Spoilers ahead in this episode. The last season of Game of Thrones is divisive, people either hate or love the season. But the two main families that battle against each other are the Starks and the Lannisters. The progression of the characters and the family attachments are discussed from season one to season eight. The debate rages on. Follow Kat on twitter @KatMFT Follow Gian on twitter @Psychogonically Join us on the geek therapy forums...
Published 06/06/19
The HCAT squad help Kat talk about the new Marvel Avengers movie End Game.  There are so many topics to discuss and there are so many topics that are missed, but we only had 2 hours to discuss the main characters that are seen in a three-hour movie. We discuss depression in the MCU; grief and loss & hopelessness.  We totally miss the chance to directly name compassion fatigue that many of the MCU members are suffering from but we do discuss the symptoms.  And ultimately the relationships...
Published 05/26/19
GFT is back after a long hiatus and Lea and Kat interview Lissette about her cosplay life and including her child in her cosplay. Lissette discusses autism, ABA and conventions. The photo’s that are are discussed are on the get instagram and of course please check out un-re designs Follow Kat on twitter @KatMFT Follow Lea on twitter @LFBeee Follow GFT on instagram gftherapy Follow GFT on twitter @geekfamtherapy and let us know what you think about the show or...
Published 03/02/19
Geek Therapy’s Josué Cardona has hijacked this feed to make a special announcement. The Geek Therapy Network, including GFT, is brought to you in part by member of Geek Therapy on Patreon. For the month of February GT is holding a special offer for all new and current members. Listen to learn more and visit patreon.com/geektherapy to become a member. Thank you!
Published 02/02/19
This is a quick emotional response to the Landings Shootings from Lea as she found out about it on 8/27/18. This is a pure emotional response. There is no edits to this no intro no outro. The article attached CNN article 8/27/18 Follow Kat on twitter @KatMFT Follow Lea on twitter @LFBeee Follow GFT on instagram gftherapy Follow GFT on twitter @geekfamtherapy and let us know what you think about the show or what you would like us to talk about.   Don’t forget to subscribe where ever...
Published 09/05/18
This session of GFT is the end of what we will call season 1. Lea and Kat have started a new path in their careers, Kat started a mPh.D. program to get her doctorate in Marriage and Family Therapy, specializing in working with military personnel and their families; and Lea is going for her MBA. This episode was recorded on Memorial Day and Kat and Lea discussed some information regarding the military. Too many servicemen and women take their lives! If you, or someone you know, may be...
Published 06/03/18
First we would like to apologize due to some editing issues. The program that was used to record the episode had been having issues with Audio Drift. This episode, The editing took days. Thank you Shannon. THIS WHOLE EPISODE IS SPOILERS!!!!! SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS!!!! Lea and Kat gush about their love of the new Black Panther Movie, as well as favorite characters and why. Kat attempts to discuss some of the familial views that are introduced in the movie but due to the love of this movie...
Published 03/01/18
Robots are being introduced into mainstream more often.  We have Alexa, and google home, not to mention Siri on Iphones.  Now there is the introduction to Jibo for the home that can display emotions and learns what different users in the home will like and responds accordingly. Does this influence the way family members will interact with one another?  Lea discusses her fear of the AI taking over the world and killing mankind and discusses a conspiracy theory that the humans would die with...
Published 02/04/18
  Hey we got a new logo!!!! Quick apology to begin with there might be some banging in the background, we did get rid of most of it but there is still some, I hope you can bare with us, during the episode. So we had a lot of plans that fell through.  But we did get to see some movies, of course we both saw Thor: Ragnarok, but Kat did not see Justice League, and Lea refuses to see The Last Jedi.  She refuses to see any Star Wars movies. There has been a lot of high power people who have...
Published 12/30/17
The podcast name has changed… From Geeks & Family Therapy to Geek Family Therapy…. Not too different but it rolls of the tongue easier. We are finishing the episodes on character alignment with of  course EVIL… Lea and Kat also took the character alignment test and Kat is Neutral, and Lea is chaotic neutral.  Go to this site and take the test yourself http://easydamus.com/alignmenttest.html Lea explains why she couldn’t be a vampire, hint*** she can’t give up sushi.  
Published 11/18/17
We’ve been gone for a whole month, we are totally sorry.  Yes, it’s Kat’s fault, due to overwhelming work schedules and crisis, as well as getting very sick and then injured, October was just not a good month. But here it is lucky number 13. Lea and Kat discuss the neutral characters from Marvel and DC.  Kat explains how a character’s alignment help her clients in discussing some of their past traumas utilizing  a  modality of narrative therapy in which she will have her clients externalize...
