Expanding channels for receiving more in life through overcoming the wounded inner child in us.
Published 01/07/24
The secret is all about energetics – understanding how to infuse magic and create chemistry with the audience. It's really this. Design and aesthetics are ultra-important, but if the energetic codes are not there, if your essence is not there, the potency doesn't land the same. It's a fact and a truth. Are you on the vibe of creating impact in this world and reaching thousands or millions of people? Do you have a big vision and dream of success? This is an important piece. Understanding how...
Published 01/05/24
Magnetic Codes and Sexual/Kundalini Energy Explained Part 2 People often inquire about the mystery of Kundalini energy. Here's a straightforward explanation: Kundalini energy is easy to recognize—it's remarkably magnetic, irresistibly attractive, a force of pure aliveness and power. In the presence of someone embodying this energy, it's unmistakable. You'll notice their vibrant aura, radiating pure gold as they enter the room. However, understanding and harnessing Kundalini energy...
Published 01/05/24
In each episode, we'll delve into the qualities, mindset, and actions that contribute to cultivating a magnetic presence. Join me as we explore stories, insights, and expert interviews to uncover the essence of charisma, confidence, and allure. Discover the art behind personal magnetism and learn how to harness it in your own life. Here I explain what we will explore inside Magnetic codes 2.0 Program starting now Live and available for purchase for self-pace study as well More in...
Published 01/05/24
Egyptian Technologies with Stephanie Berk: Unveiling Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World Embark on a captivating exploration of Egyptian Technologies with your host, Stephanie Berk. In this podcast, we delve into the mysteries of ancient wisdom, navigating its relevance in our modern world. I am [Your Name], your guide on this enlightening journey. Join Stephanie and me as we uncover the marvels of Egyptian Technologies, revealing the secrets that bridge the gap between antiquity and...
Published 01/05/24
Neste Episódio que compõe a junção de 2 podcasts juntos gravados em dias diferentes num só, Mergulhamos nas profundezas das conexões cósmicas, explorando temas como Twin Flames, Soulmates, contratos kármicos e sexualidade. Junto com a incrível Iolanda Doroteia, embarcamos em jornadas emocionantes para desvendar os mistérios das relações e o impacto transformador que exercem em nossas vidas. Este é o espaço sagrado onde a espiritualidade se encontra com a sensualidade, onde compartilhamos...
Published 01/05/24
Explore o fascinante universo do sucesso e magnetismo pessoal. Aqui vamos abordar uma conversa transformadora com a incrível Barbara Barradas. Juntas, mergulharemos nos segredos do carisma, desvendando estratégias para conquistar o sucesso e irradiar um magnetismo épico. Descubra o poder que existe dentro de si e aprenda a criar uma presença que se destaca. Este é o seu convite para uma jornada de autodescoberta e crescimento pessoal.
Published 01/05/24
Cura da Voz, Comunicação de Impacto, e Presença Confiante ao lado da talentosa Barbara Barradas, exploraremos técnicas essenciais para a cura da voz e aprimoramento da comunicação, expressar-se com autenticidade, desenvolver uma voz poderosa e criar uma presença que conquista. Esta é a chave para transformar a sua comunicação e se destacar em qualquer situação. Aqui falamos sobre autoexpressão e confiança para que possamos brilhar sempre a cada minuto do nosso dia.
Published 01/05/24
My manifestations of this 2023, my home + the wave of magnetizing dreams vs the wave of challenges.
Published 01/04/24
In recent years, one of the most groundbreaking revelations in the wellness industry has been the profound exploration of both natural and synthetic psychedelics. This goes beyond the traditional understanding of these substances as tools solely for expanding consciousness. We're witnessing a paradigm shift recognizing their remarkable effectiveness in the treatment of mental and physical health. Our discussions have spanned a spectrum of psychedelics, from the organic realms of psilocybin...
Published 12/27/23
In this episode I share with you the impact sacred places around the world have in accelerating your healing journey. The secrets to expand the heart while in moments of grief, sadness and heartbreak. It is said Avalon is the land of magic and o feel shift just by walking on this land, and I share you with the magical journey that unfolded for me, Mysticism, High priestess Wisdom, Energy Activations, The path of the Rose and Mary Magdalene are topics of this episode.
Published 09/05/23
The wisdom of the feminine is arising. An extraordinary pilgrimage through the enchanting temples of Egypt, where the wisdom of the feminine unfolds like anywhere else. This transformative odyssey, is a sacred passage dedicated to activating the depths of your soul, Activating Personal Potential, igniting the evolution of your being, and awakening the profound creative powers intrinsic to the feminine essence. Egypt serves as a catalyst for soul alignment and activation, offering a...
