In Part 1 of our Forbidden Places Series, we’re going to explore locations around the world that few people have ever gone. In this episode, we explore some of Earth’s most mysterious and restricted places like North Korea’s Room 39, the Vatican Secret Archives, Gangkhar Puensum, the Doomsday Vault (Svalbard Seed Vault), and Pripyat’s Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
Published 03/20/18
Published 03/20/18
In Part 1 of our Forbidden Places Series, we’re going to explore locations around the world that few people have ever gone. From famous strange place like Area 51, the Royal Living Quarters at Buckingham Palace, and the Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, to the lesser known weird locations like North Sentinel Island and Brazil’s Snake Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande), these are some of Earth’s most mysterious and restricted places.
Published 02/26/18
Pizza, it’s the go-to party food. The Ninja Turtles love it, Pizza rat loves it, and humans love it too. We’re heading to the Big Apple and joining us is Youtuber Jon Barr, to talk with us about his one-dollar pizza challenge, dumpling, and other affordable foods.
Published 02/02/18
Travel used to be an activity that only the rich could afford. But around the 1800s, advances in technology changed that industry. In this episode, I chat with author Mark Tungate, about his new book, The Escape Industry, where he writes about the evolution of travel.
Published 01/12/18
To keep fans and paparazzi off their trail, crew members of the new Star Wars film, The Last Jedi, referred to the movie as Space Bear. But now that filming is done and the trailers have been released, producers are starting to confirm the real-life locations where the movie was filmed. I don’t know if you’re as excited about The Last Jedi, as I am, but I hope you are. Because in this episode we’re going to explore some of the latest Star Wars movie filming locations, and how you can visit...
Published 12/14/17
Most of our episodes deal with places that you can travel to, like Iceland or Cuba. But what about the places you’re never allowed to explore? The places that are closed off the public, off-limits and top-secret? In this episode, we’re going to explore Closed Cities. Also known as secret cities or forbidden cities, these are places on the planet where thousands of people can live but no one’s allowed in and no one’s allowed out.
Published 12/04/17
Did you know that during the American Civil War, both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis wrote letters to the Pope trying to get him on there side? These letters are stored in the Secret Vatican Archives, deep beneath the surface of Vatican City. What else does the Catholic Church keep in these archives? And what are some other mysteries surrounding the smallest country in the world? Hey, Alex here, and you’re listening to Go, a Podcast about Travel, Places, and Adventure. In this...
Published 11/30/17
Donald Trump pardons a turkey this week, keeping the Thanksgiving tradition alive. Thanksgiving also happens to be the busiest week of the year for travel, but did you know that it’s the busiest week of the year for plumbers? Thousands of emergency calls are made to get sinks and toilets unclogged this time of year. Gross! In this episode of Go the Travel Podcast, we’re talking travel, turkey, and the fascinating history behind Thanksgiving.
Published 11/21/17
The original design for one of America’s most recognized monuments was very different from its finished product. Lead sculptor Gutzon Borglum meant to depict the four presidents from the waist up and Susan B. Anthony was almost added to the landmark. In this episode, we exploring the obscure history of Mt. Rushmore, the secret room built beneath the granite, and the largest US monument you’ve never heard of.
Published 11/19/17
Did you know that North Korea and South Korea are still technically at war? The Korean Armistice Agreement, signed in 1953, was only supposed to be a temporary ceasefire, but it’s still in place. Over sixty years later and there is still no treaty. Instead, we have two nations locked in a standoff. It’s one of the tensest military situations in the world, where it all comes to a head in one location. A place you can actually visit and see for yourself. Today we’re going to explore the...
Published 11/16/17
Did you know that the furthest distance humans have ever traveled was done not intentionally, but by complete accident? From explorers like Leif Erickson to Lewis and Clark, to more extreme methods of travel like Deep Sea Diving and Space Exploration, you might get the sense that humans are made to travel. In this travel episode, we’ll explore the stories behind some record holders. Like the Apollo 13, the Voyager 1, James Cameron and the Deepsea Challenger, the Arctic Tern, and the longest...
Published 11/09/17
On our 2nd and final Halloween edition of the podcast, we’re exploring some of the Most Haunted Houses in America, along with the spooky stories behind them and why you can or can’t visit them.
Published 10/30/17
Some of earliest writings about this real life person, describe him as a, “demented psychopath, a sadist, and a gruesome murderer.” You may know him as Dracula, the blood thirsty Vampire made famous by Bram Stocker’s novel of the same name. But his story is a bit more mysterious. Today we’re doing a special Halloween edition of the podcast, to explore the real life Dracula and the places you can visit today, to see where he once, or maybe still does roam.
Published 10/24/17
In a quest for gold, German immigrant Jacob Waltz, found a secret mine in the 1880s. Rumors are that he killed to keep it secret, making a small fortune in the process. Now known as the Lost Dutchman Mine, know one has retuned from the mine alive. One today’s travel podcast episode, we’re going to explore one of the most mysterious places you can travel to in Arizona: The Superstitious Mountains.
Published 10/19/17
In this weeks travel podcast episode we’re joined by James Finnerty from Lupine Travels. Finnerty is an unconventional travel agent of sorts. He takes people to Iraq, North Korea, the Chernobyl Nuclear Site, Antarctica and more. In this episode he shares a great story about shooting AK-47s in Latvia with gangsters and brothel runners.
Published 10/09/17
USA Today writer Nancy Trejos, travel writer Lori Zaino, and photographer Marc Silber join us in this episode, hosted by Alex Cwalinski and Ericka Cruz Guevarra. Listen in this week to find out the latest in travel with Go the Travel Podcast.
Published 09/19/17
Emmanuel Arnaud joins us to talk about the cost saving benefits of home exchanging. Also: Hurricane Irma, State Drivers Licenses and Air Travel? Why was a passenger ordered to pay $100,000 this week? Find that out and more of the latest in travel.
Published 09/09/17
Jack Kerouac’s novel, On the Road, helped define a generation of post WWII Americans. Americans who were exploring the land they fought to protect. Like their generation, today’s Millennials are defined by circumstances out of their control. Circumstances that effect the way they live, work and travel. On todays episode we’re joined by some millennials to discuss what life and travel is like for today’s young adults.
Published 08/28/17
Listen in on this short interview about living in India as an expat, and repatriating with Naomi Hathaway.
Published 08/09/17
The 2017 Eclipse could be the most photographed event in human history, according to at least one scientist. The State Department warns of tainted alcohol in Mexico. A naked passenger delays flight. Switzerland builds the world’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge. The 2028 Summer Olympics are coming to Los Angeles. Small airplane seats and little legroom may pose safety concerns, now the FAA may be forced to do something about it.
Published 08/05/17
Know your rights. The State of Air Travel seems to be in decline. To find out why, I spoke with David Cogswell, executive editor at Travel Pulse. Plus Susan Shain, a blogger and travel writer, who filled me in on when to stand my ground and what my rights are as a passenger. Co-hosting today is Adrien Behn, podcaster at Strangers Abroad.
Published 07/29/17
Why couldn’t planes take off in Phoenix in 118 Degree heat. Airlines are cutting flights to Cuba. A new bar with an ‘unhappy hour’. The Walking Dead cruise. Find out more in the latest travel news episode.  Subscribe in a reader
Published 07/07/17
This week, Alex Cwalinski breaks down the Trump Administration’s new Cuba Travel Policy changes. Plus some of this weeks Travel related news.
Published 06/17/17