Published 11/12/17
Lea, Kat & Shannon ( the man behind the curtain of GFT) went to New York Comic Con.  On Thursday and Friday the floor was busy but not so busy that it was hard to walk, but on Saturday and Sunday, the press of bodies was insane, making it nearly impossible to walk.  Lea discusses some of the craziness that is cosplaying during a con.  Kat discusses con plague prevention with the use of respirators like the one she got from http://www.un-re.com/   All the things on the page are...
Published 10/14/17
This is the episode before NYCC.  Both Leah and Kat have been going for years, and they will be attending again.  There will be, of course, a NYCC exclusive episode discussing family’s who attend conventions, as well family’s who cosplay together.  The plan, maybe speak to family’s on Sunday, which used to be called Family Day. Not that this is completely off what we would normally talk about but we are discussing Character Alignment.  This episode focuses solely on the good character...
Published 10/03/17
I think I should preface this by saying in no way should any of these apps be used without therapy.  These are not ways to diagnose or treat alone, but in conjunction with mental health professionals. https://www.codetherapyfilm.com/ Code therapy is a 15 minute documentary that discusses depression.  Discussing that depression is the second largest cause of disability in the world and then discussing apps that can be used to help those who are suffering from...
Published 09/03/17
We talk about the new social media app, Sarahah.  Kat makes fun of the name, because she can’t say it.  Lea talks about her use in it.  The premise isn’t a bad idea, especially when we are discussing the implications it has in the work force, but it should have been left as an individual application for companies to decide to use to help strengthen the weak links, or build moral by people being able to discuss the strengths of their co-worker anonymously.  But what  it is is a social media...
Published 08/13/17
SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! OMG Batman is a meta… Kat goes on a rant on how everyone says that Batman is the best super hero because he has no super powers (other than he’s super rich, doesn’t make him a hero), and now….. in the Suicide Squad, he is classified as a meta due to his exposure to Nth metal.  He is classified as such from all of our favourite super bitch Amanda Waller. BBC has announced that the new doctor is (drum roll please) Jodi Whitaker and Butt Hurt Nerd Boys (BHNB)everywhere lost...
Published 08/01/17
Kat got to explore one of her fandoms, geeky likes, nerd like passions… whatever you want to call it… But she went to see Eastern State Penitentiary.  It is a jail that was built in 1829 and closed in 1971.  This did pique Kat’s love of history (especially haunted history) and some psychological aspects in learning that when the prison first opened everyone was brought in to single cells with hoods on their heads so no one knew who they were, and their exercise yard was attached to their...
Published 07/18/17
Family of origin are the people who we are born into, or marry into.  While Family of Choice are the people that we choose to have involved in out lives.  These people will become like siblings, uncles, aunts or even surrogate parents for us. In fiction family of choice is often used to help create a family with people that they have more in common with, especially when the main character has developed some type of supernatural powers.  The new family share similar powers or...
Published 06/25/17
Let’s just geek out on Wonder Woman for a few minutes here.  I loved the movie, Lea liked the movie as a customer, not a fan.  We get to go into our likes about the movie and of course the fun, “Go Women, Pro Woman” voice that the movie promotes.  This is not a long episode, and there is not really any family therapy aspects in it, but we get to geek out on it. This is a short episode, and of course talks about the
Published 06/23/17
Why when I play a female fighter or wizard or ranger or whatever when I play a video game the higher level my character is the less armor my character seems to be wearing.   My armor class is higher, that is cool, but it looks like I’m riding through Azeroth naked, or in a bikini. But when you pick up the armor in any dungeon, it will look like a really cool breast plate, or chain mail pants and when you put it on it’s like a loincloth.   Is this what guys are looking for? Anyway these...
Published 05/24/17
Starting off, we are apologizing for Lea & Kat sounding very congested, as tree sex attempts to kill them by hindering their breathing. Kat gets to gush about her new computer and software she is using to record and edit with (thanks Shannon.) Because new tech is always fun to talk about, and gush about, and get and play with. Why are people so fascinated by watching bad things happen?  As a society when there is a car accident we slow down to see what is going on, to see the chaos, the...
Published 05/07/17
It seems many people believe they have a family member or loved one who is addicted to video games.  Are they really?  Are video games as bad as people think they are or is video game addiction just a new psychological buzz word.  This episode Lea and Kat discuss Video Game addiction; is it a diagnosis? What are the criteria? How did it first start? How can it be treated? And, how can it be prevented? This episode is very heavy and loaded with some history, some facts, and diagnostic...
Published 04/24/17
OMG we finally have our first podcast for everyone!  Welcome to GFT! Meet your hosts Kat La Forgia a Masters in Marriage and Family therapy who works in Pennsylvania as a Family Home Based Therapist. Lea who works in foster care and has her Masters in Media Psychology.  This episode we are introducing ourselves and talking about what we will be discussing as we continue in this podcast; as well as Viral Media and why and how it affects families. Contact us on Twitter @KatMFT @LFBeee
Published 04/11/17