This week our hosts Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson talk about the annual tradition of displaying Christmas trees! Not sure which kind to get, want to know how to keep it green until Christmas? How about a tip or two on how to pick one at the store!  G@P B@L is here to help with all things plants!
Published 11/26/21
In this episode comedian Pat Sirois and horticulturalist Lance Roberson discuss the woody plants smaller than trees that we call shrubs or bushes... Whatever side of the divide you fall on, we talk a bout a few of the ones on the top of the list of great shrubs to grow!
Published 11/15/21
In this episode Pat Sirois  and Lance Roberson talk about perennials, the plants that come back more than 2 years... Yes we often say that they come back every year, and they do for many years, but lets talk about lifespan and what you should do to keep your garden blooming and looking great for years to come with perennials of all kinds!
Published 11/06/21
This week we talk about all things fall leaves. How do they know when to do it? What causes the colors? What we should do with all those fall leaves once they drop? all discussed on this episode of Good at Plants Bad at Life! Join Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson on G@P B@L as we go out on a limb to get a better view of the fire that is fall leaf color change!
Published 10/29/21
This week we talk about my thoughts on Jonny Appleseed, the American folk hero best known through cartoon portrayals and hand-me-down stories from those that knew or knew of John Chapman, the real Jonny Appleseed. This episode join Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson as we talk about what we know related to plants and folk stories, and  where the truth of the matter is in what we remember from a semi-historical game of telephone!
Published 10/14/21
In this episode Lance meets up with Pat on the road in the Pacific north west while he is on tour! What else would we talk about other than the old growth evergreen forest that the Seattle metro is right in the middle of!   Recorded at Scriber Lake in Lynwood, Washington. Comedian Pat Sirois and horticulturalist Lance Roberson discuss the role of these trees in the ecosystem and how the benefit us when we benefit them! 
Published 09/28/21
This episode Guest Stephanie Gilbert is back to talk about Media! In horticulture media is the material that you are growing your plants in, it not all just dirt! Join us as we discuss the dirty details of media to help you get out and grow!  Join Guest Host Stephanie Gilbert from Studio512, comedian Pat Sirois, horticulturist Lance Roberson as we discuss all things plants!
Published 09/27/21
Want to know what annuals work in your area? Can't decide if it is something that should be working, or just want to know of an easy way to find what you like that grows where you live? Let's talk about the good and the bad of annuals, and a little about mushrooms, why not!  This episode join Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson as we journey through fall and the bountiful plants that it brings us in the northern hemisphere!  
Published 09/17/21
DO NOT use pesticides for salad dressing oil. But should you put it on anything? In this episode Lance and Pat discuss how everyone uses pesticides, and why it isn't such a bad thing after all. If you know what you are doing, it may even be the right thing to do for the environment! Let's give you a few things to think about before heading to the garden center this weekend. Think I'm wrong? Let us know, find Pat Siros at @PeezyTX on Twitter and Instagram or Lance @ PLance.org G@P B@L! 
Published 09/17/21
This episode Lance got up on the wrong side of the beds and he's decided to give Pat a few good reasons to despise turf too.   Sure, he could help you grow it, but do you want to? Do you know how much work that really is? Are you really getting anything out of it for the resources? Today we are talking about common pitfalls of growing your own slice of this green crime against horticulture.  Do you have problems with turf? Want to come to turf's defense?  Let us know what you think! Have a...
Published 08/26/21
Water is always the first question anyone asks when something goes wrong with a plant. Water is a pivotal part of the plant's lifecycle so it may be related. How do you know? How can you grow better?  Join Pat Siros, Stephanie Gilbert, and Lance Roberson as we talk about plant problems, solutions, and as many things as we can about plants in our second episode of G@P B@L! Have a plant problem you want us to talk about, send us what you are working with!  We discuss horticulture where...
Published 08/19/21
The story begins and the plants were already there, they created PLance, and this is how they convinced Lance to help. He's here with plants and he's out of the greenhouses to help you grow. Join us as we explore the first of many events of horticultural consultant Lance Roberson's life long journey with plants, and what makes him want to help save your plants. In this episode Co-hosts Pat Sirois and Stephanie Gilbert join us as we discuss a little how it couldn't have gone any other...
Published 08/19/21