Tip #12 is to not talk negatively about your last boss. Never, ever talk about how you've been let go wrongly. Don't talk about how someone mistreated you. Do not be critical or negative about the last company you worked for.
Published 06/28/12
Tip #11 is to understand that the most important thing to any company is revenue.
Published 06/27/12
Tip #10 is to sell yourself in the interview and present yourself as a valuable extraordinary product that no matter what they offer you in money you're worth 100 times that!
Published 06/26/12
Tip #9 is to talk about what you're gonna do for the new company that you're interviewing for. Don't talk negatively about the past. Put all of your attention on positive things that you're going to do for your new boss and literally paint them a picture about how effective and how great you are.
Published 06/25/12
Tip #8 is to not rely on social media to get a job. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+... they can't get you a job! So when somebody posts on Facebook that they're looking for someone don't reply back in the comments 'tell me more about the job.'
Published 06/22/12
Tip #7 is to not rely on human resources to get a job.
Published 06/21/12
Tip #6 is to avoid depending on headhunters and Moster.com and Craigslist to get a job.
Published 06/20/12
Tip #5 is to not rely on a resume to get a job. They're just words on a piece of paper. People don't hire resumes. Nobody hires paper. They hire people. What happens to you when you go in with a resume is that they look at your resume. What are they not looking at? They're not looking at YOU!
Published 06/19/12
Tip #4 is something you need to avoid doing, not what you need to do. You need to disregard all the negative talk, and all the negative people that tell you that no one is hiring. There's MILLIONS of businesses in America and they're all looking for one thing: great people. So if you're gonna be exceptional, extraordinary, and unique then you don't have a problem. If you're gonna be a nay-sayer that says that no one is hiring then you don't have a shot!
Published 06/18/12
Tip #3 is to take whatever job you can get, even if it's below you!
Published 06/14/12
Tip #2 is to decide you're gonna get a job. You are going to get a job despite what the job market is like because you're not out of work.
Published 06/13/12
Tip #1 is to not accept unemployment. Stay away from any idea that you're gonna accept unemployment. Unemployment is a killer. Don't do it. Do not be tempted by this easy thing called unemployment. Yes, you've paid into it. Yes, you deserve it. No, you don't want it!
Published 06/12/12