If something is for all, you might lack assurance that it’s for you. If something is for you, you might wonder whether it’s for all. Thankfully, God's gift of a Savior is both. God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world, but the blessings he won for the world are delivered in specific and personal ways. This week we see how continually implores people through the ministers he calls. The reconciliation with God that Jesus won once and for all is a gift God wants us each to enjoy every day....
Published 01/28/24
If something is for all, you might lack assurance that it’s for you. If something is for you, you might wonder whether it’s for all. Thankfully, God's gift of a Savior is both. God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world, but the blessings he won for the world are delivered in specific and personal ways. This week we see how God uses baptism to identify his children. When it come to our biological families, we are identified not just by the names we give ourselves or the family traits we...
Published 01/14/24
If something is for all, you might lack assurance that it’s for you. If something is for you, you might wonder whether it’s for all. Thankfully, God's gift of a Savior is both. God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world, but the blessings he won for the world are delivered in specific and personal ways. This week we see how God brings his salvation to all nations, ethnicities, and classes of people by any means necessary – including by means of rejection. Though the Savior was largely...
Published 01/07/24
We wish each other a merry Christmas, a joyful Christmas, a peaceful Christmas. But a disruptive Christmas? That might be the last thing we need this December. And yet, whenever God shows up in our world and in our lives, that’s exactly what it is: disruptive. His arrival upends everything. Today we see how the incarnation of Christ has forever changed the way that God is present in our world. Before Christ’s arrival, God’s special, saving presence was focused on visible structures, including...
Published 12/31/23
We wish each other a merry Christmas, a joyful Christmas, a peaceful Christmas. But a disruptive Christmas? That might be the last thing we need this December. And yet, whenever God shows up in our world and in our lives, that’s exactly what it is: disruptive. His arrival upends everything. Today we celebrate the birth of Jesus by pondering the mystery and miracle of the incarnation. At Christmas, God’s Son ended the separation between God and man by becoming God and man in one. Through the...
Published 12/25/23
We wish each other a merry Christmas, a joyful Christmas, a peaceful Christmas. But a disruptive Christmas? That might be the last thing we need this December. And yet, whenever God shows up in our world and in our lives, that’s exactly what it is: disruptive. His arrival upends everything. This week we see how God establishes an eternal kingdom that disrupts succession. Whether it’s the royal bloodlines of a monarchy or the election cycles of democracy, rulers are always replaced by other...
Published 12/24/23
We wish each other a merry Christmas, a joyful Christmas, a peaceful Christmas. But a disruptive Christmas? That might be the last thing we need this December. And yet, whenever God shows up in our world and in our lives, that’s exactly what it is: disruptive. His arrival upends everything. Tonight, we celebrate God’s arrival on earth as a baby. We might assume that a baby’s birth would not have the ability to disrupt anything. And yet, the humble nature of God’s arrival in the flesh disrupts...
Published 12/24/23
On the night of Jesus’ birth, the angel said to the shepherds: “I bring you good news of great joy!” News of the Savior’s arrival forever changed the course of human history and is still a source of inexhaustible joy for us each Christmas. It’s no wonder that so many poets and composers have used their artistic talents to set this good news to song. Today’s service gives us an opportunity to hear again the Scripture that describes both God’s promises and their fulfillment in the sending of...
Published 12/17/23
We wish each other a merry Christmas, a joyful Christmas, a peaceful Christmas. But a disruptive Christmas? That might be the last thing we need this December. And yet, whenever God shows up in our world and in our lives, that’s exactly what it is: disruptive. His arrival upends everything. This week we see how God’s voice disrupts silence. Because we have a God who shows up rather than remaining distant, our hearts need constant preparation. That preparation is what the Bible calls...
Published 12/10/23
We wish each other a merry Christmas, a joyful Christmas, a peaceful Christmas. But a disruptive Christmas? That might be the last thing we need this December. And yet, whenever God shows up in our world and in our lives, that’s exactly what it is: disruptive. His arrival upends everything. This week we see how God’s arrival disrupts waiting. On the one hand, God’s people don’t need to get his attention. They don’t need to earn his activity. They can simply wait. But that waiting is never met...
Published 12/03/23
Normally we think of life’s crossroads as places we want to leave. But there are certain crossroads that are exactly where Jesus wants us to be. Life with him is lived at the intersection of all that is already ours but has not yet been fully delivered. This week we see that life with Jesus is lived at the intersection of judgment and pardon. During his time on earth, many reached a judgment about Jesus. They determined that he was a threat to their power and thus needed to be eliminated....
Published 11/26/23
Normally we think of life’s crossroads as places we want to leave. But there are certain crossroads that are exactly where Jesus wants us to be. Life with him is lived at the intersection of all that is already ours but has not yet been fully delivered. This week we see that life with Jesus is lived at the intersection of falling asleep and remaining alert. Jesus makes it clear that we cannot anticipate or predict his return. In this sense, we will all be “asleep” when it happens – it will...
