We all start as employees, move on to being self-employed, then strive to become CEOs and finally transition into investors and owners. But the key step that most entrepreneurs miss is becoming an authority in their marketplace.  To achieve this, I emphasize the importance of writing a book, getting featured in the press, and actively engaging with your audience on social media. Giving back is also crucial, as it not only solidifies your authority but also enriches the lives of those...
Published 03/20/24
In this episode, I talk about how stars stay wealthy and how we can apply their strategies to our own lives. I discuss how celebrities like Matthew McConaughey and athletes like Roger Staubach have maintained their wealth by calling their own shots, living within their means, and making smart investments. Don't getcaught up in the fame and luxury, but instead, focusing on making our money work for us through strategic investments and lifestyle choices. It's all about creating long-term...
Published 03/19/24
I'm here to remind you that success is your birthright. The force of average is constantly trying to hold you back, but it's time to adopt the mentality of "move bitch, get out the way" just like Ludacris said. As you're striving for success, there will be people and obstacles standing in your path, but you know what? You gotta run them the heck over. Anyone who doesn't support your dreams doesn't deserve to be in your proximity. I've learned this the hard way, fighting against naysayers,...
Published 03/18/24
Let me tell you, I've been there, thinking I had everything figured out, only to realize that I didn't know a thing. I make it a point to read, listen to podcasts, and learn from mentors every single day.  And I've got to say, it's made all the difference. I've got mentors in various aspects of my life, and I'm constantly seeking to grow and learn. Remember, the moment you think you've got it all figured out is the moment you've lost it. So keep learning, keep growing, and if you know...
Published 03/15/24
I invite you to reflect on your life's mission, encouraging you to break free from a default existence and instead live intentionally and by design. I share my own journey of realization, admitting that it took me 30 years to uncover my true purpose. With poignant honesty, I reveal how I initially believed I was fulfilling my calling in the mortgage industry, only to discover that subconsciously, I was engaging in destructive behaviors to distract myself from my actual mission. But in the...
Published 03/14/24
A random encounter with a successful stranger led my friend to remind me that it's not a small world, but rather a small circle at the top where those of us doing big things cross paths. Life at the apex is different, my friends. It's a place of winners, of those who have climbed their way to the top, beaten the struggle, and put in the work. That's why my mission is to help people become the greatest version of themselves, to become the leaders they were meant to be, and to join the elite...
Published 03/13/24
HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action, there is an adverse reaction.  Ryan Stewman rose and overcame a life of addiction, imprisonment, divorce, and circumstances that would break the spirit of the average human being.  He went on to create a powerful network of winners and champions in life and business creating a movement quickly changing lives one day at a time.  Learn more at: www.JoinTheApex.com
Published 03/12/24
In this episode of the Rewire Podcast, I'm talking about bringing the heat in every aspect of your life. I'm not just talking about setting a room on fire, metaphorically speaking, but about igniting passion and energy in everything you do. I'm laying down the truth about being an energy producer and bringing intensity without burning bridges. Because when I show up, I'm not there to sit in the corner and listen.  I'm here to bring the heat and leave a lasting impression   HOW TO GET...
Published 03/11/24
HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action, there is an adverse reaction.  Ryan Stewman rose and overcame a life of addiction, imprisonment, divorce, and circumstances that would break the spirit of the average human being.  He went on to create a powerful network of winners and champions in life and business creating a movement quickly changing lives one day at a time.  Learn more at: www.JoinTheApex.com
Published 03/08/24
In today's episode, I'm fired up to talk about the power of rising above. See, I believe we were destined for success, but the force of average is always lurking, trying to hold us back. That's why I'm here to remind you to rise above the negativity, the doubt, and the struggles in your life. It's time to elevate ourselves to the top, above all the things that seek to keep us down. So, next time life throws you a curveball, remember to tell yourself, "rise above."  FYE   HOW TO GET...
Published 03/07/24
In this episode of the ReWire Podcast, I emphasize the importance of tending to our own "grass" rather than being lured by the illusion of greener pastures elsewhere.  Success and fulfillment come from nurturing our own endeavors, just like grass that thrives when watered and cared for. Focus on our own goals and invest the time and effort needed to ensure our personal growth and success, rather than getting distracted by others' perceived successes. FYE HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This...
Published 03/06/24
Today, I'm talking about putting in the grind to buy back your time. See, when we start out, we're putting in hours at jobs, just grinding it out to make money.  I'm sharing my own experience of working as an electrician during the day and as a hospitality host at night, and yeah, even selling dope. I'm keeping it real. But over time, we start making investments, and our money starts bringing us back time.  We can hire people to do the work for us, giving us the freedom to enjoy life with...
