don't go for their dreams, but I think that these two have a cousin that's a super sneaky culprit as well. On this episode, I'm gonna get a little bit personal with you all. We're going to talk about the fear of disappointment, and how it's held me back and how it might be what is holding you back as well.  If you find yourself not taking action on your goals and dreams (even...
Published 07/15/22
Hey Friend! Could you use a little more peace in your day? I think we call could. As I've been enjoying this summer, it's been a great reminder of how to keep life from feeling so chaotic.  Disclaimer: You've probably heard this before. But if you are anything like me, you need to hear it again. In this episode I share how to create more peace in your day without sitting on a meditation mat or closing your eyes. Let's do it! -- Kayla   LINKS + MENTIONS Join the book study for July...
Published 07/12/22
Hey Friend! This whole business / entrepreneur thing... it can be hard sometimes! Many of you are literally creating something out of nothing (so amazing!), but it's no easy feat! It usually all starts with you and your ideas, but sometimes not everyone can see your vision or understands what you are doing. Sometimes it can even feel kind of lonely. I believe we could ALL use some encouragement, so this episode is all about the four sources of encouragement that you need as a female...
Published 07/07/22
Hey Friend! If you want to make continual, consistent progress on your goals, it's important to stay motivated. Often when your motivation wanes, so does your progress. Rarely do we make the decision to stop working toward our goals and dreams, rather it's a lack of focus and distraction that makes it fizzle out over time. In this quick tip episode, I'm sharing the simple way I keep myself inspired and motivated everyday.  Let's do it! -- Kayla   LINKS + MENTIONS Get The Super Simple...
Published 07/05/22
Hey Friend! I have a question for you. How's your life going? Have you taken some time to check in and find out? It's SUPER easy for us to get consumed with everyday life and forget that we need to take a step back and ask that question to evaluate things and take inventory of our lives. We need to check in and make sure that we are truly headed in the direction that we want to go. On this episode we're going to talk about the importance of zooming out and taking the time to evaluate...
Published 06/30/22
Hey Friend! Do you ever wish that you could read more? Maybe you really enjoy reading and there are a lot of books that you haven't gotten to yet that you would really like to read, but you just don't really have the time? Between working on your business, taking care of yourself, taking care of your family, and all the other responsibilities that we carry... just doesn't seem that there's enough time. Or perhaps you are like me and you have a hard time staying interested in one book...
Published 06/28/22
Hey Friend!  Do you ever feel pulled in a million different directions? What would it be like if you had one central focus? Imagine knowing the exact ONE THING you were working for each day instead of trying to “balance” all the things.  How much quicker could you make progress? How much more effective could you be if you weren’t constantly overloading yourself with decisions of what to do with your time, energy, and money? In this episode we are talking about goal clutter -- what...
Published 06/23/22