The Reveal. Find out how this Mediclub experience ends. The Assholes push the outer limits of the ASS scale. (What geminis!) They stumble on unexpected terrain, questioning the very nature of reality. This is Part 3 of 3.
Published 10/27/22
Published 10/27/22
In part 2 of Assholes, the immersive story of the Mediclub experience continues with three more fugues. The A*****e co-hosts review the similarities between meditation, marijuana and the right hemisphere of your brain. Then you'll see if 12-step programs fit or (don't fit) into the event. Most importantly you'll find out what Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” has to do with the most under-appreciated part of your brain. All culminating in a new and surprising ASS score. See how deep these...
Published 10/20/22
Ever been to a group meditation? How did you feel? Third eye open and a blissful permagrin? Or awkward and self conscious? Fugues is back with a new talk show that measures gullibility and skepticism using a powerful scale. This new spectrum is defined by Larry David, Woody Harrelson, Betty White, Bill Murray and cats (not the musical). Gabe and his Inner voice co-host discuss the neurological and psychological mental phenomena activated during a Brooklyn meditation retreat. Find out what a...
Published 10/11/22
How does increased power impact human minds? It’s almost not someone’s fault if empathy wanes as power accumulates. In fact, it’s basically inevitable. Joe Smarro, one of the subjects of the HBO documentary, "Crisis Cops: Ernie and Joe," is an exception to the rule. Joe is a police officer and trainer who gives a Master Class in how to sidestep fate when encountering people in crisis. We hear a few fugues from Joe illustrating what it's like to be a cop in these situations. And we give it...
Published 09/15/21
Why do we help strangers? And why do we love revenge stories so much?  The same thing that connects those questions connects us all - bonding. There’s an invisible line between groups of people - it can be a thin dotted line between acquaintances, a steel girder between mother and child, or a series of chain links between millions of people in the same country. In Part 2 of this series on fate and biology, we identify the brain chemical that plays a central role in how we bond, and explore...
Published 06/11/21
You ever get in a fight? I did. Once. Wearing my Red Sox hat at Yankee Stadium. Me (and two Yankees fans) were basically high on an aggressive cocktail of brain chemicals that forced our collective hand. Stupid, pointless violence with strangers that almost cost me an eye. This episode’s fugue will describe the experience, followed by Inner Voice and I doing a post-fugue analysis. Together we’ll review the ingredients of a lethal cocktail that drove me into a dangerous, seemingly...
Published 04/06/21
Why are we so prone to bad logic? We’re going to hear two everyday fugues in this episode: the search for a lost spatula and a spilled beer. The real story here is how easy it is to be irrational. Who is “we” in this episode? It’s me and my inner voice obviously. Inner Voice and I will do some post-fugue analysis to find out what mental phenomena are at play while I make really bad assumptions about events in my surroundings. By the end of the episode maybe you’ll appreciate why we’re...
Published 02/10/21
What's a fugue? In this podcast it's a story - a story that sheds light on how our conscious experience of any given moment operates. Find out what each fugue tell us about the basic ingredients of mind.
Published 02/01/21