The promises of God, His Word, are all yes and amen. When you agree and have faith that it will be done so, it will be done so. Because our God is a God of covenant. He is the other part of the covenant. All you have to do is agree and have faith, and it will be done so. 
Published 04/21/24
Published 04/21/24
With the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, we have been redeemed. And we are made co-heirs with Jesus. He said, what He did, we can do also. We have been given, too, the power and the authority in Jesus Christ. Don't let the devil tell you so. 
Published 04/13/24
What's inside of you will eventually show on the outside. No matter how we cover up whatever is needed to cover up, it will find its way out. So fill your life with God's Words, so that when tragedy or trial or problems seem to be knocking you off of your feet, even if you stumble and fall, you'll spill what you have inside. God's Words, His promises, His life, His goodness and faithfulness. You spill because you are full of it and is overflowing. You cannot spill anything from an empty cup....
Published 04/06/24
We may be experiencing hardships in our lives. But God said in 2 Corinthians 4:8-12, "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body." We have hope, that at the end of it all, there is One who is waiting for us, cheering for us, believing in us. 
Published 03/20/24
For we are saved by grace through faith. It's all about the grace of God, that we triumph over every problem, that we conquer every mountain, that we move from strength to strength and from glory to glory. In there, our faith develops, growing ever bigger and deeper as we trust that God holds everything about our life in His hands, where grace also is ever present, abounding and overflowing. And when these two meet, the grace of God and our faith, supernatural will be evident in our lives.
Published 03/15/24
By acknowledging our dependence on God, we also acknowledge His sovereignty and guidance in our lives. We do not let our efforts or our plans take the lead in our lives. We wait for His instructions and therefore, we gain this sense of independence from what the world normally does. To the world now, we may look very independent but as Christians, we understand that we are guided by God's power which is beyond our own understanding.
Published 02/27/24
As much as we say that we know ourselves and we know what we need, we sometimes are blindsided by the situation we have at hand. And there are a lot of factors we have to consider but in the height of the problem or situation, we neglect some important aspects we should focus on. That is why, Christians who pray, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, is a powerful offensive and defensive force against life's troubles. Why? Because the Holy Spirit is in him and the Holy Spirit, who knows the...
Published 02/22/24
Worshipping God is not about the songs, the music, the stage, or the singers, nor the building and the structure, nor the pastors and the preachers. It's a matter of the heart, directed by the truths in the Bible. It's not about the ceremony or the program. It's about a real passion and desire for God, and knowing all about Him and more, by worshipping with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Published 02/16/24
When God created us, He prepared first all the things we will need. And with that also comes the best gift of all, eternity. And though we have sinned and turned our back away from Him over and over again, still this gift is available for those who would aspire for it. Always and always will be, eternity is what the Lord wants for us, to be with Him. Believe, and you will receive.
Published 02/09/24
Our blessings and miracles are just a prayer away. In the very beginning, before God created humankind, He created first the things that mankind needs. He has prepared everything first before He put us in it. He knows everything and definitely, He knows us very very well, because He created us. If we believe and obey Him, all the things He planned out for us, we will experience. Have faith! Take faith! And take it to the next level. We move from glory to glory, strength to strength. Fix your...
Published 01/26/24
The Bible says in Hebrews 10:35-36, "So don’t lose your confidence. It will bring you a great reward. You need endurance so that after you have done what God wants you to do, you can receive what he has promised." We are commanded to not lose hope, confidence, and trust in our God. For He who promised shall do it. Don't lose it. For God has never lost His trust in you. He loves us that much to continue trusting in us after all.
Published 01/16/24
The promise of God is because of His great love for us. That great love, that would not let us fall into the trap of sin, instead, would give us always a way out through Jesus Christ. This love, also promises a great life, because that has been always the plan of God for His beloved children. So hold on to it. The great love of God and the promise of a great life is yours.
Published 01/10/24
Our God is a loving father and He will never interfere with you unless you let Him. That's how much He loves us that He gives us that much freedom. Nevertheless, as the Bible says, He will never leave us nor forsake us. So when trouble comes, He's there, just waiting for you to ask for Him. And you're reaching out to Him touches His heart more than you'll ever imagine because that's just how He is.
Published 01/03/24
If we do the will of our Father in heaven, prepare to be amazed because His plans are so much better. We can plan our future, and do our own thing to achieve whatever our goals in life are, but sometimes, these all lead to exhaustion because change in this world is inevitable. When change comes all of a sudden, coping with it may drain your energy and lose focus on everything. But when we focus on God and His will, we only have one thing to maintain, our eyes on Him. And He will do the rest....
Published 12/16/23
God has never planned any bad or destructive things for His children. The Bible said that all His plans for us are good and for our good. If we are experiencing troubles and hindrances, we might be taking a different route other than God prepared for us. Nevertheless, just as He had planned our redemption a long time ago, our destiny of a good and full life still lies ahead of us, if we believe and get a hold of it today.
Published 12/07/23
Jesus made the greatest example of how to live according to the will of His Father. Therefore, as co-heirs and children of God, we should imitate Christ. We have to live our lives as good examples to other people. We are like walking Bibles, they may not read it for now, but they must see it in our lives.
Published 11/28/23
He will leave the 99 to find the lost one. Every time. All the time. He is our Saviour, Redeemer. He will always guide and protect, just as a shepherd is to his flock, so He will and more.
Published 11/24/23
There's nothing that our God can't do. He does impossible things. He is supernatural, above and beyond what we can think of. Believe in Him and see the wonderful things He will do to your life as He uses it, and the lives of everyone you influence with your faith in Him.
Published 11/17/23
Jesus' power and authority resides in those who have accepted Him as the Lord and Saviour of their life. Therefore, His life, which is of abundance, peace, fullness, joy, healing, restoration, and revival, will be made manifest in that life that is surrendered to Him. And must not be just contained but continuously overflowing for all to experience.
Published 11/07/23
God does not look at the outside appearance of a person but looks at the heart. And a true worshipper of God hides in his heart the Words of the Father. And those who love and obey God, when he calls on Him in prayer, He hear because God knows that this person reveres His Word and is truly worshipping Him in spite of it all.
Published 11/03/23
The Lord said that if we seek Him, we will find Him, if we seek Him with all of our heart. Not half-hearted but with our whole heart. And this means putting aside ourselves and making the center of our lives His will, prioritizing what He wants for us to do.
Published 09/26/23
The Holy Spirit is living inside us when we receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour of our life. It is like we have this dynamic and awesome power and authority within us because of our identity in Christ. When we let the Holy Spirit work in us, we will not get weary, dry, or burn out, because it is not us but the Holy Spirit who is at work and is empowering us to do all the work of God.
Published 09/19/23
We are saved to share the salvation we have, which we got for free. When we accept Christ, we are given the task, as well as the authority, to be His ambassador of peace and love in this world. It is not about us but about Jesus now. Carry this thought all throughout your day and exercise it regularly. Start with your family, relatives, friends, co-workers, and colleagues. Spread it out!
Published 09/14/23
There is power in prayer. It has been recorded even in the ancient Bible time stories, that there is truly power in prayer. Allow God to move in your situation through prayer and watch it not only turn around for you but in such a miraculous way that no man can boast. Not only in your personal life but in others as well. Pray over your life, your family, your country, and the whole world. Speak life and God's promises, and believe.
Published 09/08/23