"You've made mistakes, but they don't matter. What matters is what you're going to do now and what you're going to do moving forward."-Scott Rieckens You may think you are living the dream life, but the painful truth is that we lack control over our finances and our future. Everything could be easy-peasy for us one moment, and the next, you’re struggling. Scott Rieckens had what most people would call the dream life. He was living in the beach town lifestyle in Southern California, happily...
Published 01/28/20
"Two problems exist within the student loan system - they're not getting better and they're getting much worse every year."-Travis Hornsby Decision-making is an essential, vital skill in the life of any successful (or soon-to-be-successful) person worth their sale. One of these kinds of choices you're going to have to make is deciding on opportunities - bringing decisiveness to the things you want and need to do. Mike Handcock is the Chairman and Founder of the Circle of Excellence Group,...
Published 01/24/20
"If you honestly believe in things like the Law of Attraction, you don't have to chase money. You just have to attract the right things."-Mike Handcock Decision-making is an essential, vital skill in the life of any successful (or soon-to-be-successful) person worth their sale. One of these kinds of choices you're going to have to make is deciding on opportunities - bringing decisiveness to the things you want and need to do. Mike Handcock is the Chairman and Founder of the Circle of...
Published 01/21/20
"Exposure is one of the best teachers. The more exposure you have and the more you experience things, the more you have real choices. "-Landi Jack Business intelligence is all about business methodologies and techniques and designing a system for selling, going and getting leads, developing relationships, and ultimately creating a long time journey with clients. Dustin Mathews’ special guest today is Landi Jac, the Founder and Global Director of Worldwide Business Intelligence, which is...
Published 01/17/20
"Don't worry about the money. Pick something that you are passionate about and the money will come."-Amy Mahjoory You may experience downfalls, but there will always be rebound moments where everything will be wonderful. Today, Dustin Matthews interviews Amy Mahjoory, an Investor & Educator, HGTV Personality, Networking Coach & Keynote Speaker, and author of the best-selling book titled Networking with a Purpose. Here, Amy talks about the moments that changed her life—from the...
Published 01/14/20
"The biggest thing is knowing what your end goal is. If you really believe that, that's where your most solid plans will come from."-Rob Kosberg These days, in the age of the internet, writing a book that will sell is a much trickier proposition. But if you know where to look, and how to go about things, making money in publishing can be much simpler and easier than you might believe. Rob Kosberg is a three-time international bestselling author and the Founder of the publishing house called...
Published 01/07/20
"Sometimes, you have to say no to exciting opportunities to be able to focus on other ones. It's all about focusing on what's important. "-Tina Hay This episode’s guest comes from a diverse background encompassing film, technology, and finance. Tina Hay is the Founder and CEO of Napkin Finance, a multimedia platform where readers can learn everything about money in 30 seconds or less. Today, she joins Dustin Mathews to talk a little bit about Napkin Finance, what it was like to partner...
Published 01/07/20
"A lot of times, people keep holding onto the negative that it's holding them back from the great financial self that they can be."-Lacey Langford Being careless will cost you things—most of the time, it will cost you money. This is the hard-earned lesson Lacey Langford took to heart after she wrecked her family’s car and was asked to pay for it. Now, Lacey is The Military Money Expert® and the founder of LaceyLangford.com, a personal finance blog specializing in the unique world of the...
Published 01/03/20
"It's not about being Superman. It's about the training that puts you in high-pressure situations that develops you so you can make that call."-Flynn Cochran When there are a thousand variables in your head, how do you make a decision? Where does your command end so you can allow others to make the call? Leaders consistently face these tough questions, and their response determines an organization's win or loss. This was exactly what Flynn Cochran trained for as a former US Navy SEAL...
Published 12/31/19
"Have your money work for you everyday instead of having it work for the bank."-Jordan Goodman Do you have a student loan, mortgage, car loan, or any debt? Whether you do or not, you might want to listen to host, Dustin Matthew and guest, Jordan Goodman's discussion. Jordan Goodman is known as America's Money Answers Man and is a nationally recognized expert on personal finance. Jordan shares five different, distinct ways of paying down a bad debt faster and saving on interest that you may...
Published 12/27/19
"Memory is something that can be worked on. It's something that we have all the capacity to improve."-Nelson Dellis If you feel like you could do better with names, factoids, figures, and important things to know in your life, you're in for an incredible treat. Our guest is a four-time USA Memory Champion and one of the leading memory experts traveling around the world as a competitive memory athlete, a memory consultant, a published author, a highly sought after keynote speaker, and an...
Published 12/24/19
"You don't have to be the Michael Jordan of business. You have to be on Michael Jordan's team."-David Osborn Wealth can’t wait, and today, you’re going to know exactly why. David Osborn is the New York Times bestselling author of Wealth Can't Wait. He is also the Co-Owner of one of the top real estate brokerages in the world with more than 5,000 agents in annual sales volume exceeding $12 billion per year. In this episode, Dustin Mathews talks with David about why your wealth simply can't...
Published 12/20/19
"It's a lot easier to lose money when you've never had money."-Eric Berman What's it like working with - rather, creating - a company going public? Eric Berman is a long-time entrepreneur, and the founder and partner at Brandetize, an interactive agency that partners with personalities and brands to expand their reach, monetize their business, and leave a positive impact on the world. His wealth of experiences in entrepreneurship have left him with more than a few very interesting stories...
