This was a breakaway interview - beyond politics and world affairs, instead of looking at the metaphysical reality and the unseen. There is an old axiom that states ‘we are spiritual beings having an earth experience.’
Published 10/22/20
This interview will definitely motivate NZers to clamber out of the swamp. For we are not here to be born, to reproduce, then to die. We, humans, are ‘embryo Gods.’ But ‘consensus reality’ has programmed us to become more like an unthinking herd and even more recently, that we ‘obey’. This is not our birthright.
Published 10/15/20
We here in Nuclear Free New Zealand and ‘near on’ GE Free NZ have endeavored to care for the health of the NZ community and as such do the right thing. Yet, in doing so we have questioned the status quo in the process.
Published 10/08/20
Up until around the mid 1800’s environmentally, all was well on planet earth - there were no electrical waves or anything that was unnatural radiation other than lightning strikes at 20, kilohertz.
Published 10/01/20
This was a terrific interview. Roy chooses to cut through the media noise, wanting instead to take this interview to another level - a platform above the fight about whose fault is it, in this current planetary predicament of 7.8 billion souls.
Published 09/24/20
Never in my lifetime have I witnessed a movement in this country make such a meteoric rise. This is due to a convergence of numerous factors, the main one being people are concerned for our common future and especially for our children and grandchildren.
Published 09/17/20
Is there going to be a global financial reset? This question has been raised for some time. Many speculate that it could come this year and that with the current global COVID lockdown, could this be the trigger to bring this about?
Published 09/10/20
Are NZers receiving the correct information regarding COVID and if not who is holding back this information and where do we access what is true?
Published 09/03/20
There are two important historical dates in NZ, these are 1835 and 1840. With Captain Cook’s arrival in 1769 he put New Zealand firmly on the world map.
Published 08/12/20
Water mining: This is a very important issue facing New Zealand.
Published 08/06/20
With human health including animal and vegetation health, being paramount, how can we organise a moratorium on Elon Musk and the current 5G satellite deployment?
Published 07/30/20
An interview from CAFCA - Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa - New Zealand. Find out that 10s of $Billions of holdings are hidden with direct NZ Government knowledge - so as to not be scrutinised by 'we the people.’
Published 07/22/20
We consider the Government, the authorities and the schools to be sources of information … and it is very upsetting for people to learn that it is disinformation. So everybody has to now take stock and ask themselves “what do I believe?”
Published 07/16/20
Renowned New Zealand Journalist - states that the earth supports us and runs us - rather than us running the earth.
Published 07/09/20
We are fully engaged in a ‘paradigm shift’ and ‘it’s a shake down trip.’ Old outmoded viewpoints are being superseded as we boldly enter the Aquarian Age.
Published 07/02/20
New Zealand as a small island nation, being so far from other countries stands out - alone.
Published 06/25/20
Wetiko tells of a contagious mind virus that is currently infecting humanity enmass - it is a parasite of the mind and has swept across the world stage like a collective psychosis of titanic proportions.
Published 06/18/20
The 1080 fiasco is proving the point that "chemical ecology" is an oxymoron. It is impossible to kill “invasive species” while preserving “indigenous species” using an omnicidal metabolic poison that kills everything.
Published 06/10/20
Glen’s groundbreaking way of looking at the Periodic Table is by shifting one’s 2 dimensional view point to that of a 3 dimensional viewpoint. By making it a round, circular method. This elegant shifting of perspectives, now enables a new way to begin to ‘unlock’ the secrets of matter. In the years ahead all chemists and physicists will marvel at the simplicity of what Glen has achieved and ask themselves - "why didn’t I think of that myself?" Around 330 BCE, the Greek philosopher Aristotle...
Published 06/04/20
The COVID lockdown has been on many levels a ‘planetary catharsis’  Greek katharsis, from kathairein ‘cleanse’, from katharos ‘pure’. As a GP working from his home clinic he was able to assess and help patients, but fortunately did not have any with COVID:19. NZ’ loss of life has fortunately been low at 22 deaths. Life is slowly opening up again. But, Robin is now dealing with the fall-out from the lock down. This interview starts quietly however it was not long before it ramped up and...
Published 05/28/20
When we watch, read and listen to mainstream media, we have to realise that ‘vernacular* psychologists’ are over shadowing what is being conveyed to impressionable and trusting minds. We need to be astute, discerning and trust our intuition. *(Spin)
Published 05/21/20
How is it that in NZ, the land of milk and honey - in one of the most peaceful and prosperous countries on earth that we have the most shocking youth suicide statistics in the developed world?
Published 02/19/20
This interview of an ex United Nations Editor brings much needed clarity to cut through the propaganda, and the deceit, especially in relation to the increasing health problems and their effects on living organisms - people.
Published 01/22/20
Scott is a profoundly erudite spokesmen for Legasea NZ, having 35,000 recreational fisherfolk as members and to Scott what he is doing - is a 'sacred undertaking' to take care (kaitiaki) of the kai moana (food of the ocean) especially of ika - fish.
Published 12/11/19
This easy going, insightful interview of Will, elicits a feeling of knowing that throughout his life experience he has covered, 'both the map and the territory' and having published his remarkable book 'Now or Never' reminds one of Buckminster Fuller - that Will is committed to being a ‘catalytic educator and membrane extender.’
Published 12/04/19