Seta Araz Shahinian is a highly gifted healer and channel who writes very special, customized prayers that can help a person overcome any set of limitations he or she is experiencing. During this fascinating interview, Seta and Irene discuss what transpires spiritually during a funeral, who hears us when we pray, why it is important to pray for a soul that has deceased, the burdens a soul carries forward from past lives, what is “Multiple Soul Syndrome,” what is an enhanced superlative...
Published 06/12/24
Up next on Grief and Rebirth, we are joined by returning guest Seta Araz Shahinian, a remarkable healer and channeler. She crafts personalized prayers that empower individuals to transcend limitations. Join us as we delve into the spiritual dynamics of funerals, the recipients of our prayers, the significance of praying for departed souls, karmic burdens across lifetimes, "Multiple Soul Syndrome," enhanced timelines, Seta's 7 steps to abundance, and beyond. 📱 Subscribe and Listen to the...
Published 06/10/24
The highly accomplished Suzanne Anderson is an author, a psychologist, an executive coach, an international speaker, and the Founder of the Mysterial Woman Initiative, a social enterprise that is dedicated to the awakening, development, and support of women as integral leaders shaping a positive future for all beings. She is co-author of the triple award-winning book The Way of the Mysterial Woman: Upgrading How You Live, Love, and Lead, and her new book, titled You Make Your Way by Walking:...
Published 06/07/24
Next on Grief and Rebirth, Irene has the pleasure of being joined for a conversation with Suzanne Anderson, who is an author, a psychologist, an executive coach, an international speaker and the founder of The Mysterial Woman Initiative. You'll hear how her developmental years set the stage for later guiding women to awaken to their full feminine and masculine strengths, the key spiritual practices that allowed her to navigate her grief, betrayal, and loss after her husband’s suicide, the...
Published 06/06/24
Certified Soul Nurturer Alena Chapman is a 2-Time International Best-Selling Author, a speaker, a Spiritual Thought Leader, and a Shaman who has dedicated her life to helping others discover their true desires and create happy, fulfilling lives by helping them discover the true gifts of their soul. As she helps people to understand why they are stuck, unhappy, and unfulfilled, Alena’s clients begin to identify what they are here to achieve in life. Tune in to find out how Alena was visited by...
Published 06/05/24
Two-time international Best-Selling Author, speaker, Spiritual Thought Leader, Shaman, and certified Soul Nurturer, Alena Chapman joins Irene for a conversation about being visited by an angel during her childhood, what it means to have good spiritual health, her holistic approach to healing, how our “inner critic” holds us down, what is a soul retrieval ceremony, and much more. 📱 Subscribe and Listen to the Grief and Rebirth Podcast...
Published 06/04/24
Tammy Franklin is a Psychic Medium, a Spiritual Teacher, a Healer, and a soul expert whose spiritual guidance provides higher-dimensional insights that help her clients on their soul’s journey, freeing them from their fear-based and self-limiting consciousness and bringing them awareness of the “unseen” energies that are influencing their lives. Be sure to tune in to hear Irene and Tammy discuss spiritual intelligence, soul wounds and soul empowerment, spiritual bypassing of fear and...
Published 05/29/24
Irene is joined by Psychic Medium, Spiritual Teacher, and Healer Tammy Franklin in the next episode of Grief and Rebirth. They talk about spiritual intelligence, soul wounds and soul empowerment, spiritual bypassing of fear and avoidance of the unknown, how negative emotions block us from knowing ourselves, this significant time of change in consciousness humanity is now moving through, and much more. 📱 Subscribe and Listen to the Grief and Rebirth Podcast...
Published 05/27/24
Nicole Christie is a writer, a Master Storyteller, and a dynamic entrepreneur who courageously rebooted her life after weathering two health crises in rapid succession, moving to a new city, recovering from narcissistic abuse, leaving her marriage, and stepping away from a significant career in communications at Microsoft to follow a more purposeful path. Tune in for this inspiring interview with Nicole about her survival story overcoming daunting health challenges, why she felt like an...
Published 05/22/24
Writer, Master Storyteller, and dynamic entrepreneur, Nicole Christie joins me on Grief and Rebirth to tell of her survival story of overcoming daunting health challenges, why she felt like an outsider on the inside in corporate America, her guidance about recognizing, surviving, and thriving after narcissistic abuse, her journey to self-care and self-discovery after courageously overcoming traumatic health, relationship and career challenges, and so much more. 
Published 05/20/24
Phillip Mountrose is a highly regarded spiritual healer, coach, and trainer whose unique approach to healing and coaching integrates the wisdom of Eastern and Western philosophies, energy medicine, and modern psychology. His transformative work empowers individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve profound healing on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, and his latest book, titled The Loving Power of Your Soul: A Guidebook for Realizing Your True Potential,...
