Join us for a deeply personal and heartfelt episode of the Girl Talk podcast as we share a deeply personal journey of loss and love.  Joining me are my sister Amanda and my brother John, as we courageously share the memories of our dad - our cherished best friend. Seven years since his passing from glioblastoma brain tumor, we revisit the journey we were all on during his battle with brain cancer. Amidst our grief, we reflect on the profound impact of the heartfelt gestures that brought...
Published 05/04/24
Published 05/04/24
🎙️ New Episode Alert! Tune in to the latest episode of the Girl Talk podcast as we dive deep into the incredible story of Renee's journey with God. In this captivating episode, Renee shares a powerful testimony of God's unwavering faithfulness and the miraculous ways He works in our lives. From moments of uncertainty to profound obedience, Renee's story is a testament to the transformative power of saying "yes" to God's call, even in the face of challenges. Discover how Renee's obedience,...
Published 04/25/24
🎧 New Episode Alert! Join us on the Girl Talk podcast for an inspiring conversation about the power of friendship. In this episode, we sit down with the incredible Ashleigh to learn how she embodies the essence of true friendship, even amidst life's darkest moments. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, Ashleigh shares invaluable insights on how to show up for our friends with unwavering support and love. From offering prayers and vulnerability to sharing uplifting verses and...
Published 04/18/24
🎙️ New Episode Alert! Tune in to the latest episode of the Girl Talk podcast as we delve into a topic that touches the hearts of many: the journey through infertility. Our special guest, Mylee Restelle, brings her passion and empathy to the conversation as she shares her insights and experiences. Join us as we explore the complexities of the infertility journey and learn how to provide meaningful support to those navigating this challenging path. Mylee's heartfelt tagline, "Let me pull up a...
Published 04/11/24
Join us on the Girl Talk podcast for an incredibly powerful testimony that will touch your heart and ignite your faith. Our special guest Renee Betancourt shares her journey of finding hope in the midst of despair, and how God's love and grace brought her from darkness into light. In this episode, you'll hear firsthand how God intervened in the most desperate of situations, turning tragedy into triumph. Despite facing unimaginable challenges, our guest found strength and courage in her...
Published 04/03/24
Hey lovely ladies! 🌸✨ In our newest podcast episode, we're diving into the heartwarming journey of preparing our hearts for Easter. Whether it's through uplifting worship, soul-stirring music, or quiet moments of prayer and reflection, we're exploring all the ways we can connect with the true meaning of this special season. Join us as we share tips, stories, and encouragement to help you deepen your spiritual journey and embrace the beauty of Easter in your life. 💕 Tune in and let's prepare...
Published 03/21/24
This week on the Girl Talk podcast, my dear friend Becky Wilburn and I delved into a powerful topic that's been stirring in our hearts: God's Favor. 💖 Have you ever wondered what it truly means to have God's favor in your life? Becky and I were both captivated by this concept, so we embarked on a journey of exploration and discovery. We dove deep into the Scriptures, seeking to understand how God's favor manifests in our lives and the lives of those around us. In our conversation, we...
Published 03/14/24
🎙️ Join us this week on a transformative journey on the Girl Talk Community Podcast as we dive deep into the essence of identity. In a world where the enemy relentlessly attacks our sense of self, it's crucial to anchor ourselves in the unchanging truth. Join us as we explore where women are seeking their identity and how to stand firm against the enemy's tactics. 💖 This episode is a heartfelt reminder that our identity isn't defined by society's standards or fleeting trends. It's rooted in...
Published 02/28/24
Hi ladies,  Hope you all are staying warm!  Today on the Girl Talk Podcast we are talking about - Prov. 18:21 - “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” I love how powerful this verse is and it is so clear that it is either death or life, but no in between.  This applies to what we say to others, but today we are chatting about what are we speaking over ourselves.  This year I have been searching out Biblical affirmations and have been writing them down and speaking them out...
Published 01/18/24
Hey ladies,  We have a brand new episode out today and for the first time in the Girl Talk history we have invited a man to share his story on the Girl Talk Podcast.  @ZachLloyd is a Anti-diet & Fat loss coach in Valparaiso and before you tune out by the thought of diet, fitness, workouts etc..… re-read that he is ANTI DIET 🙌 Zach has a passion to help people recognize the power good health has to change you from the inside out!  He has fought through dark and depressing thoughts in...
Published 01/11/24
Hello ladies, I am excited to kick of the 2024 season of the Girl Talk Podcast! 💕 . This time of year it is common to talk about new goals, new resolutions and changes to make. On this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast we are looking to see what God says about plans, goals and visions.  -What does God say about plans, goals, visions? -How do we set ourselves up to accomplish the big vision he has given us? -How do we know what our purpose and His vision for our lives are? -How do we...
Published 01/04/24
Hello ladies! Have you ever felt like God has asked you to do something big?  Something that challenged you and maybe you even felt this is impossible. Our guest today @JeniBolton has an incredible story of God calling her and she just simply said YES!!  That yes has turned into many miracles and blessings from God.  Jeni’s one calling or assignment has now turned into a non profit called - 500 turkeys and she along with many, many givers are the hands and feet of Jesus that feed over 1,000...
