Published 10/23/18
Published 10/23/18
Published 10/23/18
Published 10/16/18
Published 10/16/18
Published 10/09/18
Published 10/09/18
Domestic Violence is a silent killer of the soul. Many relationship start off with the thought this is to good to be true. Before long blame is placed on the women and this escalates to verbal, physical and emotional abuse.
Published 10/02/18
Domestic Violence is a silent killer of the soul. Many relationship start off with the thought this is to good to be true. Before long blame is placed on the women and this escalates to verbal, physical and emotional abuse. " The trauma suffered in an abusive relationship gradually ramps up. It slowly drains you of self worth and alienates your support systems, leaving you feeling trapped and miserable". ( E. Lockert, 2013) Todays guest is Tracey Osborne a survivor of rape and domestic...
Published 10/02/18
Perseverance is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. Everyone has had a moment when they had to make a choice.
Published 09/18/18
Perseverance is to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success. Everyone has had a moment when they had to make a choice. A choice to keep going knowing they may not have the positive outcome they were looking for. If you ever found yourself in this situation, then join me Tuesday 5pm lets talk about it!!!!
Published 09/18/18
Published 09/11/18
Published 09/11/18
Published 09/04/18
Published 09/04/18
Starting over is always scary. It involves being ok with the unknown. You have to truly trust God and allow yourself the room to make mistakes, learn, grow and stretch.
Published 08/28/18
Starting over is always scary. It involves being ok with the unknown. You have to truly trust God and allow yourself the room to make mistakes, learn, grow and stretch. Having the understanding and recognizing that sometimes it takes many times starting at square one before you really " get it". From that moment you enjoy the experience and create your best life.
Published 08/28/18
Life is like the game of dodge ball. The opposing team or the devil and his principalities work against you. He will rush to attack you with all his might. He will use everything he has to knock you out the game.
Published 08/21/18
Life is like the game of dodge ball. The opposing team or the devil and his principalities work against you. He will rush to attack you with all his might. He will use everything he has to knock you out the game. Sometimes you will get hit, sometimes you will deflect and avoid his attack. However, you may get knocked off balanced, but still be prepared to handle what is thrown at you. You may get knocked out the game all together and find yourself on the sidelines. Eventually, you will return...
Published 08/21/18
Letting go and releasing your past is the key to living a life of clarity and peace. The rate of return we receive holding onto our past is simply comfort and filling a void. We have a tendency to remain stuck as a justification of our current state.
Published 08/14/18
Letting go and releasing your past is the key to living a life of clarity and peace. The rate of return we receive holding onto our past is simply comfort and filling a void. We have a tendency to remain stuck as a justification of our current state. All in all, holding on to the past has no benefits and eventually stops us from realizing our full potential. Don’t miss one second of my next conversation about letting go and learning to live a new norm.
Published 08/14/18
Life Happens! What you choose to do with it determines if you are living a life of purpose or a life of mediocrity. Some of us are lucky enough to recognize when our destiny chooses us.
Published 08/07/18
Life Happens! What you choose to do with it determines if you are living a life of purpose or a life of mediocrity. Some of us are lucky enough to recognize when our destiny chooses us. Join me during my next show to discover the power to focus and push through anything you may be facing in life. Many question when they will know what their calling is in life..... well, you will know when you know! Calling leads to purpose, which leads to destiny. Join me during this conversation for ways...
Published 08/07/18