In this podcast, Tax Partners Michael Catterall and Lorena Sosa discuss aspects Australian businesses should consider when exploring new international markets, including operations and logistics, strategy planning, customs and duties, and tax complexities.
Published 03/16/22
In this podcast, partners Jacky Millership and Sandie Boswell unpack what we've seen so far from the Modern Manufacturing Strategy and innovation support more broadly. With countries around the world aggressively investing in innovation, we need a bold and entrepreneurial approach to compete - so what can we expect from the 2022 Federal Budget - and what do we want?
Published 02/24/22
In our podcast, Kirsten Taylor-Martin, Private Advisory Partner at Grant Thornton, and Olivia Hitchens, Principal at Hitchens Advisory, discuss what businesses should be doing now to prepare themselves for the months ahead. From pre-Christmas spending sprees, to the legal and financial considerations and expectations leaders must navigate, they discuss tips for businesses as we make our way through this new post-lockdown world.
Published 10/27/21
In our podcast, Tax Partners Vince Tropiano and Brett Curtis discuss what the global minimum corporate tax rate agreement means for Australian businesses, how businesses can prepare themselves, and what to consider if you're setting up operations offshore.
Published 09/01/21
Cryptocurrency and blockchain - the technology underpinning cryptocurrency - have the potential to go far beyond how we're using it now - and the impact on businesses will be felt for years to come. From applications for online gaming, company shares, smart wallets and connected car services - the possibilities are endless. But we're not quite there yet. While some businesses are already accepting crypto as payment, there is still a lot of work for the ATO, ASIC and the RBA to do behind the...
Published 08/04/21
In our podcast, Innovation and Incentives partner Sandie Boswell, discusses what makes an innovative business successful (hint - lots of passion and strategy!), blind spots to look out for, and exciting future trends in innovation.
Published 07/21/21
In this special episode for NAIDOC Week, our CEO, Greg Keith, is joined by Isaiah Dawe, CEO of ID Know Yourself. Isaiah is a Butchulla and Gawara saltwater man and we were privileged to hear his story; from his childhood going through 17 foster care 'placements' in his first 18 years, his reconnection with family and community, and the work he does now to welcome young Indigenous people living in out-of-home care with welcome arms.
Published 07/13/21
In this podcast, we speak to Tom Isbell, partner and Remunerations Tax specialist at Grant Thornton, about skilled migration and global talent management. His best piece of advice for Australian businesses? Rip up your global mobility plan and write yourself a global talent management one instead.
Published 07/07/21
Australia has the second largest reserve volumes of lithium, yet we don't manufacture batteries in Australia - we send it all offshore. We have 19% of the world's cobalt resources (also used in batteries), and 18% of global vanadium resources, but we do no production here. The opportunity exists to diversify outside of traditional resources and take our resources sector up several notches. In our podcast, Brent Steedman, National Head of Energy and Resources, says the positive sentiment is...
Published 06/23/21
There's a lot happening under the surface when it comes to payroll - we have complicated Awards, a growing RegTech sector automating payroll, and the Federal Government's $800m Digital Business Plan, providing small to medium sized enterprises, and industry bodies pushing for more simplification. In our podcast, Alex Bell, partner and National Head of Forensics at Grant Thornton, unpacks the complexities behind payroll and awards, the unexpected ramifications of getting it wrong, and what...
Published 06/09/21
A favourite instrument for start-ups and companies about to list - Employee Share Schemes are used far more widely than most people think. It's a way to remunerate your employees outside of the usual cash salary - and in an environment where competition for talent is hot, it can be a clever way to attract, engage and keep your people. From the outside looking in, they are complex to set up but get the mix right and it can be a tax effective way to incentivise your teams and propel your...
Published 05/26/21
In this podcast, we're joined by Phil Coorey, Political Editor at the Australian Financial Review, and Vince Tropiano, Corporate Tax Partner in our Sydney office to talk about last week's Federal Budget.
Published 05/17/21
In our latest podcast, Tony Pititto, National Head of Agribusiness, Food & Beverage at Grant Thornton and Madina Aziz, Audit Partner discuss the opportunities for the sector through the Modern Manufacturing Initiative and what we need next from Government to help Australia target non-traditional export markets. This is much broader than simply processed food - we're talking better quality products, reducing waste, and innovative ways of bringing products to new markets and customers.
