Published 05/24/23
This week, Pat Sirois and Lance discuss a call we got from a curious kid asking about a plant that they'd seen in a recent movie, and while movies aren't real, some plants are more interesting than ones that are made up. Join us as we talk about movie plants as well as the stranger than fiction venus fly trap! Have your own questions? Give us a call on our help line, at A-A-HELP-ME-ZZ (224-357-6399) or send us an email at [email protected]!
Published 05/24/23
From urine spots to pathways animals can cause problems for plants, sometimes we can avoid the problems, often times we need to work on simple plans to combat the after effects of these problems.  This week join our hosts Stephanie Gilbert and Lance Roberson as we delve into plant safety around animals. Have a question for our us, call our helpline at A-A-HELP-ME-ZZ (224-357-6399) or send us an email at [email protected]
Published 05/17/23
This week we are talking about safety! From pets to kids and everything in between, working with plants can be a joyous event, but some some special precaution is needed especially when working with kids, or around pets to ensure we don't have problems while enjoying our plants. Join our hostess Stephanie Gilbert and horticulturist Lance Roberson as we delve into safety! Have a question, want to send us a line, email us at [email protected] or give a call to our help line AA-Help-Me-ZZ...
Published 05/11/23
When growing plants the most unpredictable factor is often water.  Irrigation is made to supplement natural rain, but is often one of the most questioned aspects of growing plants. Join our hosts Stephanie Gilbert and Lance Roberson as we discuss irrigation in this episode of Good at Plants, Bad at Life. Have a question, you can call or text our help line "AA-Help-Me-ZZ" (224)357-6399, send us an email to [email protected], or find us on Instagram!
Published 04/27/23
What is compost? Where does it come from, and how do you use it? Join our hosts Lance Roberson and Stephanie Gilbert as we talk about some of the do's and don'ts of this amazing soil amendment! Have a specific question you want to ask! Send us an email at [email protected], call or text our help line at A-A HELP ME ZZ (224-357-6399) or send us a message on instagram!
Published 04/19/23
When it comes to soil types, as far as textures go there are only 3 ingredients. Silt, sand and clay.  Knowing these 3 will go a long way in knowing how to grow your plants! Join our hosts Stephanie Gilbert and Lance Roberson as we discuss the soil triangle and all its dirty detail.
Published 03/23/23
In this episode we explore what we need to do to get ready for spring and put winter behind us.  Do you have a garden or landscape and don't know where to start? Join us this week as we discuss what you should do while you watch winter turn to spring! This weeks questions! Pat leaves us a voicemail to ask about a bad plant purchase. Sarah, asks about her freeze damaged English ivy, and Mark has a problem with his mower! Have questions Send us an Email at [email protected] or send us texts...
Published 03/13/23
Whether you are growing on the moon or in your backyard, there are only 7 things that you need to pay attention to when you are growing plants. The 7 are  Light, Water, Air, Temperature, Media, Pests, and Chemistry.  Join horticulturalist Lance Roberson and Co-Host Stephanie Gilbert as we discuss everything you need to know to grow plants and more! Have plant questions you want answered, find us on social media, send us an email at [email protected] or call our help line @ A-A-Help-Me-ZZ...
Published 03/06/23
Prices are up, and with plants we know most of the reasons why this is happening. From historical  pricing to the cost of energy, a lot goes into growing plants! Join comedian  Pat Sirois and horticulturist Lance Roberson as we discuss what's happening in the world of buying and growing plants!
Published 06/28/22
That nuclear fire in the sky we call the sun makes a lot of difference to plants down here in our garden and greenhouses. From full sun to total shade and everything in between comedian Pat Siroi  and horticulturist Lance Roberson discuss what and why many plants need their niche growing space to do their best. 
Published 06/05/22
In this episode join comedian Pat Sirois and horticulturist Lance Roberson as we discuss what makes a fruit, what parts of the plant we eat as vegetables, and few that for some reason we think of being on the wrong side of the grocery store.
Published 05/30/22
Even if you are good at plants what happens when life goes bad? A solar flare, a zombie invasion, insert your own apocalyptic scenario.  After the dust settles, it's just you and plants. Could you survive? Join comedian Pat Sirois and horticulturist Lance Roberson as we talk about what we would do to make it in a world run by no one with only plants and gumption to get you through another year!
