We often obsess over royalty because we are looking for a leader. The truth is, there's only room for one king in your life. So the question is, who or what is seated on that throne? In this message, Pastor Nick teaches about how Jesus fulfilled three predictions made by two prophets hundreds of years before Jesus was even born. Spoiler Alert...Jesus is king! And He's the only one who deserves the throne in your heart.
Published 03/24/24
We all have heroes, someone we look up to, someone we believe will save us from danger, or someone that will perform the way we expect them to. The people in the prophet Isaiah’s time were waiting for a hero, and in Isaiah 53, we see the prophet prepare the people for their hero—the Messiah. In this message, Pastor Nick teaches from this passage, written 700 years before Jesus was born. It’s a passage that verifies that this wasn’t just another baby. He is the suffering servant who came to...
Published 03/17/24
Published 03/17/24
There is a battle going on. We are in a war. Well, here’s your spoiler alert…Jesus wins. We have an enemy, that’s satan, and he wants to destroy our lives. Sometimes the enemy wins the battle. But Jesus already won the war! In Genesis 3 God lays it out: Jesus is the Serpent Crusher! We can be confident that we are with the champ. Spoiler alert…we have the victory because we’re with Jesus.
Published 03/10/24
Do you ever miss what’s right in front of you? Sometimes we just want a sign in life that’s big and obvious, but even then we can still miss it. What Jesus said to the Pharisees in Matthew 12:38-41 is the same thing He’s saying to us today: the story of Jonah is a sign to show us our sin. Whether we want to admit it or not, we are just like Jonah. And while this story causes us to see our sin, it also causes us to see a Savior. That's our sign. Don't miss it! Jonah isn't just a story about...
Published 03/03/24
We've all been hurt before. Maybe it was something someone did, or the way somebody let you down and you are still hurt by it. Jonah felt this way. His hurt and his bitterness towards the Ninevites caused him to overreact and overlook God's mercy in his own life. What we see in chapter four of Jonah is the reality of how our bitterness keeps us stuck and it keeps us bruised. Are you ready to move on from your hurt, to stop letting it hold you hostage? Watch this message to see how to let go...
Published 02/25/24
We all love getting a second chance when we've messed up. In this series, we've learned that Jonah messed up when he ran from where God was calling him to. If you haven't watched the previous messages, we encourage you to check them out! But in today's message, Pastor Billy picks up in the story where Jonah has just been given a second chance. Covered in water, sand and fish vomit, Jonah is given a second chance by God. And this time, he chooses to obey. He uses the second chance he's been...
Published 02/18/24
Have you ever felt like God is paying you back for something you've done? When life isn't going right, it's easy to feel that way. But what if what feels like God paying us back is actually him bringing us back? Watch this message to discover what happens when we surrender, repent, give God our attention and stop holding onto the things holding us back.
Published 02/11/24
Maybe you grew up in church and know the story of Jonah. Maybe you think it's just a fun story for kids about a big fish. Is it possible that there's more to the story, that maybe there's more truth in this story than we realize? In this message, we're reminded that we're more like Jonah than we may realize. There will always be a ship sailing in the wrong direction, and our running will always affect other people. But the good news is that God will always provide a way back. Check out this...
Published 02/04/24
What would it take for you to go all in with your faith? We can't truly be all in while wanting to keep our options open. Life with Jesus is better than anyone or anything. Are you willing to give all that you have to experience the full life that Jesus has for you? Watch today's message to discover how to turn the beat around with your devotion.
Published 01/28/24
Relationships can be wonderful but they can also be difficult. Why is that? While we may not want to admit it, it’s often our own selfishness that causes our relationships to suffer. But there’s good news! God has a different rhythm for relationships. This rhythm was lived out by Jesus, the perfect example of humility, and if we begin to embrace that humility in our own lives, our relationships will be transformed. Watch this message to see how we can live from a mindset of humility, rather...
Published 01/21/24
How's your New Year's resolution going? This year, instead of trying to do it all and ending up doing nothing, let's just try to fight the fade. Watch as Pastor Dan helps us simplify our health back to the most important thing, being fit to serve.
Published 01/07/24
In our culture, busyness is almost seen as a badge of honor. While our culture's rhythm could be described as busy, distracted and rushed, God has a different rhythm for our lives, one that's intentional, present, and unhurried. Our time is our most valuable commodity. In this new year, let's turn the beat around with our time and change the rhythms in our lives to be more intentional, present, and unhurried.
Published 12/31/23
Published 12/24/23
It feels good to be invited, to be included in something, and the same is true for our faith. We want the best for the people in our lives, but they won't come if they're not invited. Our greatest influence is on those closest to us, so how are we going to leverage that influence to extend the invitation? 
Published 12/17/23
A barrier is the opposite of a bridge. Where a bridge is meant to get us for “here” to “there,” a barrier STOPS someone from getting from “here” to “there.” The hypocrisy of Christians is a barrier for many that desperately need a bridge. In this message, Pastor Billy shares with us 3 simple practices we can implement in our lives to be a bridge instead of a barrier.
Published 12/10/23
Published 12/03/23
Sometimes we think being blessed means things are going our way. When something good happens to us or we get something we've been wanting, we say we're blessed. But did you know that being blessed goes beyond that? Being a part of God's family means that you have been blessed with God’s PRESENCE, God’s CARE, and God’s FAVOR. But this blessing isn't just for ourselves. We are blessed to be a blessing to others, to share the benefits of the presence and care and favor of God to a hurting world...
Published 11/26/23
Have you ever asked yourself if you really need the church? Getting to church can be hard, getting involved can be challenging, and the people there can test your patience. So is it really worth the effort? Well, if you want the full life it is! The community you build and growth you experience by being at church and being the church help you live the full life God designed for you to experience.
Published 11/19/23
Why do bad things happen to good people? Chances are you've asked this question and maybe even wondered why a good God would allow pain. We get it. But God has a purpose for our pain, and more than that, He promises to be with us in our pain. In today's message, Pastor Billy answers this big question through what God promises in His word.
Published 11/12/23
Sometimes rules can feel like restrictions that keep us from doing things our way. It's easy to think, "Why can't I just live life my way?" But what if God's rules aren't meant to restrict us, but rather to direct and protect us toward the full life that He wants for us?
Published 11/05/23
When's the last time you were faced with a situation where you only had one option? And how'd it make you feel? The truth is, in life we love to have options. Yet, in John 14, Jesus says that he is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. It's true that he is the only way. So what does this mean for us in a world where we love to have options? WATCH today's message to find out how we can live as a result of this truth!
Published 10/29/23
With the Bible being such an important part of our faith, there is a lot of talk about how much we can actually trust it. Many people outside the faith cast doubt on its accuracy which could cause us to ask questions of our own. While asking questions is good, how do we know that the Bible is true and something that we can hang our hat on? In this message, Pastor Nick talks about the accuracy and power of Scripture and how it can and will change your life!
Published 10/22/23
Being stuck is the worst. We've all been places physically and emotionally where we don't see a way out. In today's message, Pastor Nick talks about being stuck in our faith and how we can focus on training our faith, rather than just trying it out.
Published 10/15/23
In a world that is full of voices telling the younger generations how to live, it is more important than ever to make our support of the next generation clear. At Grace Church, we want nothing more than to help our kids/students to develop an authentic faith and carries on past high school. In today's message, Pastor Billy speaks about how we can best support the next generation as well as pass the baton of faith off to them.
Published 10/08/23