This week's question is from Bryan, who asks "Where can I find reviews for this business site and is this a legit website that I will not be scammed by?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/testing Thanks for listening! I'm going to take a break from podcasting for a while, but please stop by and see me at the website, GameIndustryCareerGuide.com. To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more information on...
Published 06/21/16
This week's question is from Max, who asks "Hello, I don’t miss an episode of your podcast ever since the first one. I have a question: What are some specific examples of demos you could prepare for different game programming positions? Could you provide some specific examples that a hiring manager would like to see for positions such as Gameplay Programmer, Graphics Programmer, or Tools Programmer, to name a few? Thanks a lot and keep up the excellent work." LINKS FROM THIS...
Published 06/14/16
This week's question is from Jesse, who asks "My biggest question is how does the game industry adapt to new technologies?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/careers Thanks for listening! Do me a favor and rate this podcast on iTunes. It would mean the world to me. To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more information on getting a job in video games, visit: http://www.GameIndustryCareerGuide.com
Published 06/06/16
This week's question is from Indigo, who asks "I have a question about taking a job in a position you don’t want just to get your foot in the door. I’ve had many teachers and other people tell me that taking a QA job or a 2D art job is a good idea just to get in. But I know that I really wouldn’t enjoy it nearly as much as a 3D art position. But it’s pretty hard to find a 3D position. So I’m not sure what to do. Any advice would be great." LINKS FROM THIS...
Published 05/23/16
This week's question is from Travis, who asks "I am a recent computer science graduate. I applied for a tester job at Ubisoft and, following your advice, I submitted everything as a PDF file. But I recently listened to another podcast that said big companies, like Ubisoft, don't actually read resumes, computers do, and that we should use a plain resume with specific fonts and save it as a Microsoft word or a TXT file so the computer can parse the information. Is this true? Is my application...
Published 05/16/16
Today is the 3rd birthday of GameIndustryCareerGuide.com, let's celebrate! LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/careers Thanks for listening! Press "play," listen all the way to the end, and then there will be cake. To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more information on getting a job in video games, visit: http://www.GameIndustryCareerGuide.com
Published 05/09/16
This week's question is from Ashely, who says "My name is Ashely and I am a recruiter that is new to the Video Game recruiting world. I wanted to combine what I do with one of my favorite hobbies which is playing video games. I discovered your blog and see that you are an expert in the field. Do you have any advice for me as a recruiter or can you guide me to any blogs that can help me crack into this industry?" LINKS FROM THIS...
Published 05/01/16
This week's question is from Dillon, who asks "I am really interested in becoming a video game tester! I really like finding bugs and sharing about it to my friends. The only problem is I'm not a great writer. Would that be a major deal breaker?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/how-to-become-a-video-game-tester/ Thanks for listening. Your mission: Share this episode with just 1 other person who would like it. Thanks. :) To ask me a question to be answered on...
Published 04/25/16
This week's question is from Supreeth, who asks "Hey Jason! Supreeth here, we here in India appreciate all the information provided in you website and I'm a huge fan of your podcast :). So, I would feel glad if you could provide me any certain information regarding, How do I make a game programming demo to apply for jobs? How should the demo be? In video format? How do I show my code along with my demo reel?" LINKS FROM THIS...
Published 04/18/16
This week's question is from Taylor, who asks "I am incredibly committed to my craft and improving at it, yet I am under the impression that when I apply for jobs, along with my application there may be 30+ talented artists who have been in the industry before. Do hiring managers occasionally consider candidates that have potential, despite not having the experience? Or do they only seriously consider ones that have industry experience?" LINKS FROM THIS...
Published 04/04/16
This week, I'm reading you a free chapter from my book, "Land a Job as a Video Game Tester." GET YOUR COPY Thanks for listening. If you liked the free chapter, please consider buying the book. I think you'll love it! http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/tester To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more information on getting a job in video games, visit: http://www.GameIndustryCareerGuide.com
Published 03/28/16
This week's question is from Anthony, who asks "One concern I have is, what if being a game designer makes me hate gaming? A friend of mine said that he has talked to developers and they have told him that it’s like eating your favorite food 20 times a day. Is that true?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/video-game-industry-work-life-balance/ Thanks for listening, and for sharing this with other people who want to become game designers. To ask me a question to...