Published 05/19/22
Earth day is a holiday that encompasses so much, from planting trees, to conserving energy consumption, to mining rare earth minerals, and of course we can't forget the dolphins!  Join comedian Pat Sirois and horticulturalist Lance Roberson as we meander through a few things we are thinking about this Earth day! 
Published 04/24/22
This week Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson are glad to have friends in town for Moontower and Wildflowers that have both peaked and invaded Austin, Texas!   Join us as we talk about a few of our plant favorites kicking off the beginning of 2022's  northern hemisphere wildflower season while everyone here!
Published 04/18/22
We've been told that sometimes plants have to be shown in a visual medium, so we made this episode as a companion to PLance's video on YouTube showing this year's Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC.  Do you know of a plant related festival or event that you want to know more about? Let us know on social media and you may just see us in your local environment. Video link - https://youtu.be/ArJ_xeY3TOQ Bloom Watch https://www.nps.gov/subjects/cherryblossom/bloom-watch.htm
Published 04/02/22
Biofuel,  root beer, and auto parts among hundreds of other items made just from peanuts, and he did it 100 years ago?  Along with plethora of products needed by some of the poorest people in the US, through education and DIY processes he often gave the public for free, the peanut man made more attainable than anyone else in his time. Join Pat and Lance this week as we discuss another great American plant need, George Washington Carver! Want us to talk about your favorite plant need? Just...
Published 04/02/22
This week comedian Pat Siroi  and Lance Roberson talk about all those things that some people still think are plants, but the are closer to us than the plants! What are those things growing on your trees, in your grass and all over the world, join Good at Plants, Bad at Life as we talk about these strange and common life forms.
Published 04/02/22
Are you looking for a sign from the plants that it is spring. Are you ready to plant and don't trust the local TV weatherman that winter is finally over? Today we want to discuss with you plants that are some of the earliest flowering plants that you may notice in your area, and how they may be the signal that spring is upon you! Join our hosts Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson as we talk about what plants we are looking for as we travel around to show us spring is in the air. Want to show us...
Published 03/09/22
It's that time of year, whether you are a commercial grower, or just looking to beautify your patio, if you want to start your plants from seed, you need to get moving.  Join our hosts Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson as we discuss starting seeds for this spring.  From easy ways to start seeds in any window, to which plants may be cheaper at the grocery store than you could buy and grow on your own.   Have a question about your favorite seed plant? Want to show us how you're ahead of the game...
Published 03/02/22
What are the flowers you are giving to your loved ones this Valentines day saying? Join our hosts, Lance Roberson and Pat Sirois as we talk about flowers you should or maybe rather shouldn't give this holiday.  A few "historical" stories about flowers and what they meant to those that came before us. From Aztec legends, to Greek mythology, we pass another ridiculous plant story to the next person in an age old tradition of field stories!  Want to tell us your favorite plant story? Find us on...
Published 02/07/22
This week we talk about some plants that are often seen indoors but may be a bit too much to handle when they get growing. Join pat Sirois and Lance Roberson as they talk about ficus, palms, dracenas, and a whole lot more! Have a plant that you have had forever in your house! Show off and introduce us to your plant on social media @goodatplantsbadatlife and @goodatplantspod!
Published 01/31/22
This week Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson discuss, bulbs! From Pat's favorite onion, to plants that aren't bulbs despite their appearance, like the iris! Want to know how to buy them for your growing or how much water they may need? How about using them to save Matt Damon or some etymology, we have it all, join us!  Have a question for us? Want to hear Lance talk about your favorite or least favorite plant? Find us on social media @goodatplantsbadatlife on Instagram or @goodatplantspod on...
Published 01/24/22
Join us this week as Pat Sirois and Lance Roberson discuss house plants!  We also take questions from the field where we meet a new Sizzle Frizzle (corkscrew Albuca), and introduce everyone to one of PLance's oldest employees the bristlecone pine tree known as The Methuselah Tree! We also talk about spathiphyllum, African violets, and about how your apartment choice can change your plant selection. Have a question? Send us a pic or let us know what you want to know about plants, and maybe...
Published 01/15/22
In this episode comedian Pat Sirois and horticulturalist Lance Roberson talk about winter, freezes and cold hardiness zones!  Pat also starts getting Lance to take a couple of questions on air from a listener in the field!  Want to ask your own question? Want to battle rap Pat over your zone being better than 8B.  Find us on social media @goodatplantsbadatlife and maybe we'll respond to yours! USDA Map to find your hardiness zone (for those of you in the...
Published 01/06/22