Published 08/23/23
Nesta conversa, eu e a Iolanda falamos sobre uma variedade de temas espirituais e emocionais, incluindo: Compreensão da Reencarnação e Karma nas Relações: Exploramos as crenças em torno da reencarnação em várias culturas. Discutimos como experiências de vidas passadas podem afetar as relações atuais. Aprofundamos os contratos cármicos e o que significam para o crescimento pessoal. Entrevista com um terapeuta de regressão a vidas passadas. Chamas Gémeas, Parceiros de Alma e Parceiros...
Published 08/23/23
Soul Awakening despite cultures, Blue Lotus, Ancient Egyptian mysteries, Profound Intimacy with Jasmeen Hanna  In this episode, I had the honor of welcoming Yasmeen Hanna, who graciously shared her profound wisdom, transformative process, and soul awakening. She has been a inspirational devotee to through the mystical blue lotus flower, ancient Egyptian mysteries, and the sacred path of sexuality. During the first part of this captivating podcast, which moved me to tears, we delved into...
Published 06/17/23
In this episode, I am delighted to introduce you to an incredible healer, Gillian Quinn. She is a powerful mystic and channel who carries the wisdom of ancient Celtic medicine. Gillian facilitates profound transformational journeys focused on ancestral healing and re-patterning cellular memory with the guidance of divine guides and spirits. I invited Gillian to join us and shed light on the technology behind her renowned deep spiritual healing journeys. These journeys have been...
Published 05/29/23
The flipside of the healing work. How to bring your aliveness back when you feel drained?
Published 05/27/23
In this podcast, we delve into the transformative healing power of sex, how it can help you heal and uplift your energy and help you to heal your feminine.   We explore the profound connection between sex, healing, and personal growth by recognizing that traumas and wounds are not just emotional or physical, but also energy and sexual energy can be harnessed to move through and release these energetic imprints, creating a path towards healing and renewal. Sacred sexuality is a powerful form...
Published 05/22/23
This particular episode deeply moved me, brought me to tears. We delved into the subjects of Kundalini vital force energy and yoga practice as a path of awakening consciousness and reactivating the unique memories of your cells. Our conversation took a profound turn when I asked her if there was a defining moment that marked her life though experiencing with the full potential of a Kundalini awakening. She instantaneously shared that it was while giving birth to her child. The raw emotion...
Published 04/28/23
In this episode, we explored the differences between leading a business from the masculine and feminine energies. While masculine leadership values logic, rationality, and assertiveness, feminine leadership prioritizes intuition, empathy, and collaboration. It also values creativity, flexibility, and adaptability, as well as holistic thinking and problem-solving. We also discussed the importance of embracing feminine energy in the workplace, including the role of the menstrual and lunar...
Published 04/04/23
In this episode, I was instead the one being Interviewed this time by Niya for the Illuminations podcast. I decided to share with you as well in my space as the conversation is full of superich content ! We explored the profound themes of womb wellness, intimacy, and sexuality, recognizing how the disconnection from our womb cycles and the diverse feminine archetypes within us can limit our potential in areas such as creativity, love, relationships, success, and leadership. The journey of...
Published 04/04/23
Attachment links us to the past. Detachment links us to the future. Making space for the new to enter in your life & Manifesting highly aligned results requires a constant letting go of the past . Attachment is actual the biggest enemy for evolution Evolution happens when we move freely toward the future - the less luggage we have the faster we move ! We explored the link between our energy and magnetism and how we deplete it by feeding cords with karmic patterns and Relationships...
Published 03/15/23
The powers of the vagina & the secrets of MULTIDIMENSIONAL ORGASM….. In this one we went so deeep! We spoke about transmuting emotions into power through creative energy, Unlocking the heart, voice, your roots, cervical orgasm and so much more …
Published 03/15/23
Emotional Alchemy , the powers of the heart, transmuting pain into love. Scorpio season is inviting us to meet our shadows, facing the dark goddess and bringing to the surface what is hidden inside. We tend to escape the inward journey because we fear discomfort. Now we actually have an opportunity to love all parts of us through the wisdom of the heart.
Published 03/15/23
Womb Healing journey has been a major part of my awakening and why I do this work.  I was diagnostic with several issues in my womb. I was told in 6 months I could Start developing cancer and this why I started my healing journey around the world finding holistic medicine instead of taking pharmaceuticals. All the tools I speak in this life healed me.  We will explore the healing power of Yoni Steaming and womb cleansing ritual ceremonies. We will speak about Womb and Cervix Cancer, PCOS,...
Published 03/15/23