Tommy Rosa was a Bronx born plumber that was involved in a hit and run accident in 1999. While in a coma, he met God. Tommy returned holding 8 profound health revelations. Co- written with Dr. Stephen Sinatra, the book Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth was the outcome of Tommy's death experience. He will be joining us to discuss the book, and How We Are All Connected! "It’s easy to fall into thinking of ourselves as only individuals, separated from our fellow human beings, but in...
Published 12/30/16
Published 12/30/16
Tommy Rosa was a Bronx born plumber that was involved in a hit and run accident in 1999. While in a coma, he met God. Tommy returned holding 8 profound health revelations. Co- written with Dr.
Published 12/30/16
In 2013 a CDC whistle blower leaked that the centers study in 2004 of the MMR vaccine and its' link to autism, was purposefully tainted as they omitted evidence and data that produced the causal relationship of the two. What commenced and came out of this persons information is the movie VAXXED: From Cover Up to Catastrophe. Join us as Director Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Producer Polly Tommy tell us about the movie, the bus tour, the scrutiny and eventual blast off of the movie that is a true...
Published 12/23/16
In 2013 a CDC whistle blower leaked that the centers study in 2004 of the MMR vaccine and its' link to autism, was purposefully tainted as they omitted evidence and data that produced the causal relationship of the two.
Published 12/23/16
Thyroid disorders are very common, affecting 750 million people worldwide by recent World Health Organization estimates, being possibly even more prevalent than diabetes. At least 30 million Americans have a thyroid disorder and half - 15 million - are silent sufferers who are undiagnosed, according to The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. According to the Endocrine Society, thyroid conditions are 5 to 10 times more common in women compared to men. The majority suffer from...
Published 12/16/16
Thyroid disorders are very common, affecting 750 million people worldwide by recent World Health Organization estimates, being possibly even more prevalent than diabetes.
Published 12/16/16
Get your pen and paper ready as Dr. John and Linda Gonino walk you through head to toe detox. With the amount of toxins we breath and consume from jet fuel residue to GMO and pesticide ridden food;understanding your bodies natural detoxifying solutions along with what you can do to encourage more toxin removal is key in this day and age. If you want to stay healthy or turn your ailing health around, this is the guide for you. Do you know about oil pulling or skin brushing? Gallbladder and...
Published 12/09/16
Get your pen and paper ready as Dr. John and Linda Gonino walk you through head to toe detox.
Published 12/09/16
Unfortunately, hypothyroid patients worldwide have had to find out the hard way that western medicine had completely failed them for decades, leaving them compromised or made to feel crazy. Patients have been put on a medication that has left millions with continued hypothyroid symptoms, whether from the beginning, or the longer they stay on the meds. They have also been held hostage to one of the lousiest lab tests ever invented to diagnose or treat by: the TSH lab test. So Janie Bowthorpe...
Published 12/02/16
Unfortunately, hypothyroid patients worldwide have had to find out the hard way that western medicine had completely failed them for decades, leaving them compromised or made to feel crazy.
Published 12/02/16
High vibrational living – In 40+ years of practicing medicine, and especially after writing the book Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth, it occurred to me that cellular vibration is the essence of life. In other words, the realization of illness like heart failure, heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, etc., is possibly related to the vibratory state of our cellular function. One of our goals in living a healthy life is to achieve a higher vibratory state so we can experience...
Published 11/18/16
High vibrational living – In 40+ years of practicing medicine, and especially after writing the book Health Revelations from Heaven and Earth, it occurred to me that cellular vibration is the essence of life.
Published 11/18/16
Jared is known as The Kid Against Chemo and his story went viral when he walked away from conventional medicine. He beat the odds the doctors gave him 2 years ago this past July. Jared was born into conventional medication when he came into this world with a rare heart defect called hypo plastic left heart syndrome. At 4 months of age Jared needed a heart transplant. Jared and his mom Lisa have spent Jared’s life in and out of hospitals and doctors offices. As he grew up that became...
Published 11/11/16
Jared is known as The Kid Against Chemo and his story went viral when he walked away from conventional medicine. He beat the odds the doctors gave him 2 years ago this past July.
Published 11/11/16
Dr. Stephanie McCarter who herself is sensitive to Electromagnetic Fields will be with us on Friday to discuss the science behind this syndrome. It makes perfect sense right? With all the technology that surrounds you daily of course our bodies will react to it. Waves of energy in your home, we cook with it, T.V.s, microwaves, we hold cell phones in our hand and up to our brain, there are computers in every room we enter in every home and every office building, we carry them with us and rely...
Published 11/04/16
Dr. Stephanie McCarter who herself is sensitive to Electromagnetic Fields will be with us on Friday to discuss the science behind this syndrome.
Published 11/04/16
Zen Honeycutt, Co-founder of Moms Across America, is lifting her voice and empowering moms everywhere to take on our food industry! As an inspired community they rally to change laws, start local and global organic food movements, and educate the masses on the poisoning of our food system and just what it is doing to our bodies, especially those of our children. The biggest culprit of the chemical warfare on our food supply is Round-Up and the toxin it contains. Glyphosate: a chemical in...
Published 10/28/16
Did you know recent studies have stated that LESS THAN 5 PERCENT OF THE WORLD IS HEALTHY? Meaning, not on medication and complaining of chronic symptoms. Wow, that’s staggering. So what is making us oh so sick? That’s our topic this week with Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker. T.V show hosts of Your Health -check out their past shows here on YouTube- and creators of Bio Innovations www.bioinnovations.net Let’s get to the nitty gritty and the facts that our reliance on prescription drugs, our...
Published 10/21/16
Did you know recent studies have stated that LESS THAN 5 PERCENT OF THE WORLD IS HEALTHY? Meaning, not on medication and complaining of chronic symptoms. Wow, that’s staggering. So what is making us oh so sick? That’s our topic this week with Dr.
Published 10/21/16
'After coming home from Vietnam, I felt like a parasite had entered my body and was reprogramming everything from my gut to my brain.' -Doug K. Armed only with curiosity and a library card, Kaufmann set out to try to discover the cause of his symptoms. A library book on parasitology at USC Medical School, where he worked on research projects in the 1970's with Dr. Everett Hughes, led him to many answers. He finally understood that parasitic fungus was causing his health problems. 'Every...
Published 10/14/16
'After coming home from Vietnam, I felt like a parasite had entered my body and was reprogramming everything from my gut to my brain.' -Doug K. Armed only with curiosity and a library card, Kaufmann set out to try to discover the cause of his symptoms.
Published 10/14/16
With these words at age 44 'fix me or put me in a nursing home'Linda Gonino was sick and tired, and no one could help her, not even her husband Dr. John Gonino. Only a week later a book was delivered to Dr. Gonino by a patient titled The Canary and Chronic Fatigue by Dr. Majid Ali: this was the beginning of their journey to embracing natural health, integrative medicine, and turning a cookie cutter medical practice into a wellness center full of miracles.Now with 20 years of utilizing...
Published 10/07/16
With these words at age 44 'fix me or put me in a nursing home'Linda Gonino was sick and tired, and no one could help her, not even her husband Dr. John Gonino. Only a week later a book was delivered to Dr.
Published 10/07/16