Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week the Holy Spirit corrects our assumptions about what power looks like. The Bible frequently compares the message about Jesus—the gospel—to a seed. Though it looks small, it has the power to bring about...
Published 06/16/24
Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week we see that the Holy Spirit corrects our assumptions about our allies and our enemies. When the devil tempts us to doubt God and pursue our desires, he appears to be our friend. When we listen to his...
Published 06/09/24
Published 06/09/24
Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week we see that what looks like lawlessness is actually liberty. Humans are helplessly prone to use the law of God—intended for our good—as a way of proving our worth before him. Nevertheless, Jesus came to set us...
Published 06/02/24
Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week we see that the assumptions in need of correction are ones we have about ourselves. When sinners encounter their triune God, who is the very essence of holiness, we rightly realize that we are unclean....
Published 05/26/24
Many of our assumptions about the way life is and how the world works need to be cross-examined and corrected. Once his work on earth was complete, Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to do just that—to be his expert witness to expose our false assumptions and set the record straight. This week we focus on that important role the Holy Spirit plays as we celebrate the Day of Pentecost. Though Jesus’ visible departure from this earth might seem like a source of grief, it actually serves for our good....
Published 05/19/24
How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand truthless love. With his selfless life and sacrificial death, Christ set the pattern for the way we love one another. We are not free to define love in whatever way we want....
Published 05/12/24
How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand stagnation. Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, he ascended into heaven and was enthroned at God’s right hand. Jesus’ ascension proves that his life, death, and...
Published 05/05/24
How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand truthless love. Christ’s resurrection is not simply something we acknowledge and confess. It’s a living and life-giving power that dwells within us. Like branches connected...
Published 04/28/24
How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand deception. There are many spiritual influences that try to lead us in all kinds of different directions. Nevertheless, the voice of our Good Shepherd is distinct among all...
Published 04/21/24
How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand guilt. Although the light of God’s law exposes our sin, Jesus’ resurrection means that forgiveness can be found in his name. His death was a sacrifice that made sufficient...
Published 04/14/24
How can you possibly be prepared for anything life might throw your way? The things that can knock us down and drag us under can come at any moment and from any direction. Nevertheless, it’s possible to withstand anything so long as you have one thing: Easter. This week we see that just Easter is able to help us withstand doubt. A bodily resurrection from the dead is probably the most doubt-worthy claim that has ever been made. Nevertheless, many different individuals and groups saw, touched,...
Published 04/07/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This evening we reach the finish line of Jesus’ collision course with the currents that pull us away from God. That finish line was located at the top of a small hill outside Jerusalem where his cross was placed...
Published 03/31/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This evening we reach the finish line of Jesus’ collision course with the currents that pull us away from God. That finish line was located at the top of a small hill outside Jerusalem where his cross was placed...
Published 03/29/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This evening we celebrate the institution of Holy Communion and the blessings we receive through it. No matter the journey, proper nutrition is important. The last meal someone eats before embarking on a...
Published 03/28/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we arrive at the home stretch of the collision course of these opposing currents. At the start of Holy Week, Jesus willingly rode into Jerusalem where the forces that opposed him were waiting for him....
Published 03/24/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current of behaving and Jesus’ pattern of believing. Apart from Christianity, every religion in the world is built on the assumption that human beings must...
Published 03/17/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current of escape and Jesus’ pattern of obedience. When Jesus was aware that the hour of his suffering had arrived, he submitted to his Father’s will rather...
Published 03/10/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current of intuition and Jesus’ pattern of revelation. While it is true that God has given testimony of his existence both in the created world and in our...
Published 03/03/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we examine the collision between the worldly current of gratification and Jesus’ pattern of denial. Jesus instructs his disciples that the cross is not just the specific instrument of his death for us....
Published 02/25/24
When everyone is going the same direction, it’s easiest to just “go with the flow.” But Jesus came to pioneer a path that runs opposite of worldly currents. His life and death for us did not conform to the pattern set by the world but established a new, transformative pattern instead. This week we see how the collision between these two opposing currents begins and ends with a head-to-head battle. Because we are by nature helpless to resist Satan’s pull on our lives, Jesus came to battle and...
Published 02/18/24
If something is for all, you might lack assurance that it’s for you. If something is for you, you might wonder whether it’s for all. Thankfully, God's gift of a Savior is both. God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world, but the blessings he won for the world are delivered in specific and personal ways. This week we conclude the season of Epiphany by seeing how all the ways God uses to shine his light into each of our hearts have one thing in common: God conceals his glory in order to...
Published 02/11/24
If something is for all, you might lack assurance that it’s for you. If something is for you, you might wonder whether it’s for all. Thankfully, God's gift of a Savior is both. God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world, but the blessings he won for the world are delivered in specific and personal ways. This week we see how God strengthens his people through suffering. When we suffer either because of external circumstances or because of the devil’s trials and temptations, it’s easy to feel...
Published 02/04/24
If something is for all, you might lack assurance that it’s for you. If something is for you, you might wonder whether it’s for all. Thankfully, God's gift of a Savior is both. God sent Jesus to be the Savior of the world, but the blessings he won for the world are delivered in specific and personal ways. This week we see how continually implores people through the ministers he calls. The reconciliation with God that Jesus won once and for all is a gift God wants us each to enjoy every day....
Published 01/28/24