How will the scrapping of one-word Ofsted judgements impact early years settings, and educational providers like yours? If you're feeling the pressure of current Ofsted inspections and wondering how upcoming changes might affect your setting's future, this episode breaks down what the end of single-word judgments means for your performance reviews and the steps you can take to stay ahead of these new regulations. Within this lesson, you will...  - Gain insights into the implications of...
Published 09/16/24
Are you confident that your current methods for tracking children's progress are truly closing learning gaps? In today’s fast-paced educational environment, ensuring that every child is progressing can be challenging. This episode explores practical strategies for assessing children’s development, offering insights on how to identify and address learning gaps. Within this episode, you will: Learn how to establish accurate baselines for effectively tracking children's progress. Discover...
Published 09/09/24
Is your early years setting designed to truly support children’s independence and development? As the new term begins, it’s essential to ensure your classrooms are not only well-organized but also effective in nurturing young minds. This episode explores the importance of establishing clear room intents to create an environment that enhances both learning and independence. Within this episode, you will... Learn how to design environments that foster independence and confidence in...
Published 09/02/24
Have you ever wondered how British values like democracy and mutual respect can be naturally woven into your daily teaching practices, without relying on outdated clichés? In today’s episode, we tackle the challenge many educators face: integrating British values into everyday activities in a meaningful way that satisfies inspection requirements and enriches children's experiences. Within this episode, you will... Discover simple, engaging activities to teach children about democracy...
Published 08/27/24
Are you struggling to balance leadership and management in your early years setting? This podcast episode addresses the challenge many leaders face in the early years sector: focusing more on their staff's development than their own, and how this imbalance can hinder both personal and team growth. Learn how to transition from merely surviving as a manager to thriving as a visionary leader. Discover the power of positivity and how a positive mindset can transform your team's dynamic. Gain...
Published 08/19/24
Are you confident your apprentices are receiving the best training possible, or could your provider be falling short? With many apprenticeship providers now offering online-only training post-COVID, employers face the challenge of ensuring quality and effective education for their apprentices. This episode dives into what to look for in a top-notch apprenticeship provider, ensuring your apprentices receive the hands-on experience and support they need. Within this episode, you will... ...
Published 08/12/24
Have you ever wondered what it really takes to sell your childcare business successfully? In today's challenging landscape, many nursery owners are feeling the pressure and considering selling their businesses. Whether you're at the start of this journey or well on your way, understanding the key steps to a successful sale can mean the difference between a smooth transition and a legal nightmare. Within this episode, you will... Discover the essential due diligence steps to protect your...
Published 08/05/24
How can your nursery or preschool work towards achieving an outstanding rating in its next Ofsted inspection? Many early years nurseries and preschools struggle to meet Ofsted’s high standards, leading to anxiety and uncertainty during inspections. This episode delves into what makes a setting outstanding, offering actionable insights and real-life examples from past inspections. Within this episode, you will... Learn the specific practices that make children highly motivated and rapidly...
Published 07/29/24
Have you ever wondered how to transform the culture of your early years setting into a positive and thriving environment? In today's challenging landscape, fostering a positive culture in early years settings is crucial for reducing staff turnover, enhancing communication, and creating a supportive space for children and parents. This episode dives into practical tips to help you achieve these goals and overcome common obstacles. Within this episode, you will... Learn how to build strong,...
Published 07/22/24
Are your staff supervisions just a tick-box exercise, or are they truly driving improvement in your early years setting? Many managers struggle with making supervisions impactful and consistent. This episode delves into practical strategies that transform supervision from routine tasks into powerful tools for growth and development, aligning with the demands of modern early childhood education. Within this episode, you will... Discover the "Wheel of Practice" method to make supervisions...
Published 07/15/24
Are you struggling to manage your early years setting effectively while keeping your team motivated and engaged? This episode dives into the essential aspects of leadership in early years settings, a critical issue that directly impacts your team’s performance and the overall environment for the children.  Within this episode, you will... 1. Discover practical strategies to nurture and support your team, ensuring they feel valued and motivated. 2. Learn how to create a positive and...
Published 07/08/24
Are you leveraging the full potential of peer observations to enhance your early years setting? If you're an early years manager, you're likely striving to improve your team's practices and foster a reflective culture. This episode dives into how peer observations can be a game-changer in achieving these goals. Within this episode, you will... Discover practical tips on implementing effective peer observations. Learn how peer observations can significantly reduce your workload and stress...
