Published 07/29/21
Never has New Zealand been so divided as of now - not since the ‘racially selected’ white South African rugby tour of NZ of 1981.
Published 07/29/21
NZ Farmers are pushing back against bureaucratic Government and Local Council regulators (especially land grabs) due to no open communication, or open meetings and sharing of information and genuine consultation.
Published 07/22/21
None of us would have thought that humanity - especially in the Western World would be cowered and on the back foot as we are today. Disunity across Nations. Particularly, Australia, Canada, the disunited Kingdom and the Un-united States and here in NZ as well.
Published 07/15/21
What people may not know is that the current roll out of the 5G telecommunications network, is a massive undertaking being coordinated around the world and pushed by the corporate elite.
Published 07/08/21
This is a whopper of an interview, I can see why people in the rural sector of NZ are flocking to hear Heather Meri (and Rob Wilson) lay out the UN Agenda 21 and 2030. Plus, the planned addition of the ‘Great Reset’ that the World Economic Forum from Davos in Switzerland is going to superimpose over our planet and civilisation
Published 07/01/21
Mother, Author, Researcher ‘What is happening behind the curtain?’ The UN Agendas, the World Economic Forum - Your Future? Giving a wider understanding of the issues facing us today, both in NZ and globally. Worth your while to listen to the whole interview.
Published 06/24/21
New Zealand in the middle of the 20th century was basically known as ‘a moral compass for the world’ and ‘a fair and honest broker’. Being a good global partner, however … vested interests and avarice have become accepted at many levels of our society.
Published 06/17/21
The situation that we have found ourselves in is totally wild and outlandish - yet this is the realm that we have entered. The search for the truth.
Published 06/10/21
This excellent interview from a very adept communicator of the challenges facing we NZers due to obscuration of the truth about the make-up of the Pfizer vaccination.
Published 05/28/21
Peter Daley, a researcher from Australia, tells us of the shocking revelation that the North Pacific Ocean is having its ecosystems collapse due to the radiation that poured out of Fukushima in 2011.
Published 05/20/21
Alia Bee, of Voices for Freedom here in NZ, is a volunteer group headed by three women and now a rapidly growing number of volunteers across the country.
Published 05/13/21
AAG.org.nz - the Agriculture Action Group has been founded across New Zealand to push back and question Government intrusion, especially when it has not been announced in the Governments manifestos.
Published 05/06/21
This interview by Katherine was a non-stop, focussed and reasoned statement about the present state of NZ’s lack of truth of any depth within the media across all commercial platforms.
Published 04/29/21
As the Covid narrative becomes more tense - more and more doctors and health professionals are breaking ranks and putting their future on the line.
Published 04/22/21
Joe says - beyond the Lord of the Rings - if one cannot understand the global context - then one will not be able to understand what is happening locally or even in one’s country. He states that he will say it bluntly - "we are in an attempt at global tyranny".
Published 04/15/21
This is a cultural attack on nature that is happening not only in NZ but in Australia and as far away as Britain, all concurrently.
Published 04/08/21
Most New Zealanders are unaware that their country is being hijacked - and by default, they actually voted for this, thinking the Government would take care of their interests, because ... “it is kind”, however, this is not necessarily the case.
Published 04/01/21
This is another full on follow up - no rest interview with Roy reminding us to honour our incarnation and involve yourself like never before in recognising the orchestrated erosion of our freedoms and lifestyle here in NZ and overseas, as it is a globalist takeover!
Published 03/25/21
Whilst 7.8 billion humans share breath today, another silent agenda is being laid out. Hidden in plain sight is the plan to inject into every human being a concoction that has a growing number of doctors, scientists, and health professionals shouting - STOP.
Published 03/18/21
We are entering a period of mass psychosis … Thus with Covid we have found ourselves engulfed in an asymmetric, hybrid psychological world war - totally foreign to the human condition. Pssst - Check out www.therealnews.nz 
Published 03/11/21
This is also about the giant revolving ‘information system’ that is our living planet - Mother Earth - Gaia, in ancient Greece and Papatuanuku in contemporary Aotearoa - New Zealand.
Published 12/28/20
All his life he believed in the material, physical, reductionist idea that life was a fluke of evolution - then immediately after opening his eyes after his 7 day coma - his cosmology took a 180 backflip - that we are eternal, spiritual beings.
Published 12/09/20
Welcome back, Bill! It’s been a whole two weeks. We knew that soul - ‘even though we can not see it’ - was a big topic but we didn’t know it would become a two-part series.
Published 11/05/20
Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a design discipline that seeks lasting and durable solutions by emulating nature's time-tested patterns and strategies, e.g, a solar cell inspired by a leaf undergoing photosynthesis.
Published 10/29/20