: /Cc/Kk/ and Nn *Show the letter. Say a sound. IMPORTANT TO LISTENERS: Throughout the podcast, take a moment every so often, to put some emphasis on the sounds in a fun and playful way - "Coconut - I hear two C/K -coco..."  Let's show little ones how much fun it is to play with words while teaching them important foundation of learning to read. Hello k/c Here's a cup Lotsa cars beep beep beep 10 Little Candles 🎂It was under the coconut treeHello nN as in "No,no' Noisy night (Inspired by...
Published 12/16/22
Published 12/16/22
In this episode: 🌱 Tt/ Hello T ten tiny toesTouch gameI'm a little TeapotTeddy Bear🌱Ii/ Itsy Bitsy /i/Iggy the iguanaHigglety pigglety popLet's show little ones how much fun it is to play with language! IMPORTANT Parents and caregivers can help to grow readers from birth when they play with words and sounds in fun and engaging ways. in language and.  PHONICS: The understanding that there is a predictable relationship between phonemes (the sounds of the spoken language) and graphemes (the...
Published 12/01/22
In this episode: 🌱Ss/HAVE FUN with your little one and the many /s/ and /a/ sounds throughout. Focus on the sounds the letters make - not the letter names. Snake is in the grassSocks and shoes'Say Hello Like This' - Mary MurphySadie the slimy slug - Nancy Martin🌱Aa/Ants go marchingPeek -a- BooAnnady MannadyWhat did you hear?REMINDER: Make sure to demonstrate to your little one how to make each sound. Give LOTS of praise and encouragement when they attempt to communicate. Support this...
Published 11/16/22