Published 11/19/23
Normally we think of life’s crossroads as places we want to leave. But there are certain crossroads that are exactly where Jesus wants us to be. Life with him is lived at the intersection of all that is already ours but has not yet been fully delivered. This week we see that life with Jesus is lived at the intersection of the past and the future. For as many days as God gives us, we can always look back at his blessings even while we look ahead to the work we joyfully carry out in his name...
Published 11/12/23
Normally we think of life’s crossroads as places we want to leave. But there are certain crossroads that are exactly where Jesus wants us to be. Life with him is lived at the intersection of all that is already ours but has not yet been fully delivered. This week we see that life with Jesus is lived at the intersection of sight and reality. Although those who belong to Jesus often look no different from the rest of the people of the world – they still sin; they still suffer – God points us to...
Published 11/05/23
Every administration makes rules and sets policies for how it wants things to run. But no matter who’s in office or which nation we’re talking about, no kingdom of earth runs like the kingdom of heaven. This week we how the two kingdoms in which Christians are citizens will often compete for our ultimate allegiance. While we give our honor and obedience to those who rule earthly kingdoms, we give our worship only to God. This pledge of allegiance may at times put us at odds with earthly...
Published 10/31/23
Every administration makes rules and sets policies for how it wants things to run. But no matter who’s in office or which nation we’re talking about, no kingdom of earth runs like the kingdom of heaven. Join us as we see the radical and revolutionary way things work in the kingdom Jesus rules. This week we how Jesus is the king of both the kingdom of heaven and the kingdoms of this earth. Though he rules each kingdom in a different way and for a different purpose, he is Lord of all. In the...
Published 10/22/23
Every administration makes rules and sets policies for how it wants things to run. But no matter who’s in office or which nation we’re talking about, no kingdom of earth runs like the kingdom of heaven. Join us as we see the radical and revolutionary way things work in the kingdom Jesus rules. This week we how Jesus’ kingdom practices discrimination in a way that is anti-discriminatory. On the one hand, Jesus is clear that only sinners will be welcome at his heavenly banquet. Those who find...
Published 10/15/23
Every administration makes rules and sets policies for how it wants things to run. But no matter who’s in office or which nation we’re talking about, no kingdom of earth runs like the kingdom of heaven. Join us as we see the radical and revolutionary way things work in the kingdom Jesus rules. This week we see how in Jesus’ kingdom, we can already see the right side of history. In the kingdoms of this earth, we can only know which side of an issue is wise or just in hindsight. In Jesus,...
Published 10/08/23
Every administration makes rules and sets policies for how it wants things to run. But no matter who’s in office or which nation we’re talking about, no kingdom of earth runs like the kingdom of heaven. Join us as we see the radical and revolutionary way things work in the kingdom Jesus rules. This week we see that Jesus’ kingdom disrupts our sense of law and order. In worldly kingdoms, outward compliance to the law is usually good enough. Jesus, however, isn’t interested in outward...
Published 10/01/23
Every administration makes rules and sets policies for how it wants things to run. But no matter who’s in office or which nation we’re talking about, no kingdom of earth runs like the kingdom of heaven. Join us as we see the radical and revolutionary way things work in the kingdom Jesus rules. This week we see that in Jesus’ kingdom justice isn’t served – at least not the kind of justice we’re used to. In the classroom, the workplace, and the arena, people are rewarded according to what they...
Published 09/24/23
People who form a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. People looking for a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. But the only thing that matters is what Jesus says a church should be like. And thankfully, Jesus never shied away from describing and demonstrating the kind of church he wants. This week we see that the kind of church Jesus forgives freely. Forgiveness is central to Christ’s kingdom. It’s the currency with which it operates. And...
Published 09/17/23
People who form a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. People looking for a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. But the only thing that matters is what Jesus says a church should be like. And thankfully, Jesus never shied away from describing and demonstrating the kind of church he wants. This week we see that the kind of church Jesus wants warns its members who are getting trapped by sin. A church is like a group of siblings – brothers and...
Published 09/10/23
People who form a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. People looking for a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. But the only thing that matters is what Jesus says a church should be like. And thankfully, Jesus never shied away from describing and demonstrating the kind of church he wants. This week we see that the kind of church Jesus wants carries its cross. Just as Jesus’ path as our Savior necessarily included him dying on a cross, so also...
Published 09/03/23
People who form a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. People looking for a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. But the only thing that matters is what Jesus says a church should be like. And thankfully, Jesus never shied away from describing and demonstrating the kind of church he wants. This week we see that the kind of church Jesus wants confesses Christ confidently. In his love for us, God has revealed the truth about himself and the truth...
Published 08/27/23
People who form a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. People looking for a church have all kinds of ideas about what it should be like. But the only thing that matters is what Jesus says a church should be like. And thankfully, Jesus never shied away from describing and demonstrating the kind of church he wants. This week we see that the kind of church Jesus wants is extending to all. Though the gospel of Jesus came first to the Jewish people, God’s intent all along...
Published 08/20/23