Published 03/21/16
This week's question is from Kit, who asks "I live in a state where there is no real game development work around, which puts me in a pickle because when I graduate I will have a degree but nowhere to use it. I already know that my best bet is to move to another state like Washington, but how does someone like me who will be new to the industry land that first job when migration cost has to be a factor? I've heard that some companies will help with this if they really want you to work with...
Published 03/14/16
This week's question is from Derek, who asks "I’m interested in both game programming and general game design, my talents lying mostly with programming. Do game programmers often get much input in the game design outside of simply how the game functions? I assume this would largely depend on the size of the team. But I’m just wondering if it’s likely I’ll get to participate in both areas." LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/careers Thanks for listening. Email me...
Published 03/07/16
This week's question is from Dylan, who asks "I want to use Game Designer as a career path and I was wondering if being a game programmer would help with that?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/make-your-first-video-game-today-using-these-free-tools/ Thanks for listening. Glad I'm not the only one who geeks out about video game careers! To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more information on getting...
Published 02/29/16
This week's question is from Danielle, who asks "I'm looking to go into Game Design. Do you have a suggestion for the best laptop to use? What are some of the requirements a Game Designer would want in a computer?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://docs.aws.amazon.com/lumberyard/latest/userguide/setting-up-system-requirements.html https://unity3d.com/unity/system-requirements https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/GettingStarted/RecommendedSpecifications/ Thanks for listening. You're the...
Published 02/22/16
This week's question is from Mihai, who asks "I have a question regarding game art colleges. I've watched Marc Brunet and other artist's videos and they strongly advised us not to attend any colleges as long as our portfolio is as strong as the Industry demands. Would you recommend attending a game art college if I already have a game studio quality portfolio?" LINKS FROM THIS...
Published 02/15/16
This week's question is from Andrew, who asks "Hello, I’m in 8th grade and I was wondering if USC was a good school to go to for video game design. I have heard good things about it." LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/top-game-design-colleges-universities/ Thanks for listening! Today's quest: Share this podcast with your friends on social media. Thank you! :D To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more...
Published 02/08/16
This week's question is from Robert, who asks "I’m in high school and I was wanting to know how long you have to be in college to become a Lead Game Designer. So I was wondering if you could give me information on this career and the path to take." LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/game-designer-education-requirements/ Thanks for listening, and thank you for spreading the love. To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an...
Published 02/01/16
This week's question is from Hy, who asks "I am good in math, I love coding, and I have a strong passion for gaming. So I think being a game programmer fits the best for me. I want to know what are the disadvantages? I found out that programmers have to sit in front of a computer all day, that really scares me. Any advice for me?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/game-developer-health-fitness-strategies/ Thanks for listening! I spent my Sunday evening making...
Published 01/25/16
This week's question is from Blake, who asks "I want to become a game tester, but I am not sure if I have the right qualifications. So I was wondering, are there any special requirements for doing this job? Also, I’m 16 years old. How old do you have to be to get this job, and how much do you get paid for your work?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/tester http://www.gameindustrycareerguide.com/salary Thanks for listening! You should know, I'm your biggest fan....
Published 01/18/16
This week's question is from Paulo, who asks "In terms of the gaming industry, the topic that matters to me the most is video game localization. I'm a Brazilian translator and I would love to translate games as well. I don't know if you have already written anything about that, but I would love to know more if possible." LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.keywordsstudios.com/en/careers Thanks for listening! You are the wind beneath my wings. To ask me a question to be answered on this...
Published 01/11/16
This week's question is from Mihai, who asks "Is it better to be a freelancer or an employee in the game industry? I've read some articles about this but they didn't offer me enough information to actually make a definitive decision." LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.GameIndustryCareerGuide.com/careers Thanks for listening! Let's make this the best year ever. To ask me a question to be answered on this podcast, just leave a comment or send an email. For more information on getting a job...
Published 01/04/16
This week's question is from Ramo, who asks "I am currently an airman in the navy, but when I get out I would like to fulfill my dream of becoming a sound producer for a video game company. I would like to know what schools could I attend, and what people I should I connect with?" LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE http://www.GameIndustryCareerGuide.com/careers http://www.gamesoundcon.com http://www.fullsail.edu Thanks for listening! Everything I do, I do it for you. To ask me a question to be...
Published 12/21/15