Published 12/17/19
"A lot of people don't think they're worthy of making $50,000, $100,000 or getting the promotion or creating a business to sell. The first place you start in manifesting any of that is a belief in yourself."-Joe Hawley There are two ways to go about in life - you either wait for opportunities to come your way or make the opportunities yourself. For former NFL player, Joe Hawley, it is the latter. Even with a life that provided him the world as his oyster, Joe went through the transition of...
Published 12/13/19
"Real estate as a business makes a lot of sense because it's a business people will always need."-Doug Ottersberg In this episode, Doug Ottersberg, business and life strategist and the co-author of The Serious Business Owner's Guide to Serious Business Success, sits down with Dustin Mathews to talk about financial success. Doug and his wife Anna are now retired, but have been financially independent since their 30s, so who better to hear about financial success from? These days, as a...
Published 12/10/19
"Creating a business starts with getting the right mindset. If you refuse to think different, you won't attain the success you want."-Steve Jackson   In this jam-packed episode, Dustin Mathews is joined by Steve Jackson, the creator of VirtualInvestorPLUS, a real estate investment management software system. Dustin and Steve run the gamut of subjects, getting right at it with a near-death experience. Steve also shares stories of resilience as he recounts his experiences on rebounding from...
Published 12/06/19
"Storytelling is about leading with information. It's using the information piece by piece to build a foundation of understanding."-Brant Pinvidic   Many tend to think that covering all bases with information when pitching is the best way to go. But that is not what Brant Pinvidic—award-winning film director, veteran television producer, coach, and speaker—believes. For him, it is in saying less that you can get more. Having been named as one of The Hollywood Reporters' 30 Most Powerful...
Published 12/03/19
"The difference between the income that you earn and the expenses that you pay is the creation of wealth."-Andrew Stotz   Every investor has their own worst investment story. While it unfortunately happens to everyone, the good thing about it is how it teaches lessons that investors will carry with them forever. Someone who collects stories of others, along with his own, to help future generations reduce their investment risks is Andrew Stotz, the CEO of A. Stotz Investment Research and...
Published 11/29/19
"Everyone has an entrepreneurial spirit somewhere deeply embedded in them."- Jason Smith   To get funding, whether that be from a bank, an investor, or friends and family, you need to use powerful words when sharing your business plan in order to get your potential investors excited and get them to follow up and call you back. Former explosives and ammunition military ops turned startup expert and Nevada Corporate Headquarters' speaker, Jason Smith join host Dustin Mathews on today’s show...
Published 11/26/19
"When you are focused on a goal, you're not going to let anything get in your way, regardless of what it is."- Byron Chamberlain   When we get stuck in a norm for the longest time, especially for something as specific and culturally ingrained as football, we tend not to expand our horizons. The Freedom Football League was created to disrupt the same norm that has persisted for the longest time. Its CEO, Byron Chamberlain, talks about where the idea for the league emerged and what they...
Published 11/22/19
"Slow down and every once in a while, talk to someone whether it's at Starbucks or in line next to you. You'll be surprised and, more importantly, inspired by who you meet."- Cash Lambert   You can't judge a book by its cover. As cliché as it may sound, but this is precisely what WealthFit Managing Editor Cash Lambert learned when he chose to live as a homeless person for a week. Discover how this experiment became an eye-opener for him and could be for you, too. Could doing more...
Published 11/19/19
"At the end of the day, realtors are problem solvers in the real estate space as much as entrepreneurs and business owners."- Rod Watson   When there seems to be no way out of a problem, entrepreneurs are the heroes that see opportunities and provide solutions. In this episode, real estate adviser to the stars Rod Watson shares how his godmother's call for help propelled him to help people in need by providing sound real estate guidance. Working with professional athletes, entertainers,...
Published 11/15/19
"You could bang your head against the wall trying all these different things but if you put yourself in places where there are opportunities, it's much easier to figure things out or have them evolve."- Karen Cordaway   Bucket lists are often associated as one-time, far-away lists of goals. They could be lifetime, yearly, or monthly goals, but rarely do we think of them as a daily thing. In this episode, Dustin Mathews sits down with the author of The Everyday Bucket List Book, Karen...
Published 11/12/19
"The purpose of your insurance is so you can rest easy. If someone knocks on your door and says, “You can't use this driveway,” or, “You owe this money on this mortgage,” just call your title company and they will fix it for you." - Jeff Gross   In this episode: Title insurance is a niche industry, yet not many people know about it. In this episode, Dustin Mathews speaks with Jeff Gross, the Vice President and Manager for Fidelity National Title’s Columbus National Commercial Services...
Published 11/08/19
"Depression is like living in a house with dirty windows. You notice things don't go from zero to 100 overnight. A little grime builds up, a little grime more and all of a sudden, you can't see out." - Chris Beer   In this episode: Failure is simply the opportunity to start over again and learn to be better. Using this concept and strategies when it comes to failure, the founder and CEO at at B.Well Consulting, Chris Beer, shares her inspirational stories from the throes of depression...
Published 11/05/19