"It's okay to ask for things in life. Even if they tell you no, but if you never asked, you cut off possibility." -Dustin Mathews How can you be financially fit and resilient? In this special episode, show host, Dustin Mathews, is on the hot seat as Micayla Roberston, the show’s producer interviews him about The Wealthfit M.I.L.E.  They talk about managing money the right way, especially in this time of crisis. Dustin shares his biggest money mistakes and how he handled each of them. With...
Published 05/08/20
"It's okay to ask for things in life. Even if they tell you no, but if you never asked, you cut off possibility." -Dustin Mathews What are fee-only advisors and are they for you or not? On today’s show, Dustin Mathews and guest Taylor Schulte cover quite the gamut. Taylor is the Founder of Define Financial, a fee-only financial planning firm in San Diego. He's also the host of the Stay Wealthy podcast and has been recognized as a Top 40 Advisor Under 40 by Investment News and a Young...
Published 05/08/20
""Money is not linear with time." - Bill Westrom " - Cody Berman While credit line banking may seem like a completely new methodology for debt payment, it's actually been around for a little while now, having gone through different branding with each company that provides a service. Despite its many names, the concept at the heart of credit line banking is ultimately this: to help homeowners pay off their debts faster than consumers using conventional banking methods. Bill Westrom is a...
Published 05/06/20
"Money is not linear with time." - Cody Berman “Money is not linear with time.” This is one of the key wisdoms you will get from this episode. Today, Dustin Mathews has two great guests, Cody Berman, the Co-Founder of Arsenal Discs, and Justin Taylor the Founder of Saving Sherpa. Together, they are the hosts of The FI Show, a podcast focused on financial independence, personal development, and life optimization. Listen as they take us into their journeys to financial independence and tackle...
Published 04/29/20
Published 04/29/20
"Take a hard look at the life that you are living and figure out what role money plays or has played in getting to where you're at." - Grant Sabatier Financial decisions are never easy especially when it involves great risks. Today, you will learn a whole lot of ideas for deciding what’s financially best for you or not as Dustin Mathews interviews a very special guest, the “Millennial Millionaire,” Grant Sabatier. Grant is the creator of Millennial Money author of Financial Freedom, and the...
Published 04/22/20
"Wealth is living a happy, fulfilled, sustained life. It's understanding your credit, your personal finances, and basic tax code." - Rondi Lambeth How do you fix your credit score? Dustin Mathews talks to an incredible guest who is making an impact in the financial lives of countless Americans. Rondi Lambeth is an award-winning TV and radio show host, a bestselling author, the Founder of Fortress Credit Pro, a renowned financial expert, and celebrity wealth coach. Today, Rondi shares how he...
Published 04/15/20
"Impact is only an impact if it makes a measurable difference in people's lives." - Wendy Lipton You may not realize this, but the patterns of your life can help you determine your impact on the world and help you make more money. On today’s show, Dustin Matthews talks with Professional Impact’s Wendy Lipton-Dibner the power of impact and how curiosity can help you in business even if you weren't classically trained in sales, marketing, and tech. Wendy is a five-time bestselling author and...
Published 04/08/20
"The middle dash between your birth date and your death date is the most important. Live your dashes. Live with purpose and passion." - Tim Rosenthal As more and more people jump into short-term rentals, Airbnb has become the place to be for many property owners. If you are adamant about getting into Airbnb, then maybe this episode could help you push that go button. Host, Dustin Matthews, guests Tim Rosenthal, real estate investor, field expert in Airbnb and short-term rentals, and owner...
Published 03/25/20
"When people catch onto their type, there are these a-ha moments where the world opens before their eyes and they can see themselves clearly." - Ben Saltzman We can actually perform better in this world by understanding others. But how do you do that? Dustin Mathew turns to Ben Saltzman for the answer to this. Known as the coaches’ coach, Ben is an internationally known Enneagram expert, shadow dancer, spiritual maverick, and world-class facilitator. Today, he reveals a system he has been...
Published 03/24/20
"I'd rather have a peaceful life with $1 million than a stressful life having $10 million at the end of the day." - J.Money You're going to love this chat if you're an entrepreneur, into personal finance, and love an amazing story and want to have a good time. Today, Dustin Mathews interviews award-winning personal finance blogger, FinTech consultant, and daddy of three with over a decade building communities online, J.Money. In this amazing episode, Dustin and J. Money talk about...
Published 03/17/20
"If you are operating in your purpose and your gifts, truly being passionate and compassionate about the audience, you can make the money." - Patrice Washington We all have been conditioned to think of wealth in terms of money and material possessions. However, too often, many still find themselves feeling lacking and unhappy. It is time to change that in this episode. Dustin Mathews gets down to the root of it by speaking with award-winning author, transformational speaker,...