Published 03/05/24
In today's episode, we're talking about the danger of peaking prematurely. You know, it's great to have a hit in life, whether it's closing that one sale, landing that dream job, or having that unforgettable experience. But here's the deal: too many folks rest on their laurels after that one achievement and end up becoming irrelevant. We're not living in the past anymore; social media allows us to see people's present. It's all about consistency, my friends.  I didn't stop striving for...
Published 03/04/24
In this episode, we're diving deep into what it really means to be a closer. Closers don't just talk the talk, they walk the walk. I'm talking about finishing what you start, whether it's in sales, relationships, projects, or personal goals. You see, the force of average is out there trying to distract us, but it's up to us to stay focused and close the deal. I've built over 30 successful businesses and created tons of content because I understand the power of closing. Whether it's a...
Published 03/01/24
I'm diving into the importance of having a backup in your life. Just like a police officer needs backup when things get dangerous, we need backup in our businesses, relationships, and personal lives. I emphasize that having backup plans is not enough; we need backup people. It's all about finding someone who has our back, someone we can call on when things go wrong. And if you don't have that person yet, it's time to start seeking them out and showing them that you're worth backing up. ...
Published 02/29/24
I'm here to add fuel to your fire and help you reach new heights. We're diving deep into the power of belief and how it can conquer burnout.  You see, belief isn't just a fancy word – it's the ultimate fuel that keeps you going when the rest of the world would fizzle out. Whether it's in your business, relationships, or personal mission, having unwavering faith in yourself and your purpose will keep burnout at bay.   HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This planet is based on an algorithm and with...
Published 02/28/24
We're diving deep into the power of not letting the force of average hold you back. I'm here to tell you, you can't let the naysayers, the do-nothing motherf***ers, dictate your success. From parents to friends, we often receive advice from people who haven't accomplished what we're striving for. But here's the deal: you can't let someone tell you nothing unless they've done something.   HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action, there is...
Published 02/27/24
We often hear the cliche saying "money doesn't grow on trees," but Pastor Keith showed me how that's not entirely true. He explained that as human beings, we are the trees, and money is the fruit we produce. Just like a tree produces nuts or a vine produces watermelons, we, as individuals, produce money through our work, sales, and business endeavors.  This powerful mindset shift has transformed the way I think about money, and I believe it can do the same for you.   HOW TO GET...
Published 02/26/24
I'm breaking down the force of average and those sneaky agents of average that are trying to derail you from your path to greatness. See, the force of average is like the gravitational pull of mediocrity, keeping you from reaching your full potential. It's that little voice saying, "Just chill, don't go all-in, stay average like everyone else." But the real kicker is the agents of average, the people in your life who thrive on average and don't want to see you rise above it. They'll tempt...
Published 02/23/24
We've been watching movies our entire lives and have been programmed to look for something that doesn't exist called happily ever after. News flash, ladies and gentlemen, there are no happy endings in life. Until the moment you die, there will be struggle after struggle that comes your way.  So, play like there's not a happy ending, and there's no end to the game. There's always a next level.  FYE HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action,...
Published 02/22/24
You know the vibes? It's not just a trendy saying. It's about tuning into the energy around you, understanding those gut feelings, and knowing when to trust them. See, our subconscious mind is like a ninja, picking up on vibes and sending us signals through our body. Whether it's a warning to steer clear or a sign that something big is about to happen, we gotta pay attention and know the vibes. When we rewire our minds to be aware of this, it can save us from getting into bad situations...
Published 02/21/24
I'm breaking down the essential element of having a high tolerance. Let me tell you, if you're aiming for success, you've gotta toughen up. Disappointment, ridicule, financial pain, and dealing with people's BS – it's all part of the game. I've been there, and I'm telling you, if you let these things throw you off your game, you're not cut out for the big leagues. We're talking about building mental toughness, shrugging off the things that bug you, and staying focused no matter what.  ...
Published 02/20/24
Many people fall into the trap of chasing unreal expectations set by employers and others, which ultimately leads to disappointment and a cycle of job hopping. Instead, you must expect curveballs, struggles, and failures, as these are the real expectations of life. Embrace the wisdom and experience that come from these challenges and raise the bar by setting more realistic expectations for success. HOW TO GET INVOLVED:  This planet is based on an algorithm and with every positive action,...
Published 02/19/24
In this episode of the Rewire podcast, I laid it all out about being a family man. I've had my fair share of epic experiences, from hanging out at Dan Bilzerian's to gracing the big stages, but being a family man is the ultimate accomplishment. I've made mistakes, been married a few times, but now, with my wife and three kids, it's all falling into place. Last weekend, I didn't jet off to some fancy event. Instead, I soaked up precious time with my family, from walking in the woods to...
Published 02/16/24