Published 10/13/23
Hey ladies,  Have you ever tried to pick up a fork with a closed fist??  I know it sounds crazy - Why would anyone even try that?  In today’s podcast I share a journey I have been on with the Father.  I discovered the Father is pouring His love out and I had my fists closed tight and was not in a position to receive it.  Listen in to todays podcast to hear all about the table He has prepared for us with everything we could need, but we must be in a position to take and receive it.  As...
Published 07/07/23
Hey ladies,  Have you ever found yourself at the end of the day with a million thoughts in your mind and feeling all the emotions?? I have been there so many times and it can be overwhelming and difficult, but I have also been on the other side.  I have been to the end of the day and thought now that was a great day! On today’s podcast I am sharing with you the best tip to get to the end of your day and not feel like life is out of control… or at least your mind feels like it’s out of...
Published 06/29/23
Hey friend,  Have you ever felt as though you are walking through a desert season, maybe a valley, or a quiet time in life? In today’s episode I share some personal thoughts and experiences I have had and some revelation the Lord has brought to my attention recently.  If you are in a desert season or might be one day - Grab your favorite drink, notepad, pen and listen as I share a few tips to help when you are in that desert, valley or quiet time of life.  Do you know a friend...
Published 06/27/23
Hey ladies,  Have you ever felt like you were just completly lost?  Like you know each day is important and has purpose and meaning, but sometimes you just feel like what am I even doing???  Just stuck in the mundane of life…. Friend, I am there with you and I read a devotion the other day that really encouraged me to think more and ask myself - What am I asking God to do?  The scripture used was one I have heard so many times - Ephesians 3:20 “Now to him who is able to do far more...
Published 06/22/23
Hello ladies,  Lies are everywhere and they are extremely dangerous to our thinking - the more we speak and think them the more embed in our minds they become.  The enemy wants nothing more than to trap us in a circle of lies and depressing thoughts.  I have found personally the freedoom and peace that comes by recognizing the lies and disagreeing with them.    Friend we have the authority over these thoughts and lies. We are told in scripture to take EVERY thought captive.  @Dawn...
Published 06/20/23
Have you ever found yourself weighed down with the stress, worry and cares of the day? ⭐️ If you are anything like me - I find myself there many times and sometimes many times in one day.   I read a devotion recently that really helped me see how to cast your cares on God in a different light.  The devotion talked about playing catch with your Father.   How fast can you take that worry or stress that you picked up and just throw it right over to your Father.  ⚾️ 1Peter 5:7 is not a...
Published 06/13/23
Hi ladies,  Dawn Magagnotti and I had the opportunity to talk recently and as business owners this conversation came up and we just knew we needed to share some thoughts with you friends.   We are talking about running a business with the Kingdom in mind. We all in some area are “running  a business” whether we are running a business, an employee in a business, running a household - We each have a calling and how can we run that calling with the Kingdom in mind especially while we...
Published 06/01/23
So often in life we look towards becoming successful, but what is true success? Often we can look at “success” as an amount of money we have or a level to arrive at in a job, but can we be successful without these? Is it possible to be “successful” as God would define success and be “poor”? How can we live each day successful and what does the Bible tell us about success?  This conversation with Dawn was so insightful and encouraging.  I encourage you ladies to research and seek the...
Published 05/02/23
Hi ladies,  I am excited to share Part 2 with you. Stephanie Jones is sharing the importance of giving to gifts to ourselves personally. . I love how Stephanie talks about giving herself the gift of a sunset. This talk will encourage you to pay attention to your personal needs and the simple gifts that you can give yourself to fill your spirit and refresh you.  Take a minute to enjoy His creation today - The creation of yourself as an individual and the creation all around us. These...
Published 04/11/23
Hey ladies, Have you ever given yourself a challenge to accomplish?? Stephanie Jones gave herself a challenge to give a gift every day for a year and she accomplished that goal and continued past 365 days.  Stephanie - also known as the Giving Gal - shares with us how this impacted her, why she set out on this goal and some ideas on what gifts she gave - she did not spend a ton of money during this. This changed her life and so many people that received the gift she gave. I know you will...
Published 03/23/23
Hi ladies, Have you ever noticed that we as woman can be quick to judge?? Sometimes we don’t even notice we are judging or maybe we are unknowingly engaging in judgmental and hurtful conversations. My friend @Leah shared a conversation with me around this recently and I wanted her to share with you ladies too. No, this isn’t one of those flashy and exciting episodes, but it is truthful and I found it so helpful in my life. Leah has a heart of gold and spoke some incredible and powerful truth...
Published 03/01/23
Hello ladies,  We have shared with you a couple times now about listening prayer and today we are sharing an incredible exercise that takes listening prayer a little different.  Jo and I were so moved by this exercise we learned from our coaches and are excited to share this with you ladies.   Whether you are feeling discouraged in life or motivated this picture of your life that the Father gives you will be incredible.  We would love to hear from you ladies. We would love to connect...
Published 02/15/23