After following in her activist parents' footsteps, Blair Imani reached her breaking point organizing protests in college. She shares how rediscovering spirituality helped her let go of toxic expectations and heal. Blair realized education was a more sustainable way for her to impact change as a historian and creator of the popular Smarter In Seconds educational video series. She discusses learning self-care, listening to your values when making decisions, and embracing practices like yoga...
Published 02/08/24
Do you ever feel like you barely slept even after a full night in bed? You're not alone. Sleep expert Dr. Christopher Winter reveals the truth about the perception gap between how we think we're sleeping and reality. Discover science-backed techniques to get better rest, change your mindset around sleep, and stop obsessing over routines. Dr. Winter shares insights from his book The Sleep Solution and busts myths around optimal sleep needs. Learn how to ditch the anxiety around sleep and...
Published 02/05/24
Sex educator Emily Nagoski reveals how to sustain passionate intimacy over the long haul with research from her groundbreaking new book, Come Together: The Science (and Art!) of Creating Lasting Sexual Connections. She explains why pleasure trumps desire, how stress impacts connection, and the importance of open communication about desires. Emily offers practical steps to invite more pleasure into relationships as bodies change, and rejects cultural grind in favor of ease. Her insights on...
Published 02/01/24
This January Jumpstart episode explores how we can rediscover our deepest sense of belonging within. Zen priest Rev. angel Kyodo williams and spiritual leader Melissa Carter share how embracing all of ourselves allows us to fully inhabit our humanity. By returning to our inner wholeness through mindfulness, we can move through the world from a place of truth, connect authentically with others, and transform society. Episode Transcript You can find Rev. angel Kyodo williams at: Instagram |...
Published 01/29/24
In this episode, Dr. Aditi Nerurkar, author of The Five Resets: Rewire Your Brain and Body for Less Stress and More Resilience, shares how to reframe our relationship with stress. She explains why feeling overwhelmed is a common human experience, not a personal failing. Simple, science-backed techniques like breathing, social connection, journaling, and eliminating multitasking can help our minds and bodies reset. Dr. Nerurkar offers realistic ways to introduce ease into our days through...
Published 01/25/24
This January Jumpstart episode explores how movement strengthens your mind, body, and immunity. What if exercise could unlock your brain's creativity and make you happier, healthier, and more focused? Neuroscientist Dr. Jennifer Heisz and physician Dr. Gabrielle Lyon reveal how movement strengthens your mind, body, and immunity. Learn how to reframe exercise as playful self-care, not monotonous drudgery. Discover how muscle builds resilience against disease while microbursts of activity boost...
Published 01/22/24
Feeling like you're always behind in life? Leo Babauta joins us to explore why we get stuck chasing unrealistic expectations, and simple mindset shifts that can transform your days into a graceful, meaningful, and fun game worth playing. Discover how to ditch perfectionism and embrace self-compassion to experience more ease and joy right now. You can find Leo at: Website | Instagram | Zen Habits Podcast | Episode Transcript If you LOVED this episode you’ll also love the conversations we had...
Published 01/18/24
This January Jumpstart episode explores the power of exquisite attention - the ability to direct your focus with intention to create moments of profound presence. Renowned mindfulness teacher Tara Brach shares practices like RAIN to help awaken us from anxious, judgmental trances. Leading researcher Dacher Keltner illuminates how awe opens our eyes to everyday wonder and possibility. Learn simple tools to train moment-to-moment awareness and presence. Discover how slowing down, looking...
Published 01/16/24
When constant ringing and noise from tinnitus brought anxiety, despair and sleepless nights, Jonathan stumbled upon an unlikely antidote - mindfulness meditation. What began as therapy to cope with daily torment evolved into a profound practice for creativity, clarity and calm. Learn how mindfulness helped Jonathan find peace despite unrelenting symptoms, trained his brain to let go of fixating on the noises, and transformed his life. You'll also be led through a soothing lovingkindness...
Published 01/14/24
Change is hard. But what if embracing change led to your greatest growth? My guest is Brad Stulberg, bestselling author of Master of Change: How to Excel When Everything Is Changing – Including You. Brad shares how we can cultivate “rugged flexibility” to gracefully navigate cycles of order, disorder and reorder. Imagine harnessing the storms of change to help you grow into your best self. Brad upends conventional wisdom, showing how accepting impermanence allows us to become our best...
Published 01/11/24
What really brings meaning and purpose to life? This episode is part of our January Jumpstart series where each week we dive into concepts to drive real change through learning and action. Get science-backed insights from an 80-year Harvard happiness study revealing how relationships and activities—not money or fame—unlock fulfillment with our guide, Robert Waldinger. Discover philosophical wisdom and practical tips to continually reconnect with what matters through relationships, reflection,...
Published 01/09/24
If you have big goals and dreams but struggle with making them happen, this episode is for you! We're sharing our powerful 8-part Success Scaffolding framework to finally accomplish your most meaningful visions this year. We'll create a vivid picture of the outcome you want and understand your deeper purpose behind it. Jonathan will walk you through making an adaptable plan, opening a possibility window, gathering proof, enlisting key people, establishing practices, and making a pledge. This...
