While Gertrude’s friends desperately search for her, she is doing everything she can to passive-aggressively foil the plans of Jorgensen’s henchmen, Oliver and Smitty. Though still separated, Gertrude’s bestie, Joanie, is on the same wavelength, trying to help Winnie understand idioms. Joanie quickly learns kindergartners don’t grasp subtleties or sarcasm.
Published 04/20/24
Zed’s career and personal life had been spiraling out of control, until he received a call from a six-year-old with a big mouth and an even bigger dream.
Published 04/09/24
Welcome back to Season Two of Gertrude Stunt Girl Zombie Killer. Gertrude has been kidnapped and knocked out by the evil Dr. Jared Jorgensen. While biding her time in la-la land, we get a glimpse into her origin story. Also, boys are mean.
Published 04/01/24
Join us as we wrap up season one of Gertrude Stunt Girl Zombie Killer with a discussion about the creation of your new favorite podcast.
Published 01/02/24
The exciting conclusion to season one. Aw, come on, you didn’t think we were gonna spill ALL the beans here, did ya?
Published 12/30/23
Dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot. Something big is about to go down on the bus. Raven’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.
Published 12/27/23
What secrets has Raven been hiding? Will Zed learn how to tell an American joke? Will Billy ever gain Gertrude’s respect? Will Winnie ever not have to use the bathroom? The answers to these questions, and more, await in this episode. Or do they?
Published 12/18/23
On their trip north, the gang had the ‘opera-tunity’ to catch a play rehearsal at a roadside park. The afternoon crescendoed into chaos, and Gertrude learned tenors don’t float, zombies are tenacious, and diva directors aren’t vivace enough.
Published 12/11/23
Join us as Gertrude describes her ideal Thanksgiving feast!
Published 11/26/23
Society is starting to crumble, but Zach gains Gertrude’s respect, and a new nick-name, with his first Zombie un-a-living. Billy keeps trying to make friends with the girls. It’s not working. Gertrude stumbles upon a secret about her family on Raven’s computer. Suspicious indeed.
Published 11/18/23
The group finally meets someone with some answers, Raven Finnegan, science investigator. The girls are thrilled to have some big sister energy in the group. Also, Gertrude is pretty sure she can get Raven’s help in her plan for women to take over the world.
Published 11/11/23
Shit gets real… death, swearing, heroes, orphans, mullets, and a laugh track. Gertrude and her crew are still on the run killing zombies left and right. Listen to episode two of GSGZK to see who will make it through the zombie hoard and who gets left behind.
Published 11/04/23
Meet Gertrude and her friend. And her other friend. And her other friend. And her other friend. And…. Billy -_- . And her other friend as they face the start of the zombie apocalypse quickly taking over the Midwest.
Published 10/28/23
Join us each week as ten-year-old professional stunt girl, Gertrude, her best pal Joansie, and her stunt friends, Zach and Zed fight off the zombie hoard that shut down their movie set and quickly started to invade the rest of the mid-west. This campy thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat, while you try to decide if you should laugh or scream. It has everything you want in a weekly podcast—action, adventure, and a playful sense of world-ending paranoia, mixed with intrigue and...
Published 10/09/23