Published 03/13/20
"Speakers should entertain, be informative, and give substance, but it's important that they are able to entertain the audience as well. " -Bruce Merrin Just a few decades prior, the function of a booking agent was rolled into the job descriptions of other jobs in publicity. But nowadays, the number of platforms on which one person can make appearances has expanded and has thus necessitated the booking agent becoming a separate entity. Bruce Merrin is a PR expert who established a top...
Published 03/10/20
Noah St. John is a highly in-demand keynote speaker, a bestselling author, and inventor of Afformations. Noah helps uncover how to create habits within your team that defend against mindset and low motivation with a radically new approach to growth and organizational transformation. He and Dustin discuss tactics that help clients attain financial freedom, boost employee morale, and clear mind trash to eliminate limiting beliefs.   Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and...
Published 03/06/20
Published 03/06/20
"Have the confidence to set your framework for financial independence." -Casey Weade Retirement is an eventuality that everyone will reach at some point, but not enough people consider well. Preparing for retirement is essential to keep not only your peace of mind, but the lifeblood of your company as well. Casey Weade is a certified financial planner, a retirement planning professional, and a best-selling author. Casey draws from his own experience to show you why setting goals and...
Published 03/03/20
"Have the courage to create the optimal conditions for your success." -Denise Hamilton Professional women face so many different challenges in the workplace that they constantly have to find their own way through. In these cases, the most important part is for these professional women to seek help from networks of women that understand where they're coming from, and this is why WatchHerWork was founded. Denise Hamilton is the Founder and CEO of WatchHerWork, a digital learning...
Published 02/28/20
"The sooner you work, the more experience you get in things that aren't about the money but communication, business skills, and problem-solving."- Robert Farrington Learning wise money moves is quintessential especially when rewarding yourself for your hard work. In this episode, Dustin Matthews is joined by the Millennial Money Expert and the Founder of The College Investor, Robert Farrington. Robert helps people navigate out of student loan debt so they can start investing and building...
Published 02/25/20
"A lot of times people call things a setback or a sacrifice or a struggle, but it's that fertile ground which your raw material does so well."- Lauren Wallett Many successful entrepreneurs are who they are because they have uniquely solved a common problem. That is why creativity is at the heart of every great business. They have managed to find ideas in the dark and turn them into gold. For today's guest, Lauren Wallett, this is business alchemy. A South African serial entrepreneur who has...
Published 02/21/20
"Create demand rather than chase it. Get in front of prospects who are showing indicators that they might buy soon, and do it in a way where your marketing message has value in and of itself so it gets passed along."- Rich Schefren Are you an online marketer or new entrepreneur looking to make it big in your industry? In another empowering episode, Dustin Mathews talks to an equally awesome personality, the Founder and President of Strategic Profits, Rich Schefren. Rich is known as the...
Published 02/18/20
"You don't become a millionaire overnight. It's a step-by-step process."- Kristy Shen & Bryce Leung Everybody thinks of the idea of early retirement as some unattainable fantasy, but it's something that anyone can do if they learn to use the right tools at their disposal. Making the kind of money needed to shift into a much more relaxed lifestyle at an early age definitely doesn't have to be just a dream anymore. Quit Like A Millionaire co-authors Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung speak to...
Published 02/14/20
"Most people are either living their life based on what happened in their past or based on something that they don't want to happen in the future."-Ryan Burk Sometimes, in our quest for finding financial success, we tend to forget ourselves and the people around us. Hustling for the money blinds us of the other fulfilling and much more nourishing things—where instead of chasing money, we can also forego discovering happiness. Ryan Burk, CEO of In The Now Investments, Inc, has learned this...
Published 02/11/20
As much as no one likes them, having tough conversations is such an important part of life whether in a personal or business sense. And these tough conversations aren't all with other people, either. Sometimes, they're conversations you have to have with yourself. David Wood is a world-renowned life coach. David talks to Dustin Mathews about how you can carry out these tough conversations that will help you grow. As the saying goes, if not now, when?   Love the show? Subscribe, rate,...
Published 02/07/20
"Start something small, something low risk. Build it up in your spare time until you have some revenue to justify taking that leap."-Nick Loper Earning from our day jobs may be enough for the things we need, but it also does not hurt to earn some extra cash for the things we want. If you are open to that, then a side hustle may not be a bad idea. Guest, Nick Loper, is someone who helps people earn money outside of their day job. Host of the award-winning Side Hustle Show podcast and chief...
Published 02/04/20
"The more educated you become, the more you realize you're not educated."-Adam Kintigh Taxes can be a thorn in the side of many individuals and corporations out there. This is the very reason why there are so many companies out there that offer services that focus on reducing your taxes in the long run with a variety of techniques that still keep your practice above-board. Adam Kintigh currently serves as Manager of Corporate Services at Nevada Corporate Headquarters, Inc. Dustin Mathews...
Published 01/31/20