Published 03/14/20
Well, it's here. The finale for Grow Well Podcast. Today I am sharing why I made the (very difficult) decision to stop the podcast and all the EXCITING things ahead! I am so grateful for you, my planty friends. Houseplant Academy: https://houseplantacademy.com Get Planty Course: https://getplantycourse.com Houseplant Academy on Instagram: https://instagram.com/houseplantacademy Follow Dusty on Instagram: https://dustyhegge.com
Published 03/14/20
Barbra Hill from Holding Space Counseling joins me to chat about mental health, healing, and how to set (and follow-through) on boundaries. This conversation is short, sweet, and PACKED with wisdom! Full show notes: https://dustyhegge.com/podcast/057 Connect with Barb: https://holdingspacecounseling.org | https://instagram.com/barbs_hill | https://instagram.com/holdingspacecounseling Dusty On Instagram: https://instagram.com/dustyhegge | https://instagram.com/houseplantacademy Shop...
Published 02/24/20
I've said it once and I'll say it again - succulents ae BAD houseplants! I really mean that. I am speaking in broad terms here but take heart in knowing that just because you've "killed a succulent" doesn't mean you are doomed to be a plant killer! It just means that a succulent, or that particular succulent, wasn't a good ft for you or the growing conditions your home provides. In this episode I'll cover: What makes a plant 'succulent' Why succulents aren't very good houseplants (so you...
Published 02/11/20
Today I am a little star-struck! I was so privileged to chat with the incredible women who founded the company Gathre (pronounced gath-ur). Jessica and Marilee are businesswomen, friends, and their story is pretty profound.  I can't wait for you to hear all of the wisdom and encouragement they share with us! Show notes: https://dustyhegge.com/podcast/gathre Houseplant Quiz: https://dustyhegge.com/quiz Follow Gathre on Instagram: https://instagram.com/gathre Follow Dusty on Instagram:...
Published 02/03/20
What does it mean to know God? How can we study the bible with our kids? What does gardening, writing, and personal growth have in common? All such good questions my guest Lacey Rabalais and I tackle in today's episode. She shares her heart for studying scripture, the realities of what it means to teach our kids God's truth, and so much more planty goodness! Truly this conversation is such a fun one I know will leave you inspired! Pour yourself a cuppa coffee and let's chat God's word and...
Published 01/28/20
So you know grow lights can help your houseplants grow but do you know how they work? And did you know that not all "grow lights" are created equally? Just because a light says that it's a grow light doesn't necessarily mean it will facilitate your houseplants in growing well. This is why I've brought the founders of Soltech Solutions onto the show to dive DEEP into grow lights. This conversation is such a rich one and I know you're going to enjoy it! I personally ADORE my aspect light from...
Published 01/20/20
EVERYTHING you need to know about winter houseplant care! I'll cover temperature, light, water, fertilizer, humidity, and repotting! I am gonna do my best to keep it short and sweet. In doing so I'll be referring you to several other podcast episodes I've already published. So make sure you take advantage of the (very) thorough show note I made to go alongside this episode. SHOW NOTES: https://dustyhegge.com/podcast/052 Are you ready? LET’S DO THIS! Follow Grow Well on Instagram:...
Published 01/13/20
If you don't have a good houseplant routine your houseplants will probably die. Just sayin'. So, let's create a good routine together! I'm going to share with you what needs to be in your houseplant care routine (NOT a schedule, this is a very important distinction!) and give you an example of my houseplant routine. // FREE Houseplant Course: https://www.houseplantacademy.com //  SHOW NOTES: https://dustyhegge.com/podcast/051 (With direct links to ALL episodes mentioned within this episode.)
Published 12/31/19
Self-care. What a trendy word. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for parts of it! But like an overgrown garden, I think we’ve all gotten a little carried away and there is some weeding that needs to be done. What I believe started as a very important message of “You are allowed to have fun, to eat good food, to invest personal growth, in your hobbies, and the little things that make you so happy has turned into a frighteningly deceptive half-truth. One that seems shiny and lovely and...
Published 12/23/19
Poinsettias are the number one potted plant sold in the US with over $250 million made annually. 80% of the people who purchase them are women and I would wager to guess that 99% of those poinsettias are tossed in the trash come February (that statistic is 100% made up based on my own personal experience…...of throwing them away every year!) Because they are difficult to grow indoors! I have heard people tell me they are easy and some people tell me they are difficult. After spending the...
Published 12/16/19
A little bit about plants, a lot about life and marriage. We fully expect all your marriages to be perfect after hearing this episode. LINKS MENTIONED: Velodrome Coffee: http://www.velodromecoffeecompany.com Velodrome Coffee Subscription (there is a gift option!): https://www.velodromecoffeecompany.com/collections/subscriptions >>>> Show notes: http://dustyhegge.com/podcast/048
Published 12/09/19
Healing from trauma and pain isn't all that different from growing. The two go hand in hand. Even when we feel as though we are taking three steps backward as we are forced to slow down while we grieve, God is preparing the soil of our hearts for something incredible. Today one of my Get Planty students, Hannah Underwood, joins me for such a heartfelt and genuine conversation about this very topic. The story of how this episode came to be is a good one in and of itself! Hannah has undergone...
