For something we accept as an everyday part of life and a wellness staple, few people know the origins of exercise and how it came to be. Accomplished author Bill Hayes uncovers the history of this modern obsession in his new book Sweat: A History of Exercise and shares with us his favorite discoveries.
Published 11/16/22
While on the path to curing her own type 1 diabetes, documentary filmmaker Lisa Hepner was given unprecedented access to a cutting-edge clinical trial involving stem cells. Along with her husband Guy Mossman, they created the new film “The Human Trial,” a movie over ten years in the making that explores the human side of research and the people behind it. She shares what she learned over the course of this journey, how far research still has to go, and whether or not there’s hope for a cure.
Published 11/02/22
What does the Global Wellness Summit and Global Wellness Institute have in common with one of the biggest music stars in history? We’re speaking to two executives of OYE, the mental wellness platform co-founded by Colombian Reggaeton Superstar J Balvin, about how Latinx culture brings new energy to the wellness conversation and how magical realism and creative wellness are tools for transforming our mental health.
Published 09/21/22
How can we navigate the world of wellness as savvy consumers and avoid the “well-washing” so often used to sell us on the next expensive fad? Rina Raphael, one of the leading wellness journalists in the world, has a new book called “The Gospel of Wellness: Gyms, Gurus, Goop, and the False Promise of Self-Care.” She takes a nuanced look at the wellness industry, what some companies are doing to take advantage of people, and how consumers can protect themselves and reap the benefits of wellness...
Published 09/07/22
We’re talking with famed visual artist Louie Schwartzberg all about how he stumbled into this incredible line of work, how that work has intersected with GWI and GWS, and dive into many of the lessons we can learn from nature about living a life full of wellness in harmony with our planet.
Published 08/24/22
The Global Wellness Institute (GWI) was the first to research and analyze the size and reach of the global and regional wellness real estate market. The pandemic dramatically underscored the impact of indoor environments on our health and wellbeing. In fact, GWI identified Wellness Real Estate as one of the few areas of growth in the wellness economy during that time. Today’s guest, Paul Scialla, founder CEO of Delos Living, is the leading authority in this space. Even though he was the first...
Published 08/10/22
Today we’re talking to the co-founder, chair, and CEO of both the Global Wellness Summit and the Global Wellness Institute. You’ll hear the details of her incredible journey to becoming one of the most prominent voices in the world of wellness and the history of a global wellness movement. She also details how you can access all of the free wellness resources that have come as a result of the work of Susie and her team.
Published 07/07/22
Carolee Lee is the founder, CEO, and chair of Women’s Health Access Matters, a 501(c)3 focused on accelerating women’s health research. She commissioned The WHAM Report, a series of reports waking up the medical community faster than a strong cup of coffee. The WHAM Report shows that funding women’s health research has huge economic impacts. For example, this episode will explain how investing $300 million in researching diseases that disproportionally affect women generates $13 billion to...
Published 06/22/22
Belgin Aksoy is a dreamer. She’s the founder of Global Wellness Day, which was unveiled in 2014 at the Global Wellness Summit in Morocco. A year later, with the help of a family of GWD Ambassadors, the event was celebrated in 63 countries! Two years later, the momentous progress of Global Wellness Day won her the Woman in Wellness Award at the GWS in Austria. We talk about how she turned this local event into a global celebration that highlights what we can all do to bring more wellness into...
Published 06/08/22
Dr. Michael Roizen is the Cleveland Clinic’s first Chief Wellness Officer, the author of four New York Times best-sellers, the host of a weekly podcast and author of a daily newspaper column on health. He was also the co-chair of the 2021 Global Wellness Summit in Boston, where a number of expert doctors and academics discussed the intersection of healthcare and self-care. He used to claim that 60 is the new 40, but his latest talk, “90 is the new 40,” sent ripples through the summit...
Published 06/01/22
Women’s health is one of the most underserved areas of wellness – specifically menopause. Our guests today, Dr. Sharon Malone and Monica Molenaar, founded a telehealth platform designed to democratize related information and resources so all women can access the guidance they need.
Published 02/02/22
Dr. Howard Murad is a true wellness trailblazer. A pharmacist who became a dermatologist and launched a skincare line at 50 years old, he was one of the first derms to open a day spa. Dr. Murad was one of the first people to identify skin care as health care. An eternal optimist with a sincere desire to help others, he now champions the best ways to maintain healthy skin for the sake of your overall well being, both mental and physical.