Published 04/28/21
The Government has a 10 year plan to implement the Modern Manufacturing Initiative and develop our manufacturing capability. While this will help reverse the trend of offshoring, it is so much more complex than simply hitting a 2, 5 and 10 year milestone. For instance, if you're looking for investors to support your growth journey beyond the initial funding from the MMI, they'll be looking for a shorter return than the decade mapped out. And of course, we need to make sure we have the trade...
Published 04/14/21
New South Wales has just undergone a public consultation regarding a swap from stamp duty to land tax over a decades long transition period. If it goes ahead it would be the largest shift in State tax policy since WW2. But is it a good idea and should all the States follow? Stamp duty is one of the most disliked taxes - it's lumpy and comes at a time when property buyers are already under pressure to make their dollar go further. But perhaps it's important to think of each State's target...
Published 03/16/21
Google receives nearly 85% of its revenue from user data insights. But you don't need to be the size of Google - or even a tech company - to apply some of their same thinking. In fact, you are swimming in rivers of data and you may not even know it - data about your suppliers, customers, processes and hardware. If you're not tapping into it now, you're at risk of falling behind as your consumers are willing to trade information for a better experience and service.
Published 03/03/21
Anti-money laundering, payroll assurances, risk management - all hot topics in the news at the moment. But being a good corporate citizen is not just the responsibility of the business. From boards looking to ensure compliance to individuals at risk of 'cuckoo smurfing', compliance and good corporate citizenry impacts all of us. It's about doing the right thing without anyone looking - thinking about your reputation in the market, influencing whether people want to do business with you. If in...
Published 02/17/21
M&A took a massive hit in 2020, with the majority of transactions put on hold in the February-March 2020 period in response to COVID. However, the economy rebounded stronger and faster than anticipated with some very clear trends carrying through to 2021. We saw the industrial sector a popular investment, with nearly 35% of deals coming from the sector. Niche manufacturing was particularly popular with foreign buyers. But the sector to watch is technology and technology enabled businesses...
Published 02/09/21
Brent Steedman, National Head of Energy and Resources says the Government's modern manufacturing initiative will provide funding and grants to develop and implement new technology - like better data analytics to define reserves or automated vehicles. The future of mining will be smarter to increase production and reduce costs. Pair this with a greater opportunity in a competitive global market and it's clear resources will continue to play a significant role in our future economy.
Published 11/02/20
The Government has delivered a once in a lifetime Federal Budget in response to COVID-19. We saw a significant change in direction from policy makers with a new and renewed focus on sovereign capability and job creation. We invited Phil Coorey, Political Editor at the Australian Financial Review, to share his insights on how the Government has responded throughout COVID. From his privileged position in the heart of Canberra, Phil gives us a sneak peek into the thought processes and policy...
Published 10/14/20
COVID-19 has changed the way we shop - perhaps forever. There is no retailer unaffected. But while many in the industry are experiencing hardships they might never bounce back from, it's not all doom and gloom. Retailers and consumers alike are changing the way they interact and operate. The tenancy mix has changed. We've seen a surge to online, and retailers meeting the demand by investing in their online operations. We've seen digital innovations adopted at lightning speed. And we've...
Published 09/30/20
Last week was "energy week" - with a number of policy announcements from the Federal Government, and yesterday's launch of the Low Emissions Statement signalling the prioritisation of hydrogen storage, low carbon manufacturing and carbon capture on our transition away from coal and towards a more renewable future. The Government is pouring funding into stockpiling fuel, committing to invest in dispatchable energy, and expanding the remit of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and the...
Published 09/24/20
When COVID-19 hit, new listings on the stock market took a dive. And while Australia is technically in a recession, we're starting to see more companies looking to list on the ASX in the run up to Christmas. It might seem counterintuitive, but changing markets and consumer habits has fast tracked some companies on their path to IPO as much as it has stalled others. We talk to Neil Cooke and Jonathan Mather, Financial Advisory partners specialising in IPOs, about which companies are listing...
Published 09/16/20
The impacts of COVID-19 will continue to be massive on businesses and individuals alike. If what is happening in Melbourne is any indicator, then we can't wait for COVID to pass - we have to learn to live with it. We ask Dr Ian Norton, Founder and Managing Director of Respond Global to apply his experience as a former World Health Organisation emergency physician to the current COVID pandemic, while our CEO, Greg Keith tackles how businesses - us included - have approached the new normal. So...
Published 09/09/20