A fun filled weekend with new friends who helped me gain perspective on just being yourself.
Published 08/27/20
Does love change over time, OR is love, love, no matter what?
Published 08/19/20
An open, an honest documentation of where I am in regards to love, work, and myself. Lets explore this together.
Published 07/29/20
Fear is an emotion we should face head on, for without love, what is life?
Published 07/22/20
No one wants to be the "nice guy." Ironically they get a bad rap. Let's take a deep dive into what's to be expected,versus who you really are. 
Published 07/08/20
What is our plan, or mindset as we go into phase 1, 2, or 7!? This pandemic has taken, and given a lot. Whatre you walking away with? Lets talk about it.
Published 07/01/20
Learning how to navigate between love, and lust can be a challenge. Lets take a deep dive into what you want, and what you need.
Published 06/24/20
Join me on a trip down memory lane about my my dad. With Father's day coming up, I thought it was only right to dedicate an episode to him.
Published 06/17/20
I've listened to everyone's perspectives, respect their points of views, and hope we can find a solution as a collective. Race has consumed me more in the past week, than it has in a long time. Here is my take as a black man, to black men.
Published 06/10/20
An insight into what is deeper than the surface. There is a method to our madness, a rhyme to our reason, and another way to live... MASK OFF!
Published 06/03/20
A deep dive into society's climate. Me too is a trigger phrase that deserves a conversation, and a solution.
Published 05/27/20
It is important to love the skin you're in, as is. Physical insecurities can have a crippling effect on many aspects of your life. As a fitness professional, i touch on various topics, and hope you leave with a little more understanding, and self love.
Published 05/20/20
In this episode we'll explore cheating in relationship, money, and dreams. 
Published 05/13/20
This was an emotional episode. This is an open letter to all of the mothers out there, and it's an open letter to my mom as well. Sometimes a store bought card cannot fit all of the words, and emotions we truly feel. Happy Mother's Day!
Published 05/06/20
Come one, come all, to the T.V dads awards show! There will be champagne, hors d'oeuvres, and swag bags. From episodes, to reality, let’s talk about how these tv dads have changed our lives. For more, head to Instagram
Published 04/26/20
Published 04/26/20
We Protect, provide, and project. Why do buy what we buy, why do we do what we do? What’s important, what’s not? What do we want, and what do we need? For more, head to Instagram
Published 04/26/20
Super excited for this idea, to become reality. Gentle(r)Man is a theory, and a concept that I’m eager to share to share with you. Listen with an open mind, let it spark something inside you, and allow yourself to feel, and think. For more, head to Instagram
Published 04/26/20