Published 05/15/24
Irene interviews spiritual healer, coach, and trainer, Phillip Mountrose, who is known for his transformative work empowering individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve profound healing on all levels—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. He addresses profound questions such as: Who are you and why are you here? How can you reliably access your inner truth and wisdom to guide you on your journey? And…. how can we clear roadblocks and move forward on our soul’s journey with...
Published 05/13/24
Are you aware that there is a connection between grief and clutter? Janine Sarna-Jones is a Certified Professional Organizer and Certified Senior Move Manager who is passionate about helping clients reduce stress during life transitions, creating customized solutions, and managing complex projects to completion. Through her concierge-style team approach, Janine’s company Organize Me provides outstanding move management and unpacking services, estate clearance, project management, and...
Published 05/08/24
Irene welcomes Janine Sarna-Jones on the next episode of Grief and Rebirth, a Certified Professional Organizer and Certified Senior Move Manager whose passion lies in helping clients reduce stress during life transitions, creating customized solutions, and managing complex projects to completion, through her company Organize Me Inc. 
Published 05/06/24
Steven Twohig is a dedicated practitioner, guide, and International Speaker in the transformative realm of Shadow Work, with 23 years of practice across many areas, including trauma, PTSD, addiction, homelessness, psychedelics, spirituality, and more. With a deep sense of purpose and a genuine desire to support others on their journey of self-discovery, Steven has honed his skills as a facilitator and mentor, blending ancient wisdom with modern insights to create a holistic approach to Shadow...
Published 05/01/24
Tune in for an interview with Steven Twohig, a dedicated practitioner, guide, and International Speaker in the transformative realm of Shadow Work, with 23 years of practice across many areas, including trauma, PTSD, addiction, homelessness, psychedelics, and spirituality. Irene and Steven talk about the trauma he experienced when he was three years old that inspired his calling, his work and study under the world’s leading business and life strategist Tony Robbins, the transformative power...
Published 04/29/24
Nikki Mark is the author of a highly moving memoir titled Tommy’s Field: Love, Loss, and the Goal of a Lifetime, about the unexpected passing of her 12-year-old son Tommy and her unconventional journey to create a legacy for Tommy and to heal her heart. In this heartfelt memoir, Nikki, who has led operations for high-powered hospitality and sports team start-ups, captures the power of play, inspiration, unity, and healing as she transformed neglected land in a Los Angeles public park into a...
Published 04/24/24
Irene interviews Nikki Mark, who is the author of a moving memoir titled Tommy’s Field: Love, Loss, and the Goal of a Lifetime. We hear about the spiritual awakening she experienced that began 3 days before Tommy transitioned, how Tommy guides Nikki through spiritual signs, Nikki’s alternative healing journey, her challenges transforming neglected land into a state-of-the-art athletic field in honor of Tommy, why Nikki set out to heal for the benefit of her entire family, and more.
Published 04/22/24
Psychotherapist and Personal Development Coach Tanya Cole-Lesnick had her first experience with a therapist in her mid-twenties when she sought the answer to why her love life wasn’t living up to her hopes, and she wanted to understand what was getting in the way. One-on-one therapy was followed up by group therapy that significantly transformed Tanya’s life, because not only did she meet and marry her husband during that time, but she also made the decision to leave her career as a graphic...
Published 04/17/24
Irene has the pleasure of interviewing Psychotherapist and Personal Development Coach, Tanya Cole-Lesnick. In a deeply inspiring conversation, she shares about feeling unlovable before she began working with a therapist, how group therapy changed her relationship with herself, the energetic clutter that keeps people from growth and meaning in their lives, how group work helps people touch on their unconscious issues, her transformational coaching program called Activate, and more.
Published 04/15/24
Riya Sokol is an internationally acclaimed artist, mindset mentor, speaker, and tantric coach who lives in Warsaw, Poland. She was already immersed in show business at the tender age of 6, traveling around the world singing and dancing, and as a young adult, she was experiencing show business’ red carpets, drugs, alcohol, and the celebrity world while also feeling drawn to what felt like a kind of parallel reality, the world of energy and mysticism. When she was later diagnosed with...
Published 04/10/24
“Don’t wait for an extraordinary life. Make it extraordinary now.” This is the mantra of Riya Sokol, this episode’s guest, whose story inspires us to seize life and navigate our reality so it can become the life we have always dreamed of. Riya is an internationally acclaimed artist, mindset mentor, speaker, and tantric coach. She joins Irene Weinberg to share her remarkable journey from a childhood immersed in show business to navigating the realms of energy and mysticism. From Riya’s...
Published 04/08/24
Multi-sensitive Tracee Dunblazier is a spiritual empath, a shaman, an educator, and a spiritual counselor. Her specialties include soul retrieval, past life history, Shamanic healing, mediumship, grief counseling, intuitive counseling, addiction transformation, space clearings, relationships, transition strategy, and multi-dimensional understanding, which means to look at a situation from different viewpoints to grasp aspects of the situation beyond a limited perspective. Tracee is an...
Published 04/03/24