Published 01/12/22
Abby is the founder and CEO of MYX, “remyxing” the higher education landscape to combine online and experimental learning to meet the needs of the future. Wellness is so often about the here and now that it’s easy to forget about how much our formative years play into our health and wellbeing. That’s why keeping a focus on the education system is so important – it’s going to have such a huge impact on the next generation.
Published 01/05/22
Joanna is President & CEO of the Center for Active Design in New York. They’re a non-profit on a mission to promote health through design in the real estate and landscape we inhabit. Now, they’re the licensed operators of Fitwel, the world’s leading certification system for optimizing buildings for health.
Published 12/01/21
Dr. Jeffrey Rediger is a Harvard professor, medical doctor, psychiatrist, and the author of “Cured: The Life-Changing Science of Spontaneous Healing.” In this episode, he lays out his pillars of wellness and invites us to get to grips with just how much control we have over our total wellbeing. It’s time to stop looking for and blaming external factors and unlock our own wellness from within!
Published 11/24/21
Kicking off the fifth season of the Global Wellness Summit podcast is an illuminating discussion with two pioneers in the design world. Find out how energy, space, sound, materials, smells, BioGeometry and even decluttering can all have an impact on our overall wellbeing.
Published 11/17/21
Breathing can be considered the original medicine. Taking charge of it carries an almost endless list of health benefits – both mental and physical. Today’s guests, James Nestor (author of Breath) and Sandy Abrams (The CEOm), are on a mission to spread knowledge about the power of breath. Thanks to COVID, our respiratory health is more relevant now than it ever has been. As Sandy says, breathing is free, organic, sustainable, and available 24/7. What more could we possibly ask for?
Published 08/04/21
We’re getting to grips with one of the world’s original wellness destinations and the birthplace of The Human Potential Movement: The Esalen Institute. Joining us to get deep into the origins of the philosophy of wellness is Esalen Institute alum and Buddhist insight meditation teacher, Lucia Horan, Esalen’s Director of Healing Arts & Somatics, Douglas Drummond, and lastly, two of the founding members of the Esalen massage school, Peggy Horan & Brita Ostrom. Together, they offer a...
Published 07/28/21
Elaine Glusac is a freelance travel writer who is part of the New York Times travel team. Jennifer Kester is the Vice President and Executive Editor of Forbes Travel Guide. They’re two of the leading voices in travel, so our conversations about conscious travel, hacks to experience luxury on a budget, and holidaying post-pandemic are timely and illuminating.
Published 07/21/21
Dr. Ken Pelletier is a Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and he’s on a mission to debunk the notion of immune boosting. He tells us why we should all be striving for immune balance instead. Continuing our exploration of immune systems, we’re then joined by Charles Davidson (CEO of Peninsula Hot Springs), and David Dronet (owner of The Springs Resort and Spa) to discuss the Global Wellness Summit’s Hot Springs Initiative.
Published 07/14/21
Sallie Fraenkel is the founder of Mind Body Spirit Network, Dr. Dan Diamond is the founder of NogginStorms, and Jon Berghoff is the Co-Founder and CEO of XCHANGE. All three are members of the Living Well From Within initiative, founded by Dr. Daniel Friedland to convene leading influencers and align them in order to elevate humanity through conscious leadership.
Published 07/07/21
Money has a major impact on our mental health, but the two are rarely talked about at the same time. We explore how your money – from how much you have, to how much you spend, to what you spend your money on – all affect your mental wellness.
Published 06/30/21
We talk everything sleep, from the science behind why we’re not sleeping and how we can do better to the material and bed innovations that are happening right now. Our guests are Dr. Rebecca Robbins from Harvard Medical School, Francisco Levine from Bryte Labs, and Allison Howard from Nollapelli.
Published 03/10/21
Our guest today is Zev Suissa, the Chief Innovation Officer of eMindful.
Published 02/10/21
Paul Leone, CEO of The Breakers Palm Beach, talks about their time-tested workforce wellness philosophy, how it’s paying off in a big way during the COVID-19 crisis, and how you can make love part of your mission statement.
Published 01/20/21