Published 01/07/24
What if small, incremental actions could transform your life? In this fascinating conversation with James Clear, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Atomic Habits, you’ll get proven strategies based in psychology and neuroscience for building the habits you want and breaking the ones holding you back. Learn how to create an environment that reinforces positive change and the crucial role identity plays in making new habits stick. Discover how to find the opportunities best suited to your...
Published 01/04/24
Reignite your passion for life in 2024 with our January Jumpstart episode! We debunk false beliefs about finding your one true passion, reveal the science behind harmonious vs. obsessive pursuits, and explore why curiosity offers a healthier path than waiting for a thunderbolt moment. You'll hear insights from positive psychology expert Dan Lerner and author Elizabeth Gilbert on embracing gradual interest development, balancing multiple passions, and how small steps unlock hidden joys....
Published 01/02/24
What does your Contribution Bucket look like these days? On this special year-end reflection episode, we dive deep into the work and effort that fills you up rather than drains you. Jonathan shares what he's learned from researching human flourishing at work, including identifying the 5 key qualities that make work energizing: purpose, excitement, flow, full expression, and meaning. Jonathan then analyzes his own contribution bucket over the past year, how it was impacted by health...
Published 12/28/23
What does it mean to live meaningfully? Journey with us as we revisit poignant moments from conversations on presence, curiosity, self-acceptance, integration, community, and the power of our stories. We'll dive into chats with Pico Iyer on living fully through presence, Karen Walrond on embracing change and aging with creativity, and violinist Vijay Gupta on building community beyond prestige and comfort. Their wisdom illuminates pathways to flourish through integrity, purpose, generosity,...
Published 12/26/23
What makes some couples thrive for decades while others fizzle out? Psychotherapist and bestselling author Amy Morin reveals the habits that erode relationships and the tools needed to build resilient joy in her latest book, 13 Things Mentally Strong Couples Don't Do. Drawing on research and years of counseling experience, Amy shares how small changes can transform even the most challenged partnerships. Learn how to reconnect with your partner's best self - and your own. Discover why...
Published 12/24/23
In this illuminating episode, we dive deep into the power of human connection for a fulfilling life. Jonathan shares insights from decades of research showing our most important relationships are key to wellbeing. We explore how to take stock of your Connection bucket and nurture the few deep bonds that matter most. Learn simple but profound practices to be more present with loved ones, keep your bucket full in tough times, and cultivate chosen family. If you want to feel more connected, this...
Published 12/21/23
Discover the winning money mindset to change your financial life. Personal finance phenom and TikTok star Vivian Tu decodes finances in simple steps so you can stop living paycheck-to-paycheck. Learn how to negotiate your true worth, overcome investing fears, adopt wealth-building habits, and use money as a tool for good. Vivian shares insider strategies from her new book Rich AF: The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life to help you understand finances, maximize earnings, and...
Published 12/19/23
Have you ever wondered about the secret fungal networks operating unseen beneath your feet? My guest Merlin Sheldrake, author of the New York Times bestseller Entangled Life, reveals a surreal subterranean cosmos of mycelium underlying life as we know it. In this mind-expanding conversation, Sheldrake illuminates the alien intelligence of fungi and their profound interconnectedness with human existence. Discover how these overlooked organisms communicate, adapt, and even exhibit consciousness...
Published 12/17/23
It's been a turbulent year for many of us, taking a real toll on our vitality buckets - our energy levels, physical health, mental focus and overall sense of well-being. In Part 2 of this special Year-End Reflection series, we're tapping into the wisdom of the Good Life Buckets model to help you understand how the last year has impacted your own vitality. Jonathan shares the key ingredients for refilling our vitality buckets, along with 5 clarifying questions to ask yourself during this...
Published 12/14/23
Have you noticed patterns in your life traced back generations? My guest Dr. Mariel Buqué shares how trauma gets embedded in our biology and psychology, passed down through families. In her new book Break the Cycle: A Guide to Healing Intergenerational Trauma, this psychologist provides clinically proven techniques to regulate our nervous systems, restore secure attachment, process grief, and break free from harmful intergenerational patterns. Her message transcends genetics - it’s a call to...
Published 12/12/23
What if you could rewrite the subconscious scripts controlling your life? Harness untapped mental powers to conquer pain, anxiety, and addictions? My guest Dr. David Spiegel, renowned psychiatrist & director of Stanford's Center on Stress and Health, pulls back the curtain on hypnosis. With 45+ years of researching and successfully treating patients, he's on a mission to reveal hypnosis as a gentler, effective first-line treatment. We dive into the science, address the mythology around...
Published 12/10/23
It's time for deep reflection as we close out 2023. Over four weeks, join us for an intimate year-end review built around the Good Life Buckets. We'll guide you to reflect on how this year unfolded, your role in it, key learnings, and how to carry those into 2023 with more wisdom and agency. We'd also love for you to share your journey! Record a voice memo reply to each week's prompts and email it to [email protected] to potentially be featured on the show. Super excited to share...
Published 12/08/23
After years of requests, it's finally happening - I'm the one in the hot seat for this special interview with none other than beloved 4x bestselling author and podcast host Kelly Corrigan of Kelly Corrigan Wonders. We have a heart-to-heart chat about life, work, relationships, challenges and more. Kelly nudges me into sharing personal stories and insights I usually keep private. It felt like an intimate conversation between old friends. Grab a cup of tea, get cozy and join Kelly and me for...
Published 12/06/23