Published 07/01/24
Have you ever wondered how your vote could shape the future of early childhood education? In this episode, we dive into the promises of major political parties regarding childcare and early years education. With the general election approaching, it's crucial to understand what each party offers and how it impacts the financial and recruitment crises in the sector. Within this episode, you will... Gain a clear, unbiased overview of the childcare policies proposed by the Conservatives,...
Published 06/24/24
Are you curious about the potential changes to Ofsted's inspection cycle and how they could affect your early years setting? In this episode, we tackle the hot topic of Ofsted's possible shift to a shorter inspection cycle and discuss how this could reduce stress and improve the quality of care and education in early years settings. Within this episode, you will... Discover why a shorter inspection cycle could lead to less stress and more consistent high standards in your setting. Learn...
Published 06/17/24
Today I am joined by the wonderful Glenn Denny as we delve into the world of toddlers and explore their curious minds! We will look at different activities and resources you can use and give you golden nuggets of information about sparking curiosity in children and using it to support their learning and development! Within this episode, you will learn about: - The Curious Minds of 2-Year-Olds - Activities That Can Help To Spark Curiosity - How You Can Keep The Curiosity Flowing Show...
Published 06/10/24
Today we are looking at what we need to do to ensure that we are prepared for Ofsted. Starting from the very beginning, the dreaded call right the way through to reflecting on feedback from your inspection. This short but sweet episode will offer tons of golden nuggets of information to help you shine on the big day and not shy away!   Within this episode, you will learn about: - Preparing For The Telephone Call - Informing Your Staff About The News - Getting Ready To Shine on Your...
Published 06/03/24
Today, I am delighted to welcome Lucy, our Operations Manager, as we delve into the concept of Cultural Capital. In this discussion, we will aim to delve into the significance of Cultural Capital and explore strategies for its integration within your setting.  The idea of Cultural Capital reflects on the varying experiences that children may have growing up and aims to bridge this gap in learning by allowing settings to offer the children experiences that they may not have otherwise. It is...
Published 05/28/24
Today, I wanted to talk about the Inspection Path, this is something we created which takes you through a journey, going through 5 stages which can help you to go from feeling anxious, overwhelmed or frustrated to feeling confident, prepared and ready for your inspection! So, let us take you on an adventure through your Inspection journey to figure out what your next step is and achieve your goal of becoming a reflective and passionate Early Years Educator! Within this episode, you will...
Published 05/20/24
Today we are joined by my good friend, Sarah Emerson, who is the master of all things emotions! We will discuss how we can support children with 'Big Feelings' and explore the impact of Co-Regulation in child development. Join us to gain insights and strategies that you can use to help nurture the emotional literacy of children within your setting. Within this episode, you will learn about: - The importance of both Co-Regulation and Self-Regulation - How To Support Children with Big...
Published 05/13/24
For this episode, I wanted to answer one of the most commonly asked questions by Early Years educators, 'What Are Ofsted Looking For?'. Now this is a bit of a loaded question, but during this podcast, I will delve into some of the hot topics we have seen on our audits and offer advice on how to refine these areas so you are ready to shine on the big day! Within this episode, you will learn about: - Key Things an Inspector Would Be Looking For - How To Ensure Your Curriculum is...
Published 05/07/24
Today, we're joined by Anthony, our Technology Guru, to delve into his journey in Early Years and his perspective on the involvement of men in the sector. The presence of positive male role models in early childhood settings can yield numerous benefits for children. However, finding men in the Early Years field is a rarity. We'll explore strategies for incorporating these role models into settings and have an open dialogue on the reasons behind the lack of Men in the Early Years Sector. ...
Published 04/29/24
Today, I'd like to delve into a topic we haven't explored on this podcast before, Display Boards. These boards can have a huge impact on the children's learning and development, making it essential that we engage them in the process and tailor the displays to their interests. Display boards can be such a helpful tool to use within a setting, providing visual aids to reinforce learning concepts and showcasing the children's work. We must ensure we are getting them right to ensure they...
Published 04/22/24
Today I am joined by our fantastic field team, Emily and Lorraine, as we discuss the learning walk and what we have seen on our audits. We will be offering our tips and tricks on how you can wow your inspector and shine on your learning walk. This is the time to showcase your setting, so make sure that you own it and show the inspector what your setting has got! Within this episode, you will learn about: - Our expert tips on how to shine on your learning walk. - How long a learning walk...
Published 04/15/24
For this episode, we wanted to do something a little different and step away from the inspection side of things and focus on the activities that we prepare for the children. Activities are a huge part of an Early Years setting and we must think outside the box to create engaging and impactful activities. We need to make sure that these activities are having a positive impact on the children and are linked to the learning and development of the children.  Within this episode, you will learn...
Published 04/08/24