Published 12/02/19
Darryl Cheng founder of Houseplant Journal is a wealth of houseplant knowledge. Today we chat orchid basics, a whole lot about light, and all about his new book called The New Plant Parent. This conversation was candid, informative, and reminded me why I love the world of plants so much! I know you'll feel inspired and encouraged no matter where you are in your planty journey. I can't wait to hear your biggest takeaways! Show notes: http://dustyhegge.com/podcast/047 Grow Well on Instagram:...
Published 11/25/19
Choosing the right planter for your houseplant is one of the most important steps. This is an area of houseplant care I get SO many questions about! More often than not I see people overcomplicate this decision so today I want to simplify this process for you an help you begin to think critically about HOW your houseplant grows. Show notes: http://dustyhegge.com/podcast/049 Instagram: http://instagram.com/growwellpodcast
Published 11/18/19
Pothos are my top recommendation for an easy-care houseplant AND for low-light houseplants. They are classy, forgiving, communicative, and so stunning. In this episode, I explain how to keep your pothos alive and happy! Show notes and even more info on how to grow a pothos: http://dustyhegge.com/podcast/pothos
Published 11/11/19
As we approach the cold of winter it feels like the perfect time to reflect back on the growing season and glean all we can from our experiences in the garden. Whether you are a vegetable gardener or not this episode is PACKED with wisdom from my guest, Sarah Cate. She shares what God taught her as she approached a brand new hobby (spoiler alert: it's gardening) and how He used this seemingly insignificant decision to transform her view of God and growth.  Show notes:...
Published 11/04/19
This is the second PlantyISH segement...episode? I still don't know what to call it. Anyways, it's a fun one! Johannah and I talk: Why houseplants have weaker stems than outdoors plants Coffee facts (including dancing goats, cat poop, and tamping) Sh*t our kids have done How we are trying to growing well How Johannah's is learning more about her Native heritage and why it matters so greatly For plant care guides and more houseplant-focused information: http://dustyhegge.com
Published 10/14/19
What houseplants are non-toxic? Is my houseplant safe to be around my kids and pets? Which houseplants are toxic? I answer all of these questions in today's episode! Plus I share some of my favorite ways to involve your kids in houseplant care. ENROLL IN GET PLANTY: http://getplantycourse.com Cart closes at midnight on October 10th, 2018. If you are listening after the cart has closed you can join the waitlist for when the course reopens again! Other links mentioned: American Society...
Published 10/08/19
This episode is directly from Get Planty Course in the Growth Mindset module. Here is an excerpt: "When we come into contact with great art, we don’t say, “Look at what this piece of art made!” That would be ridiculous. Even saying that sentence out loud, it doesn’t make sense. Instead, we say, “Who made this incredible painting? I bet she worked so hard to create it. It’s beautiful!.” Then we look at it. We soak it up. We let that piece of art sink in, and we start to feel all the emotions...
Published 10/02/19
How to grow a Chinese money plant in your home and all about their history. This conversation with Mackenna Rowely from Piep Co. is PACKED with planty goodness! We talk about: How to grow a Chinese money plant (Pilea peperomioides) in your home The history of this quirky plant How to get rid of "plant shame" What it's like owning a plant shop with two little kids How we can glorify God through the gift of nature The value in getting growing your community Follow Piep...
Published 09/30/19
Ready to learn how to keep your houseplants alive? The answer is much more simple than you think: CURIOSITY. When you start asking questions and then actively looking for answers you can form meaningful relationships, draw nearer to our Maker, and grow as a person. Curiosity is how we enjoy the little things in life to the FULLEST. The answer to keeping your houseplants alive? It all begins with curiosity. My goal is to inspire you to grow well, to dig a little deeper, to be CURIOUS, and...
Published 09/27/19
Interior styling and houseplant styling can feel overwhelming! There is great value in designing a space that reflects your personality and makes you feel cozy and surrounds you with beauty. Today I am joined by Meegan Bushor from Mia Interiors and she gives us some really actionable ways we can style our homes well. We talk about: How we met How Meegan made interior styling her career How to begin to approach home decor and make your home reflect your personality and style How to...
Published 09/23/19
A brand new, ultra hilarious, kinda planty and kinda not monthly episode with my dear friend Johannah Hafner. We talk about: - plants (of course) - trends we are loving and trends that we don't love - crazy stuff our kids do - how we are pursuing growing well Join the Stop Killing Your Houseplants (FREE!) Challenge: http://www.houseplantacademy.com --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/grow-well/support
Published 09/16/19
Bringing your houseplants indoors when the weather gets colder is really important and there are a few steps you should be doing to ensure that your beloved houseplants stay healthy. I’ll cover: How to prepare your home How to prevent and fight houseplant pests How to acclimate your houseplants indoors What behavior to expect from your houseplant Before I dive into how to acclimate your houseplant indoors after summer I have something SO exciting to share with you! On the day